Propagation of the seagrass, Zostera marina, was examined by using artificial seeding methods on polypropylene
mats named as a sediment stabilizer mat (SS-mat) used to decreasing sediment disturbance on the sand
substratum off Kushiki, Naruto, Tokushima prefecture, eastem Seto Inland Sea. SS-mats (1m x 1m, 4cm, 23 and
31kg of weights) were made of pemeable meshes. The first experiment was started in autumn, 1995 and the
second experiment in autumn, 1996. Plants of Z. marina, seeded on to the mats, grew successfully for four years
even under a harsh environmental condition of high wave height and fluctuations of the sand bottom level in the
winter season. In both experiments, the shoot density on the SS-mats was observed to decrease after the maximum
number of individual shoots (50-60 shoots/m
2) in the first summer season to several shoots/m
2 in the 2nd
and 3rd summer seasons. Z. marina plants made reproductive flowering shoots on the SS-mats since 2nd spring
maturing period. The SS-mats were useful in germination of seed and growth of seedlings for Z. marina, but not
useful for the survival of adult plants due to the lack of sand accumulation on the mats. Such long term monitoring
of continuous growth of Z. marina plants on the SS-mats is required for promoting the methodoIogy of establishing
sea grass beds restoration.