Southeast Asian countries have strong interest in the artificial reef project in their territorial zone. To aid their program, the author implemented the following items at the Gulf of Thailand. First, an evaluation survey had been carried out at the sites installed several types of meager modules for the last two decades by the Govemment of Thailand. Second, an experiment was implemented, using the new types of bamboo-reinforced concrete modules from the economical point of view, Which durability must be longer and inexpensive than steelreinforced concrete. Follow-up survey had been carried out for one year after installed the modules from the physical point of view; i.e. to verify the stability of the modules. As a result, fortunately, immediately after the ihstallation of the modules, they were proved to have stronger resistance to extemal forces than stated in the desing calculations. Nevertheless, the modules were found to be stable and undamaged during the follow-up survey. As a conclusion, bamboo-reinforced concrete is suitable and recommendable material for the artificial reef module in the region.