This paper focuses on problem about management and collection of the loans by government financial institution. Specifically, this article examines how the Japan Development Bank (JDB, Nihon Kaihatsu Ginkou) managed and collected loans that taken over from the Reconstruction Finance Bank (RFB, Fukkou Kinyuu Kinko) in the first half of the 1950s.
The RFB, which played an important role in reconstruction of Japanese economy after World War II by supplying industrial funds, was disbanded in January 1952. Its vast uncollected loans were taken over by the JDB. Since then, the JDB managed and collected those loans.
Among those loans, loans to coal mining industry were the biggest one measured by outstanding loans and amount of collection. In addition, collection rate of loans to that industry was lowest at end of March 1956.
In the first half of 1950s, for the JDB, collected money of those loans was important resource on its own activities. Therefore, the JDB selected to mitigate collection from coal mining industry on its own managerial point of view. Around the same time, the Government, whose priority was put on cutting price of coal, made several plans that included across-the-board mitigation of collection from that industry. However, those plans were not brought into effect. If political and unselective mitigation carried out along those plans, collection rate of loans to that industry was far lower.
Previous studies about the JDB put importance on its independence at lending activities that is one aspect of the financial institution. However, the result of this paper shows that its subjectivity at managing and collecting activities that is another aspect also should be emphasized.