Online ISSN : 1883-8995
Print ISSN : 0386-9113
ISSN-L : 0386-9113
47 巻, 2 号
  • 菊池 慶彦
    2012 年 47 巻 2 号 p. 2_3-2_29
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2016/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the development of the Japanese electric lamp industry after the Russo-Japanese war. Subsequent to the war, the Japanese electric power industry grew rapidly, and there was a substantial increase in the supply of electric lighting. In this robust market, the Japanese electric lamp industry gradually gained ascendency over imported lamps.
    In 1905, the Tokyo Electric Company entered into a capital and technical alliance with General Electric. Tokyo Electric as a subsidiary of GE attained the advantage in the Japanese market. Further, Tokyo Electric had a close connection with large customers and reliable information on the Japanese market. Conversely, GE had superior mass production technology. Owing to the combination of the above-mentioned strong points, Tokyo Electric expanded the supply of market-oriented quality products.
    Simultaneously, several manufacturers also entered the market. A number of these mature influential firms established close connections with large customers. The competition between Tokyo Electric and those influential firms facilitated the growth of the electric lamp industry.
    Meanwhile, the technical development of electric lamp was very rapid. In Europe and USA, several new types of lamps were developed. The most important product was the drawn-wire tungsten filament lamp, and it was developed by GE. As a result of the introduction of technology and supply of tungsten filament from GE, Tokyo Electric succeeded in manufacturing the new product.
    GE's strong patent gave Tokyo Electric a monopoly in the Japanese market. However, the coexistence of Tokyo Electric with several small-scale manufacturers continued. The increase in the supply of engineers and skilled laborers, the formation of related industry, and the close relationship and financial contribution with large customers facilitated entry and growth of small manufacturers. Moreover, several manufacturers attempted to open the retail market and export.
  • ―木曽電気製鉄から大同電力へ―
    浅野 伸一
    2012 年 47 巻 2 号 p. 2_30-2_48
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2016/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    Kiso Electric Iron & Steel Manufacture, which inherited water right and hydro-electric power stations of the Kiso River possessed by Nagoya Electric Light Company, was founded in the middle of the economic boom of the First World War, whose business purpose was manufacture of iron & steel using electric power and the wholesale of electric power. This company was the predecessor of today's Daido Steel Company and at the same time the predecessor of Daido Electric Power Company, which was one of the so-called “five great electric power company” in the 1930's and developed to today's Kansai Electric Power Company. I analyse the business, unifying manufacture of iron & steel using electric power and the wholesale of electric power, which has been treated as a separate business so far, then show the reason of foundation of Kiso Electric Iron & Steel Manufacture, which secured water right of the Kiso, and study why water right of the Kiso was separated from Nagoya Electric Light Company. I also demonstrate the transition of iron manufacture plant based upon the newly found material. Kiso Electric Iron & Steel Manufacture came to a dead-lock by the end of economic boom of the First World War, besides technical trouble and turned the wholesale of electric power as main business, and iron & steel manufacture as its side job, and finally Daido Electric Power Company being established. Through these analysis, I want to show the meaning of following issue at the electric power industry; ① the formation of nation-wide wholesale industry of electric power, ② the transformation of electric supply system in the Chubu Area, and ③ the development of management by Momosuke Fukuzawa, so-called “king of electric power”.
  • ―醤油醸造業者 高梨家(千葉県東葛飾郡野田町)を事例に―
    前田 廉孝
    2012 年 47 巻 2 号 p. 2_49-2_75
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2016/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper aims to determine the factors that led to the improvement of soy sauce brewery management during the Meiji and Taisho Eras. In particular, we focus on how the Takanashi family, now Kikkoman Corporation, procured raw materials from 1887 to 1917.
    The food manufacturing industry accounted for more than 20 percent of the production volume of all industries in pre-war Japan. Until the 1900s, the soy sauce brewing industry was the third largest producer from among all types of food manufacturing industries. Two factors shaped the brewing industry. First, over 50 percent of the production cost went toward the procurement of raw materials. Second, after the late 1890s, a crucial condition for the expansion of the soy sauce industry was securing stable supply of raw materials not only from domestic regions but also from foreign countries and Japanese colonies. Therefore, we analyze the decision-making process of brewery companies with regard to the raw materials they used.
    Takanashi produced high quality soy sauce and low quality one. However, the price of the high quality sauce increased considerably after the 1890s. Therefore, Takanashi began to increase the production of the high quality sauce. They also began to procure imported raw materials mainly for the low quality sauce to reduce its cost. For the high quality sauce, they chose good quality raw materials. These raw materials procurement strategies played an important role in improving the competitive position of Takanashi's soy sauce in the market. Nonetheless, because the ratio of the quantity of high quality to low quality sauce increased, Takanashi was no longer able to strike a balance between cost reduction of the low quality sauce and quality maintenance of high quality one. This indicates a limitation of these strategies, and it was one of the causes of the emergence of the Noda Shoyu Company, Kikkoman's predecessor, that was established through a merger of individual proprietorships in 1917.