藤本 康孝
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
山口 仁一
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
福田 昭治, 鈴木 邦生
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
This paper describes how current harmonics or torque ripples in AC drives vary when different PWM methods or a number of output voltage levels are employed. The harmonic distortion determining factor (HDDF), which represents the intrinsic spectral property of individual PWM methods, is calculated for each of the multilevel PWM methods, and is used as a common quality index. Almost all the carrier-based PWM schemes that have been proposed so far are considered. HDDF values are, for example, helpful for designing AC drive systems because they can be used for predicting the current harmonics or torque ripples.
L. R. Barbosa, J. B. Vieira Jr., J. A. Lambert, L. C. de Freitas, V. J ...
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
The use of switching regulator circuits at high power levels and high frequencies requires careful examination and control of the power dissipation during switching. In this paper it is shown a family of PWM soft-single-switched converters which, having only a single active switch, is able to operate with soft switching in a pulse width modulation way without voltage and high current stresses. In addition such converters can work at high switching frequencies for wide range of load. In order to illustrate the operating principle of these new converters a detailed study, including simulations and experimental test is carried out. The validity of these new converters is guaranteed by the obtained results.
寺田 賢治, 山口 順一
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
At the access control of the security room, the many of methods of identifying individuals are based on the use of ID cards. But these methods have problems in the sense that persons must use their hands to input the cards into the card reader every time they go in and out. The authors have developed a method of identifying individuals by using the stereo image of the name plate which is usually clipped on each breast of persons in many offices. After obtaining the name plate image by the camera, it is necessary to calibrate three dimensional misalignments in the direction of the name plate, which were caused at the time images were obtained. Therefore the stereo-image is used for three dimensional calibration. The three dimensional calibration is carried out by transferring the name plate image to the image estimated that it would be obtained in the case of setting the name plate opposite to the camera accurately. The identification is accomplished by using a neural network. In this paper, the authors describe the results of the experiments which were performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
山村 昌
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
The spiral vector method was applied by the author to analysis of the synchronous machine, providing new analytical solution of both steady and transient states. With respect to steady state the SV diagram was derived and it revealed new aspect of steady state performances of the synchronous machine.
Permanent-Magnet-excited synchronous motors are now used as AC control motors, replacing DC control motors. Their performances are quite different from the field-winding-excited synchronous machine, and they are also different among the magnet-excited synchronous machines, depending on different arrangements of the magnets. SV method will reveal new performances of PMSM and its new control method will be proposed, as the AC control motor.
水谷 良治, 松井 信行
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
This paper presents design and analysis of low speed, high torque permanent magnet motors. The motor has 16-pole, 18-coil construction and a unique winding arrangement to produce high torque. The simplified torque analysis is proposed considering the line of magnetic induction distribution in the motor. The validity of the proposed analysis has been proved by both linear and non-linear FEM analysis. The 500Nm, 200rpm test motor has been designed and constructed and the motor gives the expected characteristics.
大石 潔, 中野 建, 宮下 一郎, 保川 忍
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
In electric motor coaches, when the adhesion force coefficient between rail and driving wheel decreases suddenly, the electric motor coach has a slip phenomena. This paper proposes a new estimation method of the adhesion force coefficient, which is based on disturbance observer. Moreover, the proposed adhesion force coefficient estimation system is applied to a new anti-slip control method in this paper. In the numerical simulation results in this paper, the proposed anti-slip control method well regulates the driving wheel torque of electric motor coach and keeps the maximum value of adhesion force coefficient curve.
徐 炳鴻, 辻 敏夫, 浜津 恭治, 飯島 雅彦
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
This paper proposes an adaptive regulator using a neural network. For a class of systems with linear and nonlinear modeling errors, the conventional optimal regulator is designed based on a known linear part of the controlled system, and the modeling errors included in the controlled system are identified using the neural network. At the same time, the neural network adaptively compensates a control input computed by the predesigned optimal regulator. The proposed regulator is applied to systems with linear and nonlinear modeling errors and simulation experiments are carried out. Results of the computer simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
古賀 俊作, 北野 淳一, 中島 強, 森島 直樹, 丸山 高央
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
In the Yamanashi Maglev Test Line, the location of the train is detected with the inductive radio system within the deviation of 3 degrees. The inductive radio system is very reliable and accurate. However using the inductive radio system, we have to lay the cross inductive cable along the guideway and set up the detecting system of train's location in each power conversion station. Therefore the construction costs of the system is expensive. On the other hand, from the safety point of view, we have to examine the other method of detecting train's location, in case of inductive radio system down.
In this paper, we propose a new train's location detecting system using the phase of Electromotive Force (EMF). In this system, the inductive radio system is not required. In the LSM drive control system, the phase locked loop (PLL) uses the phase of EMF that is estimated by EMF observer. The reduced-order state observer estimates the phase of EMF according to output voltages and currents of Inverter. We report the configuration and the basic characteristics of the EMF observer in the Yamanashi Maglev Test Line.
山中 章広, 渡邉 朝紀, 松岡 成康, 今村 洋一
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
Recently trains raise speed and reduce the motor vehicle ratio. It is needed, therefore, to utilize adhesion force more effectively. In running tests of high speed Shinkansen train, it has become clear that slip and readhesion repeat under strict adhesion conditions as far as they rely on the conventional concept of readhesion control. So we have developed a new control method “Anti-slip Readhesion Control with Presumed Adhesion Force” and confirmed in running tests its various effects. Furthermore, we apply it to commuter transport electric cars to research various points such as effects of control improvement, control parameters which are suitable for it, differences between with presuming and without presuming adhesion force, and so on. In running tests, we confirmed that we can utilize adhesion force more effectively by applying the newly developed control method to commuter transport electric cars.
奥井 明伸, 中道 好信, 池田 春男
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
A superconducting magnetic levitation (Maglev) system employs a linear synchronous motor (LSM) with primary side on ground. This system needs a VVVF inverter with large capacity to drive LSM. As such a inverter, a multiple pulse width modulation (PWM) inverter, which is formed by full bridge inverters connected in series through output transformer, has been developed. However, when output frequency is low, it is difficult for the inverter to generate a voltage required, because the inverter is multiplied by output transformer. So, when the output frequency is low, one of inverter units is switched to half bridge inverter without transformer, and the inverter is controlled by a special voltage assignment control method to reduce the burden on the output transformer of remaining full bridge inverters. This paper describes the voltage assignment control method to reduce the burden on the output transformer while output frequency is low. And the effects of the voltage assignment control method are investigated. And the characteristics of output voltage are discussed in detail.
Chandan Chakraborty, Muneaki Ishida, Takamasa Hori
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
In resonant converters, lagging power factor operation is preferred. Also, if the converter switches are operated at constant frequency, or during the operating load range, the change in frequency is kept minimum, then the switch as well as the converter components can be best utilized. The paper investigates a three-element L-C-L converter topology to operate with minimum change in operating frequency. The analysis and performance are reported for lagging power factor mode of operation. The analysis yields easy-to-use closed-form equations, which can be used to design the converter. Design criteria for voltage regulator type applications are discussed. The usefulness of the design methodology is proved by prototype experiments.
Mineo Tsuji, Shuo Chen, Katsuhiro Izumi, Eiji Yamada
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
This paper proposes a new method of sensorless vector control for induction motors, in which the motor speed is estimated by both instantaneous reactive power and variation of magnetizing current. The proposed system is constructed in a synchronously rotating reference frame and is very simple. Another advantage is that the proposed system can work in regenerating mode without any special technique. A linear model is deduced to analyze system stability. According to the trajectories of poles and zeroes, the system gain is selected to be suited for operating in a wide speed range and in motoring or regenerating mode. The feasibility of the proposed system is verified by digital simulation.
濱根 洋人, 横山 修一, 小野垣 仁, 岩谷 征
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
Plastic extrusion is a well-established method widely used in the polymer processing industry. Extruder typically is composed a large barrel divided into several temperature zones. The control system of extruder is designed by PID control theory. This method deals with independently the barrel which constructs a cylinder. For this reason, this temperature control system sets up the temperature interference between barrels. Then, we tried an improvement of the control system using
H∞ control theory, decoupled control theory, and disturbance observer.
曹 梅芬, 河村 篤男
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
This paper presents a new scheme for the design of a neural oscillatory network which can be used to generate desired walking pattern trajectories considering ZMP (Zero Moment Point) conditions. The scheme is based on evolutionary computation concepts and has advantages in simplicity, flexibility and high calculation speed. The scheme proved to be effective with the results of simulations.
松井 義弘, 竹内 倶佳
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
A torsional vibration is generated because of elastic couplings and joints within servo drive systems. The vibration is an impediment to enhance the performance of the system. Various controllers for the problem are proposed. For example, a PI controller with a first lag filter is able to suppress the vibration and has the robust stability against the model uncertainties. However, when applying the controller to practical problems, the controller has to be modified or redesigned according to various conditions such as the bandwidth of the inner torque control loop within the servo drive system, the sampling period of the controller and the higher resonance modes of the mechanical system. It is not so easy to modify or redesign the controller, because it is not clarified sufficiently why the controller is able to suppress the vibration. In this paper, the frequency characteristics of controllers to suppress the torsional vibration are investigated. Furthermore, to reduce the effects of the bandwidth of the inner torque control loop, the sampling period and higher resonance modes, straightforward design guidelines for designing compensators are proposed. The validity of this method is confirmed by computer simulations and experiments.
Seiji Hashimoto, Hirohito Funato, Kenji Hara, Kenzo Kamiyama
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
This paper proposes direct velocity feedback control (DVFC)-based identification along with its application to robust vibration suppression control of flexible structures. At first, a flexible structure is modified by pseudo-passive control which is realized by DVFC. This DVFC behaves just like a mechanical damper if the sensor and actuator are collocated. Next, system identification is applied to the modified structure. Through this procedure, the accurate structure model for vibration suppression control is more easily derived without paying regard to a sampling time, an identification model and its order. Consequently, the uncertainty such as parameter errors and unmodeled dynamics can be expressed. Finally, the effectiveness of this identification method is verified through the experimental results primarily for a typical earthquake loading and additionally for vibration suppression control of a flexible structure.
古賀 俊作, 北野 淳一, 関 秋生, 中島 強
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
In the Yamanashi Maglev Test Line, LSM is controlled with the PI controller of velocity and phase locked loop. This controller includes integrating action and compensates the position steady-state error and velocity steady-state error. Therefore the Maglev train can be controlled according to the velocity pattern accurately and the error of stopping position is within 2.5cm. Power Conversion Substation of South Group converts the power in frequency (0-46.3Hz), current (0-1015A) and in voltage (0-6, 350V). The Maglev train is controlled within these limits. However when the train accelerates and reduces maximally, it needs the power more than the limits. Naturally output power is limited within the limits, the performance of the control system is getting worse. For concrete example, at the transition from acceleration to even speed or from reduction to even speed, the overshoot or undershoot of the speed occurs. If this condition occurs at the stopping, the train moves back. These movement are not so good for the riding comfort.
In this paper, we propose the Improvement method of integrating action in case of the saturation of output current. Firstly we report the configuration and basic characteristics of the method, and then we show the experiment results .
深澤 裕, 金谷 一慶, 大崎 博之, 正田 英介
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
A superconducting magnetic gradient levitation system, which only needs an iron, bulk superconductors and permanent magnets or coils, can realize an interesting levitated transportation system over a relatively long distance because of its simple structure and stable levitation without active control. The system uses superconductors as a field shaping material to form magnetic gradient that can generate stable levitation force acting on the iron. In this paper, three-dimensional numerical analysis of electromagnetic force characteristics in the bulk superconducting magnetic levitation systems is carried out and the results of this analysis are compared with the experiment. From these results we have confirmed that the three-dimensional structure of the magnetic field and the electromagnetic performance of the superconductors strongly influence the characteristics of the electromagnetic force acting on the iron.
山口 昌, 古川 隆幸, 鹿野 快男, 村田 究
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
In this paper, slot depth of armature core was examined in permanent magnet type linear synchronous motor (LSM) which adopted rail support construction from both sides of experiment and calculation. It was clear that the effect of the depth of the slot for the static thrust was small, if the permanent magnet of large magnet coercive force is installed, and the air gap is not especially big.
今井 孝二, 土田 縫夫, 早川 聰一郎, 山田 陽滋
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
This paper presents a unique active filter system which operates with direct digital control (DDC). The system synthesizes the almost identical current with the total harmonic currents generated from the load. The current is injected to the a. c. source line by inverse phase. Although the control is based on simple digital calculations, it is proved that the a. c. source line current can be nearly sinusoidal current on a computer simulations as well as a bench mark test in a single phase circuit with nonlinear load.
青木 幸生, 荒生 靖史, 藤井 富朗
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
In this paper, we show the experimental results on the size distribution of collected and non-collected particles in a two- stage type ESP (electrostatic precipitator). In order to reveal the collection mechanism the dust size distribution of each part of ESP was qualitatively investigated by means of the scanning electron microscope images.
We used the wire-plate configuration in the charging electrode and the plate-plate configuration in the collection electrode. In charging section, the front part of grounded plates has collected particles of under 10μm and the middle and rear parts of that have collected bigger particles. In collection section, the all parts of grounded plates have collected finer particles selectively.
Interactive effects of air flow, Coulomb's force and corona wind play a key role in these results.
清武 博文, 岡田 英彦, 石坂 耕一, 伊藤 良三
1999 年 119 巻 6 号 p.
発行日: 1999/06/01
公開日: 2008/12/19
A technique for improving the input current distortion of single-phase boost rectifier with step-up/down operation is studied. By employing the voltage reversibility, capacitor voltage is superimposed upon the supply when the switches are turned on. The arrangement tested, using two insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) and a micro computer as a PID controller, is implemented and IGBTs are switched at 20kHz, which is out of the audible band. The experimental results confirm that the input current distortion can be improved with a near-unity power factor.