The constituent of moisture, protein, fat, ash, fiber, total sugar, reducing sugar, saccharose, starch, peroxide value and thiobarbituric acid value were determined as chemical constituents in 25 kinds of commercial cooked Curry and sensory test on 14 kinds commercial cooked Curry was also carried out. On results of chemical constituents analysis, characteristics of Curry was examined by application of principal component analysis. The results were as follows: (1) The analytical value were ranged from 65.7-80.0% for moisture, 3.3-5.6% for protein, 4.4-13.6% for fat, 1.1-2.8% for ash, 1.1-4.0% for fiber, 5.9-15.8% for total sugar, 0.4-1.6% for reducing sugar, 0.8-4.3% for saccharose, 2.7-10.4% for starch, 1.9-5.9 for peroxide value, 0.3-1.1 for thiobarbituric acid value. (2) Principal component analysis showed that component of carbohydrate and moisture was first principal component and component of quality indication of fat and sweet taste were second principal components. (3) By a sensory test it was found hat weak aroma of spices and meat, and weak brown colour, tasty, and balanced taste were favoured.
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