This paper describes a software framework which can support different types of bodies and behaviors with different processing times. The system we propose consists of 3 parts,
“Mother, Brain, Sensor & Actuator”. Brain consists of robot behavior programs and their supporting libraries, and Sensor & Actuator consists of sensor processing and actuator control system. Mother consists of tools to produce and evolve Brain programs.
In building tools and libraries for such a platform you are faced with two major problems. One is, system architecture will always have a trade-off relationship with “extensibility” and “shareablity” . The other problem you encounter is the difference in execution time between the low-level real-time reactive environment and the high-level behavioral software.
In this paper we describe the methods and the software environment that we built which overcomes the problems mentioned above, based on the remote-brained robotic approach. This system enables us to develop flexible multiprocess networks made of processes with differing computing times which in turn enables the contruction of various brain architectures.