Kinematics of Grasping and Manipulation by multi-fingered rbotic hands where Multi-Finger-Surfaces are in contact with an object (GMMFS problem) is a problem to obtain finger joint displacements
q and the position of contact points
r of two curved surfaces of the fingersurface and the object for the given object position and orientation
rw (inverse kinematics), and to obtain
rw and
r for the given
q (direct kinematics) . In the previous paper, fundamental contact equation and three contact motions (i.e., pure rolling, twist rolling and slide rolling) in manipulation were formulated. Some examples of analytical solution for object dealing with simple shapes such as block, sphere, cylinder, etc. were shown. In this paper, a new method for solving the GMMFS problem of object with complicated shape is proposed. Assuming that finger has cylindrical links and ellipsoidal tip, and object is composed of B-spline surfaces, the contact equation of the finger and the object is solved by numerical recursive calculation, where six cases of the contact solution are used. The new method gives all possible solutions for the contact of the finger and the object. Simulation system of the GMMFS with a B-spline surface object is developed. Some examples of simulation of the GMMFS with the B-spline surface object are illustrated.