This paper describes the
GETEX (German ETS-VII EXperiments) joint robotics experiments, which has been conducted in April '99 at the first free-floating space robot on NASDA's ETS-VII satellite [1] . All the experiments have been performed and controlled from DLR's ground control system for space robotics applications which was connected to NASDA's ground station in Tsukuba. The telerobotic system combines sensor-based task-level
teleprogramrning (as the basis for autonomy) with the features of
teleoperation and shared autonomy. The hierarchical system structure is shown as well as the flexibility in programming and controlling each kind of space robotics application. This approach has led to a modular task-directed programming scheme, called
A & R Controller (MARCO), which provides a very flexible architecture to adapt the application-specific requirements to a given controlling scheme. A peg-in-hole experiment, using VR methods and the
“vision & force” control scheme, by closing sensor control loops directly on-board (force) and via the ground control system (vision) is explained. During GETEX we conducted experiments with relevance to the behavior of ETS-VII in
free motion mode in order to verify the existing dynamic models.