Naturally occurring food substances may constitute safety hazards. The risks associated with plant-derived pyrrolizidine alkaloids have been extensively evaluated. Petasites japonicus (common Japanese name, fuki) is a widely consumed water-soluble pyrrolizidine alkaloid-producing plant. In this study, neopetasitenine (acetylfukinotoxin) was selected as a model food substrate (for which human pharmacokinetics were estimated) because of its high concentration in fuki, along with petasitenine (fukinotoxin), its carcinogenic deacetylated metabolite. Although neopetasitenine was rapidly absorbed and converted to petasitenine after oral administration of 1.0 mg/kg in rats, petasitenine was slowly cleared from plasma. Forward dosimetry was conducted using in silico simplified physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling formulated on experimental pharmacokinetic rat data. From ~2 hr after the oral administration of neopetasitenine in rats, the plasma concentrations of petasitenine were higher than those of neopetasitenine under the present conditions. A human PBPK model was established following an allometric scaling approach applied to rat parameters (without considering interspecies factors) to estimate human intrinsic hepatic clearances from empirical rat values. Human in silico neopetasitenine and petasitenine plasma concentration curves were simulated after daily oral administrations of 3.0 and 1.3 mg/kg neopetasitenine. These doses were taken from reported acute/short-term cases of pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicity. In vitro hepatotoxicity of neopetasitenine and petasitenine was caused by their high concentrations in the medium for human hepatocyte-like cell line HepaRG cells as an index of lactate dehydrogenase leakage. Neopetasitenine was estimated to be rapidly absorbed and converted to deacetylated carcinogenic petasitenine, even after hepatotoxic doses of 1.0 mg/kg in humans. If the water-soluble pyrrolizidine alkaloid-producing plant P. japonicus were daily consumed as food, current simulation results suggest that dangerous amounts of deacetylated petasitenine could be continuously present in human plasma.
Mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) concentrations in marketed cigarettes from South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom (UK), Belgium, Italy, Finland, and France were investigated. The cigarettes from Vietnam and Thailand had the highest trend of Hg. Meanwhile, Cd was found higher in cigarettes from Thailand, the UK, and Belgium. Pb concentrations in cigarettes from Belgium, the UK, and Korea were higher than others. The average of these heavy metals concentrated in cigarettes was in the order of Pb > Cd > Hg. Furthermore, the contents of these heavy metals in cigarette leaves were much higher than in filter and rolling paper. There was a significant positive correlation between Hg and Cd, but no correlation between Cd and Pb and between Hg and Pb. Significant positive correlations of nicotine with Hg and Cd but not Pb in the cigarette were observed. Activated carbon filters (Ce-C) absorb Cd and Pb from cigarette leaves and rolling paper indicated a higher trapping trend than cellulose acetate filter without activated carbon (Ce). The trapping ratios of Ce-C (Cd: 5.53%, Pb:5.41%) were higher than Ce (Cd:3.09%, Pb:5.49%). On the other hand, Hg had lower absorption by both types of filters (Ce:0.15%, Ce-C:0.02%). This revealed that Hg, Cd and Pb absorption ability by both filters was relatively lower to the total concentration of these metals in tobacco leaves and rolling paper. The concern was that the higher concentrations of metals such as Hg, Cd and Pb in cigarettes might exist in mainstream smoke.
An increased susceptibility to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in female rat offspring that experienced prenatal ethanol exposure (PEE) has been previously demonstrated. The present study further investigated the potential mechanism. Based on the results from both fetal and adult studies of offspring rats that experienced PEE (4 g/kg/day), the fetal weight, serum glucose and triglyceride levels decreased significantly and hepatocellular ultra-structure was altered. Fetal livers exhibited inhibited expression and activity of sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), enhanced expression of lipogenic genes: sterol regulatory element binding protein 1c (SREBP1c), fatty acid synthase (FASN), acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase α (ACCα), stearyl-coenzyme A desaturase 1 (SCD1). In adult offspring fed with high-fat diet, the PEE offspring revealed obviously catch-up growth, increased food intake, elevated serum metabolic phenotypes, suppressed hepatic SIRT1-SREBP1c pathway, and formation of NAFLD. Resveratrol (the chemical activator of SIRT1) could remarkably reverse the serum metabolic phenotypes and alleviate the hepatocyte steatosis in relation to the PEE offspring through activating the hepatic SIRT1-SREBP1c pathway. Therefore, increased susceptibility to diet-induced NAFLD in PEE offspring appears to be mediated by intrauterine programming of hepatic lipogenesis via the SIRT1-SREBP1c pathway. This altered programming effect could partially be reversed by resveratrol intervention after birth in PEE offspring rats.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). SARS-CoV-2 enters host cells by binding with the receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). While ACE2 is expressed in multiple cell types, it has been implicated in the clinical progression of COVID-19 as an entry point for SARS-CoV-2 into respiratory cells. Human respiratory cells, such as airway and alveolar epithelial type II (ATII) cells, are considered essential for COVID-19 research; however, primary human respiratory cells are difficult to obtain. In the present study, we generated ATII and club cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) for SARS-CoV-2 infection and drug testing. The differentiated cells expressed ATII markers (SFTPB, SFTPC, ABCA3, SLC34A2) or club cell markers (SCGB1A1 and SCGB3A2). Differentiated cells, which express ACE2 and TMPRSS2, were infected with SARS-CoV-2. Remdesivir treatment decreased intracellular SARS-CoV-2 viral replication and, furthermore, treatment with bleomycin showed cytotoxicity in a concentration-dependent manner. These data suggest that hiPSC-derived AT2 and club cells provide a useful in vitro model for drug development.