Effects of NKK-105 against lipid peroxidation of microsomes by CCl
4 are investigated, in vitro. NKK-105 had no effect on microsomal lipid peroxidation. When the microsomal fraction was preincubated with NKK-105 before adding CCl
4, the lipid peroxidation induced with CCl
4 was almost prevented by NKK-105. Effects of NKK-105 administration on aminopyrine N-demethylase, cyt.b
5, cyt.p-45O and lipid peroxidation in CCl
4-induced liver damage were investigated, in vivo. NKK-105 had no effect on the activity of aminopyrine N-demethylase and the content of cyt.b5, cyt.p-450 and peroxide. The content of cyt.b5, cyt.p-450 and the activity of demethylase remarkably decreased with CCl
4 administration, but the content of cyt. p-450 and the demethylase activity were restored about 75% of the control values and cyt.b5 content was completely restored with previous administration of NKK-105. The amount of peroxide in the microsomal fraction increased with CCl
4 administration was restored to the control level with previous administration of NKK-105.
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