The effects of ranitidine hydrochloride, a histamine H
2-receptor antagonist, on delivery, lactation, postnatal development of F
1 generation of Crj : CD (SD) rats were examined. Ranitidine hydrochloride was intravenously administered once daily from day 17 of gestation to day 21 after delivery at dose levels of 5, 15 and 40 mg/kg in base weight respectively. All females were allowed to litter naturally, and postnatal development of offsprings was observed. Tachypnea, prone position and transient tremor were observed for approximately one minute directly after an intravenous administration of ranitidine in the dose of 40 mg/kg, which were probably induced by a rapid fall in blood pressure. In delivery and postpartum observation, there occurred no influence of the ranitidine administration on maternal body weight, delivery and lactation. In studies on general behavior of F
1 rats, no abnormal changes were observed on postnatal development and various functions such as reflex response and learning. Ranitidine treatment did not affect reproductive performances of F
1 generation. A slight inhibition in body weight gain and a slight decrease in average weight of liver were observed in F
1 females of 40 mg/kg group, but no other influence attributable to the ranitidine administration was observed on the general state and development of offsprings. In necropsy of offsprings, hydronephrosis, transitional epithelial cartinoma; kinky tail; unilateral absence of testis and epididymis were observed in one case of ranitidine-treated groups. But they were not attributable to administration of ranitidine. In summary, it was concluded that ranitidine hydrochloride had no effects on delivery and lactation of dams, and also on viability, development and various functions of F
1 generation at the dose of 40 mg/kg/day or less.
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