Journal of the Japan Society for Management Information
Online ISSN : 2435-2209
Print ISSN : 0918-7324
Volume 29, Issue 4
Displaying 1-2 of 2 articles from this issue
  • Hirotaka YANADA, Setsuya KURAHASHI
    2021 Volume 29 Issue 4 Pages 251-271
    Published: March 15, 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2021

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between the performances of start-ups and external supports to them. For the analysis, we used a questionnaire survey with responses from 2,897 start-ups (as of the 1st survey). As the analysis means, we adopted propensity score matching, which is one of the causal inference methods. First, after categorizing external supports and performances, and examining the effect of each support, we found that most external supports have no causal effects on their performances to improve. Next, when we examined some external supports in combination with other supports, new causal effects such as significant growth in sales were confirmed by combining non-public and public funding supports. These results suggest the effectiveness of carefully seeking out external support and its combination based on the future image of each start-up.

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  • Kazuki YOSHIDA
    2021 Volume 29 Issue 4 Pages 273-294
    Published: March 15, 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2021

    A process for a conceptual design and its simulation toward new business model creation is proposed. In this process, a SWOT analysis on Business Model Canvas (BMC) is done to clarify strength and weakness of the company, then Business Model Pattern (BMP) is chosen to formulate its creation policy. According to the policy, Action Framework (AF) is applied to decide the measures for realizing the new model, and the migration process to the new model through those measures is simulated using System Dynamics (SD) in order to verify its feasibility, profitability and growth.

    The novelties in this proposal are described as follows.

    - A series of activities from conceptual design to simulation is defined as a process

    - BMP is adopted to formulate the policy

    - SD model generation and modification is regularized for each block of BMC

    - An extension of SD model is regularized for each block of BMC according to the results of applying AF

    - SD model based on BMP is prepared for reuse

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