Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
Online ISSN : 1883-8189
Print ISSN : 0453-4654
ISSN-L : 0453-4654
Volume 5, Issue 1
Displaying 1-13 of 13 articles from this issue
  • Norimasa NOMURA, Osamu TANIGUCHI
    1969 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 1-9
    Published: March 30, 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    In this paper, the maximum principle is applied to a time-optimal control problem of control systems with nonlinear restoring force.
    In order to find the initial values of an adjoint system relating to the control system, L.W. Neustadt's method concerning linear control systems is extended to this class of nonlinear control systems.
    A generalized Z trajectory, which has the same physical meaning as a Z trajectory in Neustadt's method has, is defined, and two noteworthy pronerties of the generalized Z trajectory are clarified from the analysis of the behavior of the trajectory in the state plane. By using the properties, it is proved that the initial values of the adjoint system can be calculated by an iterative procedure using the generalized Z trajectory.
    For illustrating the method proposed here, a control system with particular nonlinear restoring force is considered in the main part of this paper. The application of the similar method to other control systems with general nonlinear restoring force are also discussed.
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  • Yukihiko YAMAMOTO, Ichiro SUGIURA
    1969 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 10-16
    Published: March 30, 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    In case of realizing the results of optimal control theory in the practical problems, the discrepancy between theory and practice is not avoidable. That is, in fixed terminal condition problem, it is desirable to reduce the deviation from it as small as possible.
    Fortunately, there usually exists certain allowable margin of the terminal value. When the optimal control problem is practised, such margin should be considered. This paper presents a calculation technique which determines allowable range of the plant parameter variation with respect to the terminal margin by treating the energy minimum problem with fixed terminal point.
    This calculation is reduced to solving an algebraic equation describing the relation between variations of the plant parameters and that of the terminal value by using the dynamic sensitivity coefficient matrix at terminal time.
    However, as the terminal margin is not always given conveniently for us to solve the equation, a method which enable us to obtain the solution in the sense of engineering is proposed.
    Namely, the solution of the equation is obtained as the best approximate solution by use of the generalized inverse of the dynamic sensitivity coefficient matrix. The allowable range of the plant parameter variation becomes a region which has the maximum norm as its upper bound.
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    1969 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 17-24
    Published: March 30, 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    Optimum operating condition of a single effect, vertical-long-tube type evaporator is presented in this paper. For such evaporator, the value of overall heat transfer coefficient has been given experimentally as a function of drum pressure, heating temperature, flow rate and density of solution.
    Basic equations which describe the static properties of the evaporator are given by taking the mass and energy balances of solution, the material balance of solute, etc. into consideration.
    From these equations, a polyhedron is formed to satisfy the constraints imposed on the variables such as condenser flow rate and circulation flow rate in three-dimensional space whose rectangular coordinate is heat consumption rate, drum pressure and density of solution respectively.
    It is demonstrated that the optimum operating condition is determined by calculating the value of a performance index for each point in the polyhedron.
    As a numerical example, optimum operating condition of a single effect evaporator for caustic soda is shown.
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  • Kunihiko ICHIKAWA, Katsutosi TAMUAR
    1969 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
    Published: March 30, 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    In practice, we often encounter optimization problems involving unknown parameters. A straight-forward synthesizing method of optimal control for this class of problems is proposed in this paper. The essential idea is that the parameter is to be determined so as to minimize the criterion and the parameter value so determined is a function of the initial state of the system. This implies that once the initial state is specified, the parameter is determined.
    Accordingly, the system dynamics and the criterion function are fixed all and the remaining procedure is gained in the same way to solve the conventional optimization problem. That is all we have to do is to find optimal control law through conventional optimization technique. The detail of this method is illustrated through three examples each of which has important technical meaning.
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  • Yoshifumi YAMADA, Shigeru YAMADA
    1969 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 32-39
    Published: March 30, 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    In recent years, the importance of the analog memory device has been grown up for the purpose of disposal of a large quantity of information. Of the devices, an electrolytic analog memory has been studied from the view-point that it may be well used for the simulation of adaptive networks for self-organizing systems. However, most of the electrolytic analog memory devices, for example, an electrode growing type, solion, etc, have generally low sensitivity and slow build-up time. For these defects, they have not been put to practical use yet. On the other hand, a chronopotentiometric device has high sensitivity and rapid response, although it is of destructive read-out type.
    In this paper, a new non-destructive read-out method for chronopotentiometric analog memory is described. This device consists of two memory electrodes and one writing electrode dipped into electrolyte. When an electric current of square wave form is applied to both memory electrodes, the voltage wave form, is varied with the electric charge stored into the memory electrode, and the average value of this voltage indicates the stored charge. In the experiment, Au is used for memory and Ag is used for writing electrode, and also HNO3+AgNO3 or KAg(CN)2 is used as the electolyte. The build-up time is about the order of 1/10 millisecond.
    The principle of the memory, non-destructive read-out method, the characteristics of the device and the effects from some conditions are discussed.
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  • Yoshikazu SAWARAGI, Tsuneo YOSHIKAWA
    1969 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 40-48
    Published: March 30, 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    Discrete-time stochastic optimal control problem of a system whose property is not known precisely, is considered in this paper. It is assumed that the property of the system is correctly expressed with one of the several models pre-assigned and that the a priori probability for each model to be correct is also given. On this assumption, it is showen that the problem considered here can be treated in a similar way to a stochastic optimal control problem of a given dynamical system with unknown parameters. The principal line of attack is to use the Dynamic Programming method.
    After a general formulation, the following two special cases are considered. One is the case of linear system with quadratic criterion; a suboptimal control policy is obtained for this case. The other is the case where all the variables of the system take discrete values.
    Since it is generally difficult to obtain analytical solution to the problem, appropriate suboptimal control policies for practical purpose should be proposed. In the last part of the paper, a method for obtaining the upper and lower bounds for the optimal performance of the problem is considered, which is useful for the evaluation of the degree of approximation to these suboptimal policies.
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  • Takashi YAHAGI
    1969 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 49-57
    Published: March 30, 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    This paper is concerned with the design of linear and nonlinear sampled-data control systems by the method of dynamic programming.
    Usually the dynamics of a control process can be described with a linear vector differential equation in each sampling period and the output response is continuous with respect to time. In this case it is desired that the performance criterion function should be continuous with respect to time.
    From this point of view, three kinds of integral criterion functions are considered in this paper.
    To simplify the problem the discussions are limited to the control processes subject to only one control signal in this paper, but the design procedure can readily be extended to the multivariate control processes subject to a multitude of control signals.
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  • Nobuo HAYASHI
    1969 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 58-65
    Published: March 30, 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    In this paper, some applications of the method of correlation analysis for the identification of nonlinear elements with zero-memory property are discussed. The estimation of nonlinear characteristics by correlation methods is generally very difficult. It is well-known that the conventional correlation method gives the statistically linearized characteristics of general nonlinear systems, however further details about nonlinear characterics of elements are not given by this method.
    A convenient method for the estimation of the nonlinear characteristics of elements is proposed. An algebraic treatment of the equation for the evaluation of nonlinearity factors an is shown. The method proposed here is very easy and rational in comparison with the method of multiple regression analysis for this problem. Finally, some numerical examples are shown.
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  • Setsuzo TSUJI, Kousuke KUMAMARU
    1969 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 66-72
    Published: March 30, 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    In recent years, the application of modern control theory is rapidly expanded to the area of the adaptation and learning problems, with the developement of computer techniques.
    Although theoretical discussions for these problems are very active, it seems that there are not enough considerations and discussions about the technical realizations or practical applications of those problems. Especially, as data processing devices, it is not absolutely necessary to use the expensive universal computers only, and it is expected that some cheaper simple devices are available in some parts of control subjects. It is necessary to attack such investigations which have been little interested, and it is disired to make the possibility of the practical realizations of the theory apparent in some degrees.
    Consequently, this paper is intended to show the possibility of the realization of Kalman filtering by constructing a rather simple data processing device.
    This is for a linear learning control system corrupted by additive gaussian noises with unknown means, for which the authors have synthesized the optimal control policies.
    This device consists of simple conbinations of elements, ie relays, analogue-computers, digitalvoltmeters, potentiometers, punch-tapes, tape-readers and so on.
    The experimental results on this device are discussed in the case of an one-dimensional control system.
    Some discussions for the improvements of this device (multidimensionalization, speed-up of operations, an improvement of calculation accuracy and so on) are presented.
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  • Mitsuhiro UEDA, Takuso SATO
    1969 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 73-77
    Published: March 30, 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    In this paper, a new method of ultrasonic holography which displays a reconstructed image of an acoustically illuminated object in real time is described.
    As compared with the other conventional acoustic imaging techniques, the ultrasonic holography has the advantage of the reconstruction of the image in three-dimensional form. In addition, good lateral resolution without the need for complex ultrasonic imaging optics and good depth resolution without the need for very short ultrasonic pulse are showed. Moreover the ability to use continuous ultrasonic waves permits the detection of very weak ultrasonic scattering region. But in the conventional techniques of ultrasonic holography, scanning the ultrasonic hologram plate or processing a photographic transparency ultrasonic hologram is required before it can be viewed, and it takes a long time to make one picture.
    These problems are circumvented by using the diffraction of light beam by ultrasonic waves, and real time display of the reconstructed image becomes possible by using the method mentioned in this paper.
    This paper contents various photographs of the reconstructed images which show good lateral and depth resolution and the feasibility of the three-dimensional reconstruction is also demonstrated.
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  • Yoshikazu SAWARAGI, Tohru KATAYAMA
    1969 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 78-85
    Published: March 30, 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    This paper presents the method of evaluating the performance loss and of improving the performance of the Wiener-Kalman filter where identification errors exist in mathematical models of dynamic and observation systems.
    The description is mainly divided into two parts. The first part is concerned with the performance loss of the discrete-time Wiener-Kalman filter designed on the basis of the model with errors in both transition and observation matrices. The difference equation which describes the evolution of the actual error covariance matrix is derived. For the first order system, it is shown that the Wiener-Kalman filter is more insensitive to parameter variation in observation model than in system model. The relation between the estimation and the noise free regulator problem is also examined. The second part is devoted to the development of a method of designing linear filter, when the elements of both the transition and observation matrices are randomly time-varying. For this purpose the result of the first part is utilized. Results of digital simulation studies are demonstrated to show the effectiveness of the linear filter presented here.
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  • Minoru HAYASE, Kunihiko ICHIKAWA
    1969 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 86-94
    Published: March 30, 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    The theory of optimal servosystems utilizing the future value of desired function is obtained with the development of the theory of optimal tracking systems. The future value of desired function means the time function of the desired signal which is over some interval subsequent to each present instant.
    In the servosystem utilizing the future value of desired function, the future value of desired function takes a part of the desired signal in the synthesis of optimal tracking system. In contrary with the optimal tracking system, however, only the present control is valid in the servosystem utilizing the future value of desired function, because of the desired signal changes moment by moment in the latter case.
    In some particular cases, the structure of the resultant system is not so intricated that it can be constructed with some sensors of the future value of desired function together with a weighted summing device.
    Both the step and frequency responses of the illustrating second order system show that the optimal servosystem proposed in this paper is much surperior in tracking property to any other conventional servosystem.
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  • Kensuke SHIMIZU, Tadashi KIKUCHI
    1969 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 95-96
    Published: March 30, 1969
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
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