Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
Online ISSN : 1883-8189
Print ISSN : 0453-4654
ISSN-L : 0453-4654
Volume 22, Issue 12
Displaying 1-18 of 18 articles from this issue
  • Koichi MIZUKAMI, Hansheng WU
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1243-1247
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    In this paper, we give another simple method of the proof on the “minimax principle” in the qualitative differential games. By making the assumption on the convexity in the paper, our proof becomes particularly straightforward and simple. Because the method used here is also valid for piecewise continuous control functions with bounded magnitudes, the limitation of that the principle is only valid “in the small” may be untied. In addition, we also make the statement of the qualitative differential game problem more general by means of measures.
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  • Katsuhisa FURUTA, Masaki YAMAKITA
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1248-1255
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    Systems, which are just like industrial robots, must track the same predetermined trajectory precisely and as fast as possible. But it is very difficult for the systems to track the trajectory completely because of the dynamics of the servo mechanism and uncertainty of the parameters. Recently, in the case, where the same motion is repeated, the method to determine the input reducing the error between the desired and actual outputs in the new trial has been studied by many researchers. But those conventional methods have the limitation of class of applicable systems or the property that the final error cannot be avoided.
    In this paper we propose a new method that is derived from the method of steepest descent in Hilbert spaces. As an integral norm is taken as a criterion in this algorithm, mapy advantages can be achieved and the modification of a criterion becomes easy. With our method the synthesis of the compensator is consistent and the determination of parameters for that is easier. So it can be considered that this method is applicable to wider industrial problems effectively.
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  • Stability Condition and Class of Stabilizing Controllers
    Shinji HARA, Yutaka YAMAMOTO
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1256-1261
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    The repetitive control system is a neutral or retarded type time-lag system, which includes a model or approximate model of a generator of periodic signals in the closed-loop. This paper investigates the stability to clarify the design tradeoff between the stability and the frequency band to be tracked. A sufficient condition of the exponential stability is presented and a class of stabilizing controllers including low pass filters is derived by factorization approach. It is also shown that the results obtained here can be directly applied to the analysis and synthesis of learning or iterative control systems and PI-type control systems.
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  • Tsutomu MITA, Boon Chin PANG, Kang Zhi LIU
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1262-1268
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    Today, microprocessors are easily obtained, and many digital control methods can be considered and realized. In this paper, at first, we propose a new optimal control method using only input/output data. The result coincides with the series compensator which can be constructed by optimal regulator incorporated with minimal order observer. However, in the proposed method, the total optimality of closed loop system is derived directly from modified optimal regulator theory.
    However, in the above case, there are some cases where the strong stability are not guaranteed. So, we reformulate the method so that it uses the intersample output data as well, then the strong stability is assured for almost all plants with mild restrictions. Further, the final compensator form is given by an optimal output feedback control.
    Especially, in the case where the plant is given by the linearlized mechanical system, the above optimal output feedback is always realizable using only 2 samples output data prior to current sample. Therefore, it is a very attractive method for the control of robots, for example.
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  • Hiroshi MURATA, Setsuo SAGARA
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1269-1276
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    In this paper, we propose a new auto-tuning deadbeat controller which can obtain a bumpless response in the case of the manual-automatic switching.
    The deadbeat controller is composed of a series compensation controller using integral action and a local feedback controller, and the control system gives the deadbeat response to both the desired value and disturbance.
    To accomplish an auto-tuning a series of processes which include measurements of the step response, matrix computation of the deadbeat control signals, design of the deadbeat controller and bumpless processing for the manual-automatic switching is carried out in a open loop, and then the system is operated as a closed-loop system.
    An actual deadbeat controller is constructed by using a microprocessor and, it is found from experimental results that the control system proposed here gives stable operations and good transient performances.
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  • Kenichi OGASAWARA
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1277-1282
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    Construction problem of Petri net is dealt with. The problem is defined as following: Construct the Petri net with minimal number of transitions from which execution specified given marking sequences results, supposed that one or more transitions enabled at discrete time k=0, 1, … are allowed to fire simultaneously.
    The problem mentioned above can be changed into following Construction Problem, taking into account integer vector which represents connection of a transition with all places for each transition: [Construction Problem] Let D be set of integer vectors which represent changes between markings of given marking sequences. Find a minimal set S0F of integer vectors satisfies following conditions for D: (1) any element of D can be represented as linear combination of elements of S0F and all of whose coefficients are 0 or 1, (2) considering transitions represented their connection with places by the elements of S0F, each transition is always enabled when its firing is required.
    One of methods to obtain solutions of the Construction Problem is given. The method given in this paper is as following: Find the minimal cardinality |S0| of sets of integer vectors satisfy the condition (1) for D, and check for q whether there is a set of integer vectors with cardinality q which satisfy the condition (1) and (2) for D, increasing q from |S0| by one at time.
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  • Tadashi KONDO
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1283-1289
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    In this paper, a revised GMDH (Group Method of Data Handling) algorithm, which can identify a nonlinear exponential type model, is developed. In previous GMDH algorithms, it is proposed to use the functions such as polynominal, Bayes function, periodic function and rational function as the complete descriptions of the system. But, for the systems whose output variables variate smoothly and whose characteristics can be described by using the combinations of the exponential function, it is necessary to construct the complete description of the system by using the exponential function. So these systems have not been able to be identified acculately by using the previous GMDH algorithm. The revised GMDH in this paper generates some nonlinear exponential type models, which are constructed by two intermediate variables in each selection layer, and the complete description of the system is constructed by combining these nonlinear exponential type models in multilayered structure. The revised GMDH algorithm is applied to the identification problem of a furnace heat pattern and the result obtained is compared with those obtained by the previous GMDH algorithms in which the high order nonlinear polynomial is used as a complete description of the system.
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  • Takashi ONO, Hiromitsu ISHII, Norio MUROI
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1290-1297
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    Recently there has been a growth in the world-wide demand for an intelligent fire alarm system. Such a system is required to have a high reliability, ensuring detection of a fire as early as possible and eliminating false alarms. To achieve this, the system may need to use several kinds of sensors to detect fire components such as smoke, temperature and gas and also to make a fire/non-fire judgment by forecasting changes in the phenomena.
    Fires, other than explosions, may be divided into two types depending on how they progress: the flaming fire and the smouldering fire. Since a flaming fire progresses quickly to a dangerous level, the fire judgment needs to be done as quickly as possible. On the other hand, a smouldering fire progresses rather slowly, and the fire judgment can be done less quickly than for a flaming fire. However, to detect a smouldering fire in the early stage, higher accuracy of fire judgment is required. After ignition occurs, a smouldering fire progresses in the same manner as a flaming fire. Non-fire phenomena, such as cigarette smoke and temperature increase due to an airconditioner, usually progress more slowly than a smouldering fire but sometimes include pulse-like changes. Since the behavior of such non-fire phenomena may often cause a false alarm, the system should be able to cope with them.
    For judgment of a fire or non-fire in the early stage, we have developed an algorithm that can recognize the difference among timedomain patterns of the sensor outputs against various kinds of fire and non-fire phenomena. The algorithm was realized in the following way. First, the outputs of the sensors are filtered to remove those slowly changing or pulse-like signals that may cause a false alarm and the electrical noise generated in the sensors or the transmission channels. From the filtered signals, an approximate function is made to forecast the change of the phenomena. If the approximate function has a curve that will reach a prescribed level of danger, the period of time which needs to elapse from the present point of time until the curve reaches that level is calculated. If the danger forecast time is shorter than a certain time, the present phenomena are judged as a fire. If it is longer, the present phenomena are judged as a non-fire. This judgment is performed continuously against the sensor output data.
    We made an experimental fire alarm system using the above algorithm and obtained the following results. For smouldering fires that eventually progressed to a flaming fire, the system was able to issue a fire alarm a maximum of six minutes before ignition occurred. For flaming fires, the system was able to issue a fire alarm within a maximum of four minutes after ignition occurred.
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  • Nobuharu AOSHIMA
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1298-1304
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    The signal compression method, which was proposed and named by this author, was applied for a measurement of impulse response and Bode diagram of a model flow control system. This method uses special computer generated test signal, which can be compressed to an impulse-like signal by the computer manipulation. The test signal is applied to the unknown system, whose response can be compressed to the impulse response of the system. This method can improve S/N ratio immensely compared with conventional system identification methods.
    The model control system consists of a blower, an air flow pipe, a valve, an orifice, a flow signal transmitter and a PI controller. The open-loop and closed-loop response of this system were measured by the signal compression method. The closed-loop characteristics were calculated from measured open-loop response, and showed good agreement with measured closed-loop respone. Discussions are made about the possibility of applying this method to the measurement of industrial control system characteristics.
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  • Tsuyoshi OKITA, Yasuhide KOBAYASHI, Minoru HIDAKA
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1305-1311
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    This paper is concerned with the change detection of the statistics for the stochastic process whose probability density belongs to the exponential families including the gaussian distribution, the exponential distribution, the gamma distribution and others. Combining the change mode with the occurrence time of the statistics change, the countable and exclusive events may be hypothesized. It is possible to detect the change of the statistics on basis of the Bayesian theorem. It is shown from the asymptotical property of a posteriori probabilities that the change of the statistics may be detect from online computations.
    The validity of the proposed method has been confirmed from the digital simulation and we applied this method to the cement plant to detect the change of the mean values in the ingredient ratios of raw materials. The results of the application to the actual cement plant have shown that the proposed method is useful.
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  • Eizo URATA
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1312-1317
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    Theory and design principle for a new flowmeter is submitted.
    Suppose a pair of wings is supported in point Symmetry on the central axis of a transparent circular cylinder, and the wing pair is connected to casing with a helical spring. A couple of lift is generated when flow of fluid is introduced to the cylinder. The couple of lift rotates the wing pair until it is balanced by reaction moment of the helical spring. This deflection angle of the wing pair indicates the flow rate through the cylinder.
    This paper describes theory, design and experiment on the above explained flowmeter. The experimental result coinsides well with the theoretical estimation.
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  • Hisaki SHIMIZU, Katsutoshi SATO, Hiroshi HATANAKA
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1318-1323
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    The standard laminar proportional amplifiers (LPA's)developed in USA can not obtain high power gains, because the output oscillates at large supply flow rate. In this paper, then the effects of the various geometrical parameters on the pressure gain and the operating flow rate range of LPA are experimentally investigated to find the optimum dimensions of LPA giving higher pressure gain and wider operating range.
    The results obtained from this study are as follows:
    (1) The pressure gain is affected by the control nozzle width, the width of throat between control ducts, the distance between vent vanes, and the receiver distance from supply nozzle. The increase of the control nozzle width results in an increase in the pressure gain, but the increase of the distance between vent vanes or the increase of the receiver distance from supply nozzle results in a decrease in the pressure gain. The optimal dimension of the width of throat between control ducts for high pressure gain is 1.5 times the supply nozzle width.
    (2) Operating range is affected by the length of vent ducts and the distance from supply nozzle to receiver. Shortening the length of vent ducts extends the operating range. As the distance from supply nozzle to receiver increases, the output oscillates even at rather low flow rate.
    (3) The maximum pressure gain does not depend on the aspect ratio. The maximum supply power without output oscillation increases with the decrease in aspect ratio.
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  • Yoshikazu IIKURA, Nobuo SUGIMOTO, Hiroshi SHIMIZU
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1324-1329
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    In measuring atmospheric aerosol distributions over a wide range by a laser radar, systematic noise generated from a photomultiplier (PMT) is known as an important error factor.
    In order to investigate the characteristics of the systematic noise, an experiment has been made first to derive the response function of the PMT (RCA 8852) in this study. The response of the PMT to an impulse-like light exposure showed a long tail with the decay time of about 200μs. Then, the response function obtained from the data was applied to simulate the distortion of the laser radar signals. The result of the simulation well agreed with actual laser radar signals. According to the simulation, the component of the systematic noise took so much greater value than that of the real signal at the altitude over 50km that the systematic noise was estimated as an exponential function with the time constant of 200μs from the distorted laser radar signal.
    Based on the experimental results, a proposal is made of an efficient method to remove the systematic noise from the laser radar signals. The corrected laser radar signals by the proposed method closely agreed with the signal expected from a clean molecular atmosphere at the altitude over 30km.
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  • Shigeru ANDO
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1330-1336
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
    This paper describes a structure and an algorithm of 2-D velocity field measurement system based on the spatio-temporal derivative method. This method, which has excellent simplicity and resolvability in nature, is too much susceptible to noise and has strict limitation in measurable range of velocity. At the expense of small degree of resolvability, the author proposes a computationaly efficient algorithm based on local least squares solution of the differential equalities. Parallel structure of this algorithm is realized in a hardware of the measurement system. Besides the noise susceptibility, its applications under overmuch velocity conditions confuse meaningless results with true ones. For automated judgement of reliability of the results, three evaluators, i.e., measurability, validity, and error variance, are derived to supply information for classifying the resultant velocity map into reliable velocity segments, overmuch velocity segments, and unmeasurable segments. The measuring conditions can be adjusted adaptively using this classifications. Experiments for performance test and applications of this system to the 2-D fluid flow velocity measurement are shown.
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  • Yoshinori KAWASAKI, Akira INOUE, Zenta IWAI, Hidekatsu TOKUMARU
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1337-1339
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
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  • Yuji ITAYA, Hiroshi TAKEDA
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1340-1342
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
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  • Masahiro TANAKA, Morihiro OKADA, Hidefumi KOBATAKE
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1343-1345
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
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  • Susumu HATTORI
    1986 Volume 22 Issue 12 Pages 1346-1348
    Published: December 30, 1986
    Released on J-STAGE: March 27, 2009
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