The writer made a consecutive study of the earthquake swarms which occurred accompanied by the volcanic activity of Volcano Usu, Hokkaido, from December 1943 to October 1945. The famous Showa Shinzan was born in the course of this activity. As a sequel to the first and second papers, the writer prepared this third paper in which the following problems are discussed.
1). As a result of the study of the earthquakes (A-type earthquakes)that occurred prior to eruptions, the writer obtained the value of the distance coefficient, k=8.2 km/sec, near Showa Shinzan. At the same time the depth of the hypocenter was determined to be about 10 km. By using k=8.2 km/sec, the distribution of the epicenters of A-type earthquakes was studied.
2). From the decay formula of the maximum amplitude for surface waves
A=A0 Δ
-1/2 e -aΔ,
the value α was obtained as follows:
α= 5.8 × 10
-3 km
-1 (25<4<700 km),
α=5.6 × 10
-3 km
-1 (25<4<800 km).
By the following formulas the decay of frequency N and ground amplitude
A with the lapse of time were studied.
N (t)=K (
t +
A (t)=K' (
t +
K, K', C, C',
p and
p' are constants. These constants were obtained from the data of the A-type earthquakes observed at Muroran, Mori and Sapporo.
3). In the waves of all earthquakes of A-type recorded by the seismograph at Mori Observatory (Mori Weather Station), S'-waves, reflected S-waves, were found several seconds after S-waves, and the depth of the Moho discontinuity was calculated as
H=25.0 km (mean value).
4). Energy of earthquakes and energy of ground uphea val were calculated, and their relation to the number of earthquakes and to other phenomena were considered.
5). In the seism ograms at Mori Observatory two new phases were discovered. These were tentatively named the third phase and the fourth phase. Most of the path of the seismic waves are in shallow sea water. The waves were treated as Rayleigh waves, and various conditions were given to the crustal structure of “liquid-liquid-solid ”layers or “liquidsolidsolid ”layers. The dispersion curves of Rayleigh waves for every case were computed by IBM 704 electronic computer. The sedimentary layer, or the second layer, was assumed to be solid, and importance was attached to this layer. By assuming a condition such that the velocity of the compressional wave is smaller than that of the first layer, and by adjusting the ratio of the thickness, a result was obtained, by which the above-mentioned 3rd and 4th phases might be most satisfactorily explained. Thus an important hint was obtained, in regard to the na ture and effect of the sedimentary layer.
6). The values of
m in the Ishimoto-Iida's formula,
n dA=K A
-m d A, are calculated by the use of data of the Ito crypto-volcanic activity and the Kita-Izu earthquake swarms in 1930.
By means of cumulative frequenc y calculation, mean values for the above two groups were respectively given, as
m= 1.85 and
m These values were compared with those obtained from the forerunning earthquakes of Usu volcanic eruption.
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