The present author treated tentatively the relation between the wind speeds in the wind wave scale 3 and the surface water temperatures in an open sea using the data of oceanographical observations taken at the Ocean Weather Station “ X ” (39°N,153°E) in the North Pacific Ocean in view of the foaming of sea water, and the following results were obtained:
1) The general features of the frequency distribution of wind speeds in the wind wave scale 3 were discussed (Section 3).
2) He defined a quantity R
0, which is physically signifi c ant, in order to discriminate the degree of foaming in actual seas how often the white-caps appear, where
0 represents the degree of surface water temperature. Using its values calculated from oceanographical data, he could ascertain that the higher the surface water temperature becomes, the lower the degree of foaming of sea water. This relationship coincided fairly well with the results of his previous report [1] (Section 4).
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