Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics
Online ISSN : 1880-6643
Print ISSN : 0031-126X
ISSN-L : 0031-126X
Volume 16, Issue 3-4
Displaying 1-5 of 5 articles from this issue
  • K. Ninomiya
    1966 Volume 16 Issue 3-4 Pages 157-178
    Published: March 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: December 11, 2012
    An extratropical cyclone, which was located to the west of the Korea Peninsula on February 10, 1962, developed during its passage over the Japan Sea on 11th and a cold-air outbreak took place on February 12. A synoptic analysis on the cloud distribution and features over the Japan Sea and its neighbourhood during the three days mentioned above is made by using both radiation and photographic observation data of TIROS IV. The heat and water budget over the Japan Sea are also discussed with reference to the cloud aspects; and the excess temperature and water in convective upward motion are estimated.
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  • Tomio Asai
    1966 Volume 16 Issue 3-4 Pages 179-194
    Published: March 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: December 11, 2012
    An attempt was made to find, by aerial photographic observation, a feature of the cloud distribution over the Japan Sea during an outburst of the continental polar air in winter. Oblique and vertical aerial photographs were taken from an aircraft flying at a level of about 6 km above sea level.
    The clouds o b served are of the type of cumuli topped by an inversion layer, the base of which ranges from 2 to 3 km. Many of the cumulus clouds are aligned in bands stretching toward the downstream of mean wind with a spacing of about 20 km between the axis of one band and the next. Furthermore each band is not a simple and uniform streak but has undulations of a wavelength of 30 km. The band structure of clouds analyzed by aerial photogrammetry is verified by radar observations.
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  • K. Murai
    1966 Volume 16 Issue 3-4 Pages 195-200
    Published: March 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: December 11, 2012
    Nous avons effectué la mesure de la quantité totale de l'ozone dans l'atrnosphére avec l'appareil à filtre interférentiel dont le principe a été développé par Mme. A. VASSY (1959), pour obtenir les courbes d'étalonnage. Trois filtres interférentiels ont été utilisés pour sélectionner les régions de longueurs d'ondes; nous avons pris deux sortes de rapports des intensités du rayon ultra-violet pour choisir les deux meilleurs filtres. Les mesures ont été effectuées à Briancon (alitude 1326 m) afin d'avoir de bonnes conditions rnétéorologiques.
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  • M. Ichikawa
    1966 Volume 16 Issue 3-4 Pages 201-229
    Published: March 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: December 11, 2012
    A catalogue is prepared of the focal mechanism of the major earthquakes occurring in and near Japan during the period from 1950 to 1962. On the basis of the data listed in the catalogue and those published by various authors, the characteristics of stresses producing earthquakes are briefly investigated.
    The results obtained from the investigation on the very shallow, intermediate and deep shocks agree well with those found by H. HONDA et al. The pressure directions of shallow earthquakes are generally perpendicular to the trend of the Honshu and Hokkaido Islands, and the vertical components are rather normal to the tendency of the spatial distribution of foci than parallel.
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  • Yoshio Sugiura
    1966 Volume 16 Issue 3-4 Pages 230-236
    Published: March 25, 1966
    Released on J-STAGE: December 11, 2012
    The total carbon dioxide in sea water was determined by means of the micro-diffusion method on the cruises of JEDS-3 and JEDS-4. It was confirmed that the total carbon dioxide to AOU plots gave a straight line with a slope ΔC/ΔO2 of about 106/272 in atoms for the waters for which the phosphate to AOU plots gave a straight line with a slope ΔP/ΔO2 of 1/272. Nearly the same ratio as above was also found ind the Antarctic Circumpolar Water. The significance of the reserved total carbon dioxide was pointed out.
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