Aerosol observations on cloud nuclei together with Aitken nuclei and giant sea-salt nuclei were made in order to clarify the relation of aerosol distribution to the nature of air-mass at Irozaki, Izu Peninsula, and Mt. Fuji (650 m,1,300 m,2,100 m levels).
An inverse correlation was noticed between Aitken nuclei concentration and giant sea-salt nuclei (chloride nuclei) concentration.
There are two types of supersaturation spectra of cloud nuclei: one under the influence of inland air-mass and another under that of maritime air-mass.
From the sepoints of view the interrelation of air-mass and aerosol distribution are discussed.
Also Aitken nuclei concentrations had a fairly close relation to the stabilities of the atmospheric layer.
High stabilities corresponded to small concentrations of Aitken nuclei. The mode radius of cloud nuclei usually appeared at 0.01 to 0.02 micron in the case of soluble materials.
In the inland the size distributi o ns were of a rather flat type which was inferred from the fact that various sorts of cloud nuclei were found mixed.
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