Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics
Online ISSN : 1880-6643
Print ISSN : 0031-126X
ISSN-L : 0031-126X
Volume 14, Issue 3-4
Displaying 1-9 of 9 articles from this issue
  • H. Arakawa, D. Manabe
    1963 Volume 14 Issue 3-4 Pages 127-143
    Published: 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: December 11, 2012
  • T. Murakami
    1963 Volume 14 Issue 3-4 Pages 144-150
    Published: 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: December 11, 2012
    In this article we will discu s s, by the use of the linearized form of equations of motion, how the forced perturbations created by large mountain barriers change their shape with increasing height. It is found that (1) the amplitude of the forced perturbations is largest at the level s=-1/2 (corresponding to the 250-mb isobaric level), where we usually encounter the jet stream, (2) even in the stratosphere where the static stability is extremely large, we still find pronounced forced perturbations with characteristic wave number 2, suggesting that the very long waves are able to penetrate significantly into the stratosphere.
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  • T. Murakami
    1963 Volume 14 Issue 3-4 Pages 151-172
    Published: 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: December 11, 2012
    We shall express the atmospheric motion by means of the three variables of ψ=(ψ135)/3, Δψ=(ψ51), and Δ2ψ=(ψ15-2ψ3), rather than using the stream functions at the three isobaric levels ψ13, and ψ5. After some manipulations the set of equations which describes the rate of change of ψ, Δψ, and Δ2ψ has been derived. The problem of finding the physical properties of disturbances has been studied as an initial value problem, in which the mathematical problem is to estimate the initial changes of the amplitude and phase of the respective variables. We have next examined what the present system implies with regard to the energy redistribution among various forms, each being associated with one of the variables ψ, Δψ, and Δ2ψ. It is found that (1) there is no direct conversion of potential energy into K(ψ), expressing the kinetic energy of the vertically averaged flow ψ,(2) the conversion of potential energy into K(ψ), which denotes the kinetic energy associated only with the mean vertical shear Licb, is usually one order of magnitude larger than that into K2ψ), being a component of kinetic energy related to Δ2ψ, (3) there is a supply of kinetic energy from both K(Δψ) and K2ψ) to K(ψ); the former supply is generally larger than the latter supply by about ten times.
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  • K. Tomatsu, T. Murakami
    1963 Volume 14 Issue 3-4 Pages 173-180
    Published: 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: December 11, 2012
    The spectrum analysis of momentum transfer has been made using the observed winds over the four stations at Sapporo, Tateno, Naze and Clark at the four isobaric levels of 850-,500-,300- and 100-mb for the year 1961. It is found that in the middle latitudes the northward momentum transfer is largely accomplished by the eddies with periods of about 3days and about 6 days, whereas in the lower latitudes the transfer due to fluctuations with periods shorter than 4∼5 days is entirely negligible.
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  • N. Kodaira
    1963 Volume 14 Issue 3-4 Pages 181-189
    Published: 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: December 11, 2012
    The microwave attenuation produced by rain is calculated by taking account of the drop size distribution. Attenuation constants thus obtained are scattered about in some ranges, and the width of scatter is wider at X-band. The width at 10 mm /hr is respectively about 1.2, 6.2, 3.3, 0.9 db for the wave lengths of 8.6 mm,3.2 cm,5.6 cm,10cm, whereas the reflectivity Z varies by about 8 db for distribution of the same precipitation rate and the same drop size distribution.
    As a result, the measurement of rainfall by the attenuation of Kband has a merit that it is less influenced by the drop size distribution.
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  • Masako Momiyama-Sakamoto, Hiroko Kito
    1963 Volume 14 Issue 3-4 Pages 190-200
    Published: 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: December 11, 2012
    With a view to clarifying the age structure of the high winter mortality in recent years (See “ High Winter Mortality of ‘Seasonal Diseases’”, Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics, XII,2,1961), we summarize in this paper the results of our study in the seasonal disease calendars by age groups. This is the 5th paper of our concerning the calendars of seasonal diseases and the high mortality in the cold months.
    High winter mortality is conspicuous in all the age groups but two, the 5-9-year-old and 10-19-year-old. The mortality peak is very low and appears in summer for these two groups. It is also noteworthy that the death rate rises along with the increase of age before 4 years old and after 40 years old.
    Fairly big differences exist among various age groups in the fluctuation of deaths from seven major diseases. For 0-4-year babies, the death toll is extremely high, and its peak comes in winter for pneumonia (including bronchitis) and gastritis (including duodenitis, enteritis and colitis); and the lowest for tuberculosis and heart disearses, but the peak also appears in winter.
    For the following four age groups (5-9,10-19,20-29 and 30-39 years old), enteritis shows very low death rates, and rages in the cold season though it prevails for a very short period in summer; and deaths from tuberculosis, heart diseases, etc. increase as the age advances. After 50 years of age, notable changes occur in the calendar of seasonal diseases: mortality rises, from senile maladies in particular, and touches the highest mark (more than 1,000 per 100,000) at the age of over 70 years. It is also worth mentioning that cancer shows the mortality peak in autumn at 50's,60's and over 70's, and that gastritis prevails twice a year, in summer and winter, at 60's and 70's.
    Thus, it can be seen that mortality is apparently high in winter at old ages, and that deaths from pneumonia and gastritis are very high in winter for infants (0-4 years old).
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  • K. Naito
    1963 Volume 14 Issue 3-4 Pages 201-213
    Published: 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: December 11, 2012
    A direct integration of MAXWELL'S equations is performed in the case of microwave propagation beyond the horizon, taking into consideration the atmospheric turbulence. Following the method developed by STRATTON-CHU, the solution is found to be composed of a volume integral term and a surface integral one with the help of BoRN's approximation. The former term coincides with the expression so far given by solving a wave equation for the electric or magnetic vector. However, this does not give a transverse wave at great distances from the so-called scattering region, and, hence, this does not satisfy MAXWELL'S equations. In other words, a solution of a wave equation of the second order is not always a solution of MAXWELL'S equation of the first order.
    In order to avoid the above difficulty, a new method is proposed to correct the volume integral term, giving the fundamental expression for the turbulent scattering.
    Concerning the suface integral term, there is some correction needed in case of BoRN's approximation and the term corrected is found to agree with J. ORTIISCS theoretical result in which the earth is regarded rather as a black body.
    In case elevated layers with discontinuity are present in the atmosphere, STRATTON-CHU'S formalization is also shown to be applicable, giving usual layer-reflection.
    Consequently, without enough information on atmospheric structures, the field beyond the horizon is composed of three parts: scattering due to eddies, diffraction due to the earth of a black body type and layerreflection, which are of equal weight from a theoretical point of view at present.
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  • K. Kawamura, S. Sakurai
    1963 Volume 14 Issue 3-4 Pages 214-224
    Published: 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: December 11, 2012
    The concentration of NO2 in the air above the earth's surface was observed at the western suburb of Tokyo for the period from September 1960 to August 1961, using an automatic gas sampler.
    The results of determination revealed that NO2 concentration showed a marked diurnal variation in winter with two maxima respectively at about 3 hours after sunrise and at about 2 hours after sunset, and two minima respectively at sunrise and in the afternoon. The time of occurrence of the afternoon minimum varied greatly day to day, while those of the dawn minimum and of the evening maximum did not change greatly, falling on most of days within the range of plus and minus one hour from the monthly average. The morning peak was always lower than that in the evening and no morning maximum was observed often in summer as well as on windy days in other seasons. The monthly mean concentration of NO2 at night was higher than that at day and the maximum values of 78 and 54μgNO2/m3 were observed in December respectively. The diurnal variation in NO2 seems to be attributable to the combination of meteorological conditions and photochemical effect.
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  • C. Ishii
    1963 Volume 14 Issue 3-4 Pages 225-226
    Published: 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: December 11, 2012