Earthquakes occurring in and near Japan have been located routinely in the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) using the travel time tables prepared by WADATI
et al. (1933) and SAGISAKA
et al. (1935). These tables were prapered on the basis of distributions of velocities for P and S waves which were determined by H. HONDA (1931), K. SAGISAKA
et al. (1935) and others.
The velocity distributions used in t he calculation of the tables were elaborately determined for accuracy of observations of
P and
S arrival times at that time, and until a recent the tables had been usedin JMA without inconvenience in the determination of parameters such as the origin and origin time of local earthquakes in and near Japan.
By K. AKI (1965) were found a discrepancy as large as a few seconds between arrival times of
P for focal depth 0 km in the table and the explosion seismic data in epicentral distances ranging from about 20 km to 200 km (Fig.2).
The discrepancy will have in fluence on the determination of parameter of local events. And, as a matter of fact, the origin time of earthquakes determined by JMA is 1 to 2 seconds earlier than those calculated by K. AKI (1965), and the Research Group for Travel Time Curve in the Earthquake Research Institute of the University of Tokyo confirmed the phenomenon.
Trouble sometimes occurs in the calculation of earthquake parameters by use of a computer in JMA, because the travel times given in the tables are liimted to 0-1500 km in distance and 0-500 km in depth.
In order to determine earthquake parameters whose magnitude is down to 3, JMA is developing a new seismological network, and many data for local events are obtained by the new developing network.
Under the circumstances, the above-mentioned discrepancy of the standard travel times and the explosion seismic data is problematic in determining the parameters of events by use of data obtained from stations close to the epicenter.
In order to settle the above-mentioned problems, travel times of
P and
S waves for local earthquakes occurring in and near Japan were calculated by taking the explosion seismic data into consideration.
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