Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics
Online ISSN : 1880-6643
Print ISSN : 0031-126X
ISSN-L : 0031-126X
Volume 39, Issue 2
Displaying 1-2 of 2 articles from this issue
Full Papers
  • Tadao Aoki
    1988 Volume 39 Issue 2 Pages 53-58
    Published: 1988
    Released on J-STAGE: March 09, 2007
       A procedure is presented here to make a compact data base of the absorption coefficient of seven radiatively active gases in the earth's atmosphere: H2O, CO2, O3, N2O, CO, CH4, O2. The data base covers the wavenumber region 20-3000cm−1. The temperature dependence of the square root of the absorption coefficients are represented by the quadratic form and its coefficients are given for ten values of pressure between 0.05 and 1013 mb. The number of the wavenumber points at which the absorption coefficients are given varies with pressure. The interval between these wavenumber points increases with the distance from the line center.
       The transmission function in the atmosphere is easily and accurately obtained by simple interpolation and polynomial calculation. A comparison is shown between the observed downward radiance and the theoretical one which is calculated with the use of the present data base.
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  • Masahiko Aihara, Masanobu Hirasawa
    1988 Volume 39 Issue 2 Pages 59-77
    Published: 1988
    Released on J-STAGE: March 09, 2007
       Numerical simulations of the evolution of the downslope wind were performed by means of the non-hydrostatic, compressible model including the effect of topography.
       Result of numerical simulation with the famous Boulder windstorm-like profile as an upstream condition was examined in some detail. It was ascertained, in the example, that the violent wind on the leeside slope of the mountain, whose instantaneous wind speed rose well over 50 m/sec, was due to the amplification mechanism with the occurrence of wave breaking, or in other words, the mountain wave-induced critical level, particularly in the lower troposphere.
       The characteristic features of the circulations in the troposphere as well as in the stratosphere are described briefly. The possibility of occurrence of such severe windstorms in Japan due to the mechanism mentioned above was also investigated.
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