We made two series of Gateway binary vectors, pGWBs and R4pGWBs, possessing a UDP-
N-acetylglucosamine: dolichol phosphate
N-acetylglucosamine-1-P transferase (
GPT) gene driven by the nopaline synthase promoter (
Pnos) as a tunicamycin resistance marker for the transformation of
Arabidopsis thaliana. The reporters and tags employed in this system are sGFP, GUS, LUC, EYFP, ECFP, G3GFP, mRFP, TagRFP, 6xHis, FLAG, 3xHA, 4xMyc, 10xMyc, GST, T7, and TAP. Selection of transformants was successful on plates containing 0.15 mg/L of tunicamycin. These vectors were compatible with existing pGWB and R4pGWB vectors for kanamycin, hygromycin B, and BASTA
® selection, and are useful new tools for making transgenic Arabidopsis.
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