Online ISSN : 1883-7611
Print ISSN : 1348-5253
ISSN-L : 1348-5253
  • 松尾 朗子, 向井 智哉, 田中 友理, 唯 なおみ, 熊谷 晋一郎
    2023 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 95-105
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/14
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    People are often unwilling to approach something that they perceive to be contaminated. Perceived contamination is associated with disgust and can be explained using the concept of magical contagion. As disgust is associated with the morality of purity, the role of disgust in the relationship between morality and the perception of contaminated things needs to be scrutinized. This study investigated how people are motivated to avoid something that they perceive to be contaminated with the Moral Foundations Theory as its theoretical framework and prison work products as the study object. In addition to the traditionally used scale to measure one’s concerned moral foundation(s), the moral values regarding purity and religiosity in a specifically Japanese context were measured using the Purity Orientation–Pollution Avoidance Scale, which has four subscales: Mental Purity, Respect for Religion, Bodily Purity, and Pathogen Avoidance. The results reveal that contamination-related disgust mediates the relationships between the Respect for Religion subscale and avoidance toward prison work products, as well as between the Pathogen Avoidance subscale and avoidance toward prison work products. The present study was novel in that it clarifies the relationship involving morality, disgust, and avoidance. The implications of these findings tap into some topics involving cultural differences.
  • 人見 太一, 古谷 祥宏, 池田 健祐, 関川 陽平
    2023 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 107-112
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/14
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    回復期リハビリテーション病棟Ⅰを有する施設は、効果に係る実績として入院患者の実績指数を40以上にすることが求められている。一方,重症患者など月間入院患者数の3割以下の患者を、その計算対象から除外する基準が設けられており、予め除外する患者を選定する方法がある。近年、退院時FIMの予測モデルをはじめとして、さまざまな検証がなされているが、重症患者の実績指数を予測する研究はこれまで行われていない。今後当院が重症患者を受け入れる役割を担っていくにあたって、重症患者をアプローチしていくための当院独自の基準について検討することは重要であり、臨床的な意義は大きい。そこで本研究は、後ろ向き研究として、適切な除外選定と重症患者の予後予測を可能にするためのツールを作成することとした。本研究の対象は、当院に入院した脳血管疾患患者417 人の患者であった。アウトカム指標は、実績指数が従属変数、年齢、性別、脳血管疾患、入院時BMI、入院時運動FIM、入院時認知FIM、看護必要度B項目の 7 項目が独立変数であった。これらのデータに対して、重回帰分析によって得られた影響度の高い独立変数と、実績指数40前後から成る二分変数を用いて、ROC解析を行った。分析の結果、最も影響力のある独立変数は看護必要度B項目であり、カットオフ値は10、AUCは0.85であった。看護必要度B項目は、FIMよりも採点項目や測定の負担が少ないため、多職種の情報共有ツールとして有意義な指標である。本研究で得られたカットオフ値は、高い識別精度を示したことから、今後当院のリハビリテーションゴール設定に一定の貢献をもたらすことが期待される。
  • 信頼性の検証
    濱本 有希, 平 伸二
    2023 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 113-117
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/14
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    The Community Safety Map activity is the method by which children develop their own harm prevention skills through experiential learning. This activity shows dangerous or safe places from the perspective of crime prevention through environmental design and broken windows theory. It is found that the community safety mapping activity improved children's crime avoidance ability, communication skills, level of attachment to the local community, and crime prevention ability. However, there are no standard scales for measuring the impact of crime prevention on children. This paper examines the scale for effect of education of crime prevention for children and confirms its validity. First, we made 43 question items. These items were included in the scale. Second, 896 elementary school children were asked to complete a questionnaire. Third, factor analysis was conducted on 43 items. As a result, four factors were found from this analysis: crime-avoidance ability, communication ability, level of attachment to the local community, and ability to prevent delinquency. Judging by the alpha factor, the construct validity of our scale was sufficient. Finally, this questionnaire measuring children's crime-avoidance skills should be administered to children before and after their participation in making community safety maps.
  • 川井 泉希, 髙橋 純一
    2023 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 119-126
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/14
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This study examined the relationship between eugenic tendencies and the perception of abortion and prenatal diagnosis. In a web survey using online sampling, the public (n = 207) responded to questions about abortion and prenatal diagnosis and a scale of attitudes toward eugenics. The respondents were asked to rate their awareness and desire for abortion and prenatal diagnosis on a Likert scale and provide an accessible description of their options. The scale of attitudes toward eugenics asked respondents to rate their inclination toward eugenic tendencies on a Likert scale. Regarding abortion and prenatal diagnosis, results showed that more than 70 % of the respondents were aware of abortion, and more than 50 % were aware of prenatal diagnosis. Less than 60 % of the respondents who knew about abortion considered the possibility of having one (n = 149), and over 70 % of them who knew about prenatal diagnosis were willing to undergo the same (n = 106). Nearly 60 % of the participants who had heard of abortion and prenatal diagnosis knew that these were a selection of life (n = 149). Furthermore, regarding the relationship between eugenic tendencies and the perception of abortion (n = 149) and prenatal diagnosis (n = 106), those with solid eugenic tendencies were more likely to consider the possibility of abortion. However, there was no apparent difference for those with weaker eugenic tendencies. In contrast, those with solid and more fragile eugenic tendencies significantly selected the possibility of prenatal diagnosis. The results of the free description statements about abortion and prenatal diagnosis also revealed negative expressions that could be associated with eugenic thoughts, such as “I would feel sorry if a handicapped baby is born” in those with solid eugenic tendencies. Our present results indicate that the possibility of abortion and prenatal diagnosis is higher in people with a higher eugenic tendency.
  • 夫との関係効力感に着目して
    清水 佑輔, 石川 恵太
    2023 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 127-131
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/14
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    幼い子供を持つ母親にとって、円滑な育児を行うためには周囲の人々の協力が不可欠である。夫との関係効力感が低い母親は、夫と協力して子育てをすることのハードルが高いかもしれない。そのような場合、自分の両親や義理の両親、および地域の高齢者のサポートに頼ることが有効である。しかし、夫との関係効力感が低い母親は、他者一般を避けやすく、高齢者に対するエイジズムを抱きやすいと考えられる。本研究では、幼い子供を持つ日本人の母親(N = 476、20~52歳)を対象にオンライン調査を実施し、夫との関係効力感とエイジズムの関連について検討した。調査では、参加者が抱くエイジズム、夫との関係効力感、夫へのアタッチメント、参加者および夫の1日あたりの育児時間、参加者の年齢、子供の年齢、子供の性別、世帯年収について尋ねた。結果、夫との関係効力感が低い参加者ほどエイジズムの程度が高かった。この関連は、夫へのアタッチメントやデモグラフィック変数を統制してもなお顕著であった。よって、夫との関係効力感が低い母親ほどエイジズムを持ちやすく、それが高齢者からの支援を受ける妨げになる可能性がある。今後、本研究で得られた知見が、幼い子供を持つ母親が抱くエイジズムの軽減、および育児における世代間協力の促進を目指す老年学、心理学的な試みにつながることを期待したい。
  • 八田 武志, 八田 武俊, 加藤 公子, 木村 貴彦, 藤原 和美, 八田 純子, 岩原 昭彦
    2023 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 133-138
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/14
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    The relationship between subjective age, which was asked in the question “How old do you feel, aside from your chronological age?,” and cognitive function (attention and executive function) were investigated. We examined changes in the cognitive function of the same person measured in their 60s after 10 years based on the longitudinal study. Participants were assigned to “Feel younger” group whose subjective age is younger, “Feel older” group judged to be older than chronological age, and intermediate “Moderate” group. Attention function was evaluated by the D-CAT and the executive function was evaluated by the Stroop effect size. As the result, the “Feel younger” group was superior to the “Feel older” and “Moderate” groups in terms of D-CAT performance, and this group showed the same level of performance even after 10 years. There was no significant difference in the Stroop effect size among the three groups. These results suggest the possibility that an awareness of subjectively young in 60s affects the subsequent 10 years after on the attention function.
  • 福田 一帆, 戸田 健太
    2023 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 139-146
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/14
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This article proposes a binary Yes/No decision method to measure Stroop and Reverse-Stroop interferences. In the proposition, participants judge whether one given color name (or one given color patch) is consistent or inconsistent with the color (or the word) of an incongruent color-word combination stimulus for each trial of interference conditions, then the degree of interferences is evaluated by the mean response time in interference conditions relative to that in control conditions. This method minimizes the number of color names or color patches given as participant’s choices relative to the well-known matching methods, where four or five choices are given for each trial. Our validation experiment showed that the response time in the interference conditions was significantly longer than that in the control conditions for both Stroop and Reverse-Stroop tasks. These results validated that the Stroop and Reverse-Stroop interferences were measurable by the proposed binary decision methods. Note that the mean response time for Stroop and Reverse-Stroop tasks was equivalent in the test with binary decision methods (in Experiment 1), but that was longer for Stroop tasks than Reverse-Stroop tasks in the test with matching methods (in Experiment 2). These results suggest that the number and area of given participant’s choices affect the difference in response time between the Stroop and Reverse-Stroop tasks.
  • 木村 貴彦, 河村 諒, 治部 哲也, 福田 早苗
    2023 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 147-153
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/14
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Diploma policies stipulate the requirements for each student to successfully gain knowledge and skills through university education. Thus, it is important to visualize learning outcomes to measure students’ abilities. In this study, we examined the annual changes in the level of achievement regarding diploma policy using the PROG test, which can evaluate literacy and competency as generic skills. Components of generic skills in the PROG test were assigned individually to items of diploma policy, and the efficacy of diploma policy was evaluated. The achievement of diploma policy was approximately from 50-70 %. Furthermore, generic skills were able to describe in detail the students’ abilities acquired as learning outcomes. These results suggest that generic skills can be useful assessment indicators for visualizing the achievement of the diploma policy in university education.
  • 資源分配における公正観の役割
    木田 千裕, 池上 知子
    2023 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 155-162
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/14
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    We conducted two questionnaire-based studies involving university students to investigate how the principles of distributive justice, equity, need, and equality influence attitudes toward individuals with disabilities. Specifically, we examined how individuals' support for two types of supportive measures for disabled people—preferential treatment measures and equality measures—is influenced by the distributive principles. Overall, the two studies consistently demonstrated that individuals who prioritize the need principle, emphasizing the distribution of benefits based on needs, tend to have more supportive attitudes toward disabled individuals. Notably, contrary to our hypothesis, even individuals who highly endorse the need principle reduced support for preferential treatment when they perceived disabled individuals as less competent, reflecting their perspective that individuals with disabilities should receive support when they are competent rather than incompetent. On the other hand, the equity principles, contrary to the hypothesis, did not affect endorsement of preferential measures; instead, they were associated with increased endorsement of equality measures that benefit all individuals. These findings not only highlighted individuals’ perceptions of injustice in supporting the disabled but also revealed potentially effective strategies for garnering support that is more readily accepted by the general population.
  • 先延ばしの規定因に着目して
    三枝 百萌花, 赤松 大輔
    2023 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 163-171
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/14
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    The concept of active procrastination is gaining increasing attention in current research, in contrast to past studies which have generally regarded procrastination as a nonadaptive behaviour. However, little is known about the predictors of active procrastination. This study, which was based on earlier research by Yoshida (2016, 2017), aimed to examine the effects of metacognitive ability and other individual factors on active procrastination. The study involved 202 undergraduate participants in Japan, and the results revealed similar relationships between procrastination and individual factors to those in Yoshida's previous study. The findings showed that metacognitive control, past acceptance of time perspective, optimism tendency, and cognitive deliberativeness all promote active procrastination, while present satisfaction of time perspective and depression/anxiety inhibit it. Depression and anxiety, in particular, were found to promote nonadaptive procrastination while cognitive deliberativeness inhibited it. The study also identified significant interaction effects between metacognition and other individual factors on active procrastination. For example, depression and anxiety suppressed achievement ability and the time perspective of active procrastination more when metacognitive monitoring was high, while self-esteem promoted the time perspective of active procrastination more when metacognitive monitoring was low. The study highlights the importance of incorporating metacognition as determinants of active procrastination and focusing on the subcomponents of metacognition. It also suggests that there is a need for new interventions for procrastination behaviours that focus on individual meta-cognitive aspects, such as coping and cognitive therapy. Overall, this study sheds light on the adaptive nature of procrastination and provides insights into the individual factors that can affect active procrastination.