Silver, copper and steel specimens were exposed for 14 days in a laboratory at wind velocities of 0-3m/s and atmospheric pollutants were trapped on collecting devices. The corrosion products on the specimens were then analyzed by Auger electron spectroscopy.
The collecting devices used and analytical methods applied for the various pollutants were as follows:
1) SO
2: PbO
2 cylinder and barium chromate-diphenylcarbazide absorptiometry
2) Cl
- in solid compounds: Dry gauze and mercury (II) thiocyanate absorptiometry
3) Cl
- in acidic gases: Alkaline K
3 filter paper and mercury (II) thiocyanate absorptiometry
4) NO
2: Alkaline filter paper and naphthylethylenediamine absorptiometry
5) H
2S: Zinc acetate filter paper and methylene blue absorptiometry.
Increase in wind velocity enhanced the deposition rate of pollutants on the collecting device and accelerated the corrosion of metal specimens.