Online ISSN : 1884-3409
Print ISSN : 0915-1869
ISSN-L : 0915-1869
72 巻, 11 号
  • 塩澤 佑一朗, 三神 武文, 三井 由香里, 八代 浩二
    2021 年 72 巻 11 号 p. 631-636
    発行日: 2021/11/01
    公開日: 2021/11/02
    ジャーナル フリー

    Wear resistance testing of the anodic oxide coating on aluminum and its alloys is specified in the Japanese Industrial Standard(JIS). Based on JIS, the abrasive-wheel-wear abrasion resistance test for a hard anodic oxide coating is applied only to a plate-shaped sample(JIS H 8682-1:2013). However, because the test method is simple, this test is also applied to a nonplanar cylindrical sample at the production site. For this case, little technical information is openly available because the test is conducted independently at each manufacturer, regardless of the regulations. To collect technical information for this study, we applied the abrasive-wheel-wear abrasion resistance test for the nonplanar cylindrical sample. With increasing curvature of the nonplanar cylindrical sample, the abrasion resistance and the wear track width on abrasive paper were decreased linearly. These findings indicate that the contact area between the nonplanar cylindrical sample and abrasive paper plays an important role in abrasive-wheel-wear abrasion resistance. Based on these results, we provide a relation of abrasion characteristics for the plate-shaped and nonplanar cylindrical samples. For the nonplanar cylindrical sample, it is noted that the wear track becomes inhomogeneous with increase of the double stroke of the abrasion resistance test.
