Production of compound eyes lens metal molds are cutting method etc. But, the report of plating method investigated.
Therefor, production of compound eyes lens metal molds by bright plating method were investigated.
We was studied production of compound eyes lens metal mold by bright plating method.
We made a hemisphere metal mold with a surface roughness (
Rmax) of 40∼120nm and the radius curvature of 0.44∼1.4mm when we controlled a nickel sulfate concentration and a integrating current and a hole diameter of photo-resist pattern and a electro-conductive film.
Rmax, was lowest with a nickel sulfate concentration of 20∼30%, and decreased with increasing an anode size, e.g. maximum
Rmax, was 40nm with a nickel sulfate concentration of 20% and an anode size of 0.25dm
Curvature radius decreased with increasing a nickel sulfate concentration, and decreased with increasing a integrating current.
When we used copper electro-conductive with low electric resistance, curvature radius was smaller than it used nickel electro-conductive film with high electric resistance.
When a hole diameter of photo-resist pattern increased, curvature radius was a large.