The patient was a 13-year-old boy. He hit his anterior neck and upper lip against a pillar when he played tag with a friend at school on May 12th 1998. Immediately, his voice became hoarse. He complained of neither dyspnea nor dysphasia. He visited our hospital on May 15th. Fiberscopic flexible laryngoscopy was performed. Submucosal hemorrhage in the hypopharynx, left false cord, left vocal cord, and trachea was observed. Furthermore, movability of the left vocal cord was limited. He underwent a CT scan of the larynx. No cartilaginous fracture existed and he was treated conservatively. Ten days later, his hoarse voice improved. Six weeks later, the vocal cords moved well, though slight submucosal hemorrhage remained. Eleven weeks later, he recovered from his laryngeal trauma completely. Immediate airway management is the greatest concern in the care of blunt laryngeal trauma. In this case, the airway, remained safe.