A precise gravity measurement was carried out at 21 stations in the eastern part of the Hokkaido District in September 1975 by means of three LaCoste & Romberg gravimeters (G-31, 196 and 375). In recent years, precise gravity measurements have been repeated for the purpose of detecting gravity change accompanying the crustal movement and seismic activity in and around the Konsen Plain, where the ground has been subsiding at a rate of more than 1 cm/year before and after the earthquake off the Nemuro Peninsula on June 17, 1973 (M=7.4) which caused co-seismic ground subsidence of 5 to 10 cm in this region. Comparing the results of these measurements with each other, gravity change was calculated for the period of 1962 to 1975. The gravity change in the Konsen Plain between 1962 and 1973 which includes that accompanying the earthquake was negative contrary to that expected from the ground subsidence. The decrease amounting to 170 pgals, which are larger than the measure-ment error in 1962, is too large to be explained by either density decrease caused by the strain release associated with the earthquake or lowering of the ground water level. Along the Pacific coast of this region, sudden gravity decrease amounting to 100, ugals was observed in only one month between July and August 1973 immediately after the earthquake, whereas the result of the re-measurement in 1974 shows that the decrease was almost recovered within the succeeding one year. Between 1974 and 1975, no sig-nificant gravity change could be detected, because most of the change was less than 20 pgals. Some mechanism was examined for interpreting the abrupt gravity decrease immediately after the earthquake and its recovery observed between 1973 and 1974, but any reasonable one is not yet found. To give a definite answer to the question whether such post-seismic gravity change is due to real phenomena or not, more detailed consideration and regular repetition of precise gravity measurement should be made in future.