The Journal of the Kyushu Dental Society
Online ISSN : 1880-8719
Print ISSN : 0368-6833
ISSN-L : 0368-6833
Volume 64, Issue 6
Displaying 1-5 of 5 articles from this issue
  • Fumiko Yamada, Shunji Shiiba, Mitsuhiro Yoshida, Nozomu Harano, Masahi ...
    2011 Volume 64 Issue 6 Pages 201-207
    Published: March 25, 2011
    Released on J-STAGE: September 09, 2024
    Background and Purpose : Injured peripheral tissue often becomes neuroplastic due to excessive release of spinal amino acids that interact with neuronal receptors in the posterior horn of the spinal cord. In this study, pain modulation by inhibitors through inactivation of glial cells associated with modification of synaptic transmission in the spinal cord was examined in a rat inflammatory pain mode l. Methods: Male SD rats implanted with an intrathecal catheter (PE-10) were subjected to mustard oil (MO)-induced hyperalgesia. Pain in the early stage was assessed by counting the spontaneous flinches per minute after MO infusion and observing the pain reaction (flinching). The reaction latency (PWL, sec) to thermal stimulus of the sole was measured 24 hours later to evaluate the reaction to pain. A COX-II inhibitor (SC236), a p38-MAPK inhibitor (SB203580), a microglial deactivator (m.inocycline), and a BDNF receptor inhibitor (K252a) were individually administered i.t. before MO infusion. Flinching behavior and PWL after each treatment were compared with those in an untreated group. Result: F linching oft heu ntreated ratsr eached ap eak at3 0 minutes after MOi nfusion, and then decreased and almost disappeared after eight hours. Administration of SC236, SB203580, minocycline, and K252a reduced the flinching by 40-60 %. Discussion : Our results indicate the involvement of activation of microglia in response to p38- MAPK activation, which significantly modifies synaptic transmission in the spinal cord nerve system in the early stage of development in a rat inflammatory pain model. This suggests that microglia may be activated in response to inflammation, along with activation of COX-II and p38- MAPK and release of BDNF in the early stage of development of intractable pain after tissue damage. The antibacterial agent, minocycline, and BDNF inhibitors may be useful for treatment of such acute-phase inflammatory pain, in addition to use of conventional anti-inflammatory agents.
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  • Masato Yamaguma, Kuniyuki Matsubara, Aoi Yamaguma, Kiyoe Otani, Isao A ...
    2011 Volume 64 Issue 6 Pages 208-213
    Published: 2011
    Released on J-STAGE: September 09, 2024
    We are reporting a case of osteonecrosis of the mandible associated with oral bisphosphonate in a patient with osteoporosis, and we also describe an operative treatment. A 88-year-old woman was referred to our department by her dentist because of diffuse sweling and pain in the right cheek region and the alveolar bone, partly exposed by an denture decubital ulcer. She has been given oral andronate sodium hydrate for 6 years, suggesting oral bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the mandible. Therefore, bisphosphonate administration was terminated and local irrigation was carried out. Since a pathologic fracture was noticed in her mandible after 3 months, we performed segmental resection with a reconstructed mandible using a titanium plate. Her condition has been followed for 1 year since surgery and she continues to do well.
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  • Kenji Yamawaki, Hideaki Hirooka
    2011 Volume 64 Issue 6 Pages 214-220
    Published: 2011
    Released on J-STAGE: September 09, 2024
    The main objective of periodontal therapy is to eliminate subgingival infection and, by supragingival plaque control measures, prevent the recurrence of subgingval plaque. Periodontal therapy can be broadly classified into surgical and non-surgical therapy. Non-surgical therapy includes plaque cont r,lo supra-and subgingval scaling, rootp laning, and the adjunctive use ofc hemical agents. In many cases of severe periodontitis, periodontal health cannot not be establshed merely by means of scaling and root planing. Hence, further treatment procedures including the periodontal surgery are indicated. However, in severe periodontal disease, the periodontal surgery might lead to the loss of further attachment, thereby increasing the risk of tooth loss at the time of surgery or afterwards. This case report ilustrates indications for non-surgical procedures at a site with severe periodontitis of the anterior teeth. Periodontal health was established and maintained over a period of 6 years of periodontal supportive therapy. It can be concluded that non-surgical procedures, even in a severe case involving mandibular anterior teeth, is a treatment alternative worth considering.
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  • Takashi Toyono, Yutaka Takata, Shusei Arai, Kiyotoshi Inenaga, Tetsuya ...
    2011 Volume 64 Issue 6 Pages 221-229
    Published: 2011
    Released on J-STAGE: September 09, 2024
    Interannual changes in publicity for university policy and satisfaction levels concerning education, lectures and practical training among dental students of Kyushu Dental College have not been previously examined. We investigated these topics using questionnaires to the first, second, third, forth, fifth and sixth year students during the 2006-2009 period. The publicity scores for university policy among the dental students during the 2006-2009 period showed an increase from 2.73 to 3.52 between 2006 and 2009. Next, the satisfaction levels for education, lectures and practical training results for the dental students during the 2006-2009 period showed that these satisfaction levels had not changed substantially. For each year of study, the satisfaction levels in all areas for the sixth year students increased between 2007 and 2009. However, the satisfaction levels for education and lectures for the second year students decreased between 2006 and 2009. These results show that the sixth year students were satisfied with the education, lectures and practical training. However, the second year students were dissatisfied with the education and lectures. It seems important to elucidate the reasons why the satisfaction levels in these areas did not improve. It was concluded that improving educational content and methods for each year of study (especially the second year) is necessary for elevating the satisfaction levels among the dental students of Kyushu Dental College.
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  • Inoue Hiromasa, Kazuo kSonoki, Kenichi Yoshino, Toshiyuki Tsujisawa, Y ...
    2011 Volume 64 Issue 6 Pages 230-239
    Published: 2011
    Released on J-STAGE: September 09, 2024
    Kyushu Dental College introduced a problem-based learning (PBL) tutorial class for first-year undergraduate students of School of Oral Health Science in 2010. In this study, we examined the results of a questionnaire given to 25 students to assess the PBL tutorial in 2010. Over 80 % of the students gave positive answers to most of the questions, while the proportion of students who were not comfortable with the tutorial was around 40 %. Most of the students were satisfied with the PBL scenario and their tutor. It was shown that 60-80 % of the students found difficulty in communication skils, presentation skills and the skills to identify learning-issues before the PBL tutoria l. After the PBL tutoria l, the proportion of the students who found difficulty in the skills in self-direct learning had decreased. The results oft hiss tudys uggestt hatit isa ppropr-i ate to conduct future PBL tutorial classes in the present manner. In addition, the results suggest that our PBL tutorial classes have a positive educational effect on skills in self-direct learning. However, it is necessary to devise some effective measures to enhance to communication skills of those students who were not comfortable with the tutorial.
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