Journal of the Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan
Online ISSN : 2186-0122
Print ISSN : 0388-8517
ISSN-L : 0388-8517
Volume 35, Issue 1
Displaying 1-5 of 5 articles from this issue
  • Kazutaka UMETSU, Takahide OHYAMA, Tadashi KISHIMOTO, Junichi TAKAHASHI ...
    2004 Volume 35 Issue 1 Pages 1-8
    Published: June 25, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: September 05, 2011
    The specific objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of UASB reactor in dairy manure wastewater. The experiment was conducted at four COD loading rates, and with two amount of granule seeded. Based on statistical analysis of data from this experiment the following conclusions were given:
    The increase of biogas and methane gas production were observed with the increase of the COD loading rate, the results appeared to show a linear relationship between the COD loading rate and the biogas and methane gas production.
    At a COD loading rate of 1.35g/L/day, the UASB reactors effectively removed 94-95% of COD from the dairy wastewater, then the COD removal capacity of the UASB reactors gradually declined with the increase of the COD loading rate.
    The performance of Reactor A, seeded with 500mL of granule was able to achieve higher COD removal and higher methane gas production at all COD loading rates than Reactor B, which was seeded with 250mL of granule. The amount of seed granule used is an important parameter in reactor performance of UASB reactors.
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  • Guiling HAO, Michinori NISHIO, Takaaki MAEKAWA
    2004 Volume 35 Issue 1 Pages 9-15
    Published: June 25, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: September 05, 2011
    It was examined how zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) might affect the decomposition of phytate phosphorus (P) in corn and sorghum and soybean meal by phytase.
    Phytase solution of pH 7 or pH 5, which was dissolved in 0.5M acetic acid buffer solution, was added to the test tube containing the solution of powdered feedstuffs and Zn or Cu. Incubating at 37°C for 1 hour, the rate of decomposition prevention of phytate P is obtained. The higher the concentration of Zn, Cu and pH are, the rate of decomposition prevention of phytate P became high. At the same pH levels, the rate of decomposition prevention of phytate P by Zn became high compared with Cu, especially at the concentration of 2mM or more. Comparing the three feedstuffs, the rate of decomposition of phytate P in them by Zn and Cu was low at soybean meal compared with corn and sorghum. In order to maximize activity of phytase in diet and to promote availability of phytate P, it may be important to reduce the excess addition of Zn and Cu to diet, which is usually done in commercial diets.
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  • Keo INTABON, HONG Li, Yutaka ISHIKAWA, Takaaki SATAKE, Takaaki MAEKAWA
    2004 Volume 35 Issue 1 Pages 17-24
    Published: June 25, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: September 05, 2011
    Okara, the waste product of Japanese soy curd industry, was once an important daily food, but modernization in life style has reduced its status. The waste amount is about 677, 000 metric ton/year (Amaha et al., 1996). The waste contains high contents of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Using the protein isolate of this waste to produce biodegradable films means adding high economic value to it. This may lead to an effective and useful way of using the by-product.
    Compared to soy flour, the protein content in okara is few, and more glycerol amount was needed for the protein isolate to give favorable plasticity to the formed films. Tensile strength at break point, and elongation percentage were smaller than those of a commercial soy protein isolate. However, by adding sodium dodecyl sulfate to the film forming solution, physical properties of the films made with okara protein isolate were improved. It is demonstrated that protein isolated from this waste can be used as a proper material for the production of biodegradable films.
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  • Satoru YAMAUCHI, Toshio SAWADA, Sumio KAWANO
    2004 Volume 35 Issue 1 Pages 25-31
    Published: June 25, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: September 05, 2011
    Quick determination of fat content in frozen whole skipjack was studied by non-contact measurement of NIR reflectance spectra. NIR spectra of the center of frozen whole skipjack were measured at a distance of 10cm above by using grating type NIR instrument. Multiple linear regression was performed based on 2nd derivative spectra and fish fat laboratory measurements. The highest multiple correlation coefficient of 0.88 with a standard error of calibration (SEC) of 6.6% and validation (SEP) of 6.1% was obtained in case of calibration equation with tree optical terms including 1162nm as first wavelength. At distance of 10cm, the effective measuring area of the fish body was a circular area with a diameter of 5cm. The distance between the sensing head and the sample was one of the factors causing errors in NIR fat determination. The fish sample temperature affected the NIR spectra, but did not affect the NIR fat determination because sample temperature compensation was included in the calibration equation developed. It was concluded that non-contact measurement of NIR spectra of frozen whole skipjack was possible with on-line grating NIR instrument.
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  • Limi OKUSHIMA, Yumiko IWAHASHI, Sadanori SASE, Naoya FUKUDA
    2004 Volume 35 Issue 1 Pages 33-38
    Published: June 25, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: September 05, 2011
    Two-dimensional electrophoresis of plant protein under the different light distributions had been tried to find an index of environmental impact to crops. Two kinds of tomato nursery plants, Momotaro and Sugar lamp were sampled. For one month after the germination, plants were cultivated under white and yellow lights, respectively. The 2-D PAGE protein maps were investigated. On the spot volume distributions of each molecular weight sections, the kurtosis of both kinds of tomato plants under the yellow light condition was larger than that under the white light. On the spot volume distributions of each isoelectric point sections, the skewness of both kinds of tomato plants under the yellow light condition was larger than that under the white light. This analysis method might be possible to indicate the difference of plant physiological response such as morphogenesis. Further investigation under various kinds of environmental conditions will be needed.
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