Online ISSN : 1881-8188
Print ISSN : 1341-9463
ISSN-L : 1341-9463
20 巻, 44 号
  • 森田 武, 近藤 史朗
    2014 年 20 巻 44 号 p. 153-158
    発行日: 2014/02/20
    公開日: 2014/02/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    A separating construction consisting of steel beam and fireproof partition wall is developed. In the development of the construction, a full scale fire test and small scale fire tests are carried out in order to verify two performances. One performance is the interaction between beam and partition wall, and the other is thermal insulation capacity. As the result of tests, it is confirmed that the beam-wall interaction is not a problem, and that thermal insulation capacity depends on the temperature of beam. According to these results, a simplified calculation method of temperature on non-heated side of steel beam is proposed.
  • ~ツバキの放射熱遮断効果~
    申 易澈, 野秋 政希, 大宮 喜文, 林 吉彦
    2014 年 20 巻 44 号 p. 159-164
    発行日: 2014/02/20
    公開日: 2014/02/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this study, with the aim of collecting the quantitative knowledge about radiant heat controlled by trees, the experiment was conducted using the ICAL radiant panel that can reproduce the radiant heating of constant intensity. By using this experiment, we considered the correlation of the shape of the tree and the shielding effect of the radiant heat of trees. As a result, shielding effect of radiant heat by camellia was confirmed by experiments. That effect was especially observed to have large tendency near the trees. Transmittance of heat flux and the shielding ratio(1-φy) have almost the same value, it was confirmed by the correlation of transmittance of heat flux and the shielding ratio(1-φy). Therefore, trees shielding ratio is one simple indicator that assesses the incident of heat shielding effect of the trees.
  • 李 孝珍, 上野 佳奈子, 坂本 慎一
    2014 年 20 巻 44 号 p. 165-168
    発行日: 2014/02/20
    公開日: 2014/02/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    A pharmacy is a place which needs a proper speech transmission performance for giving customers accurate information about medicine. In addition, in a pharmacy, it is important to take considerable care of conversation leakage, because the conversation between a customer and a pharmacist includes lots of the customer’s personal information. This study focused on the sound insulation performance of partition walls installed in the pharmacy. The partition walls at counters may effectively achieve speech privacy by using a sound masking system. In this study, three pharmacies in Tokyo which have different partition design and room acoustic conditions were investigated. Acoustical conditions were actually measured and the effectiveness of the partition walls on sound masking efficiency was investigated through subjective tests using a three-dimensional sound filed simulation system. From the result, it was clarified that the partition walls had an influence on the masking efficiency. Moreover, high quality of speech privacy is satisfied by contrived management of layout planning, improvement of partition walls and using the sound masking system.
  • 小林 茂雄, 鈴木 竜一, 角舘 政英, 塚本 由晴, 貝島 桃代
    2014 年 20 巻 44 号 p. 169-172
    発行日: 2014/02/20
    公開日: 2014/02/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    Outdoor lighting design is usually carried out to clear the Recommended Levels of Illumination(JIS Z 9110). In contrast, this research tried to renovate the Miyashita Park located in Shibuya-ku based on the lighting performance design. Since the facilities were converted to barrier-free, strong lighting was no longer required to satisfy walk performance. Performances required for lighting were investigated first, and then a lighting experiment which examines arrangement of lights for ensuring the performances was conducted. As a result of comparing before and after renovation, by distributing the minimum lights which ensure the performance, the whole visibility improved and the consumption energy also decreased.
  • 荘保 伸一, 小淵 義照, 吉田 篤正, 木下 進一
    2014 年 20 巻 44 号 p. 173-176
    発行日: 2014/02/20
    公開日: 2014/02/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this research, it is proposed that atmospheric heat load is mitigated by using heat treated wood material for exterior coating of buildings. The heat budgets of wood deck and wall panel, which are actually constructed on horizontal rooftop and vertical wall, were evaluated. Numerical evaluations for heat budget on horizontal surfaces with and without wood deck in the case of same solar reflectance are performed. As are result, surface temperature and environmental thermal load in daytime on wood surface tends to be large, and the heat storage of building in daytime is suppressed and the heat discharge in night is reduced.
  • −温熱環境調査−
    矢野 裕吾, 高木 直樹, 松本 知佳, 柳瀬 亮太
    2014 年 20 巻 44 号 p. 177-180
    発行日: 2014/02/20
    公開日: 2014/02/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    About temporary house of disaster, bad residential environment was reported by many interview researches. This paper describes year-round physical residential environment research about earthquake temporary house in Sakae village Nagano prefecture. In summer, it has bad ventilation, and hot air pools in temporary house at night. In winter, surface temperature is low at ceiling and finestra, as weakness of thermal insulation. Capacity of exhaust fan comes short, and then condensation is confirmed. Because of majority of inhabitants fails information about air conditioning and ventilation, residential environment degenerate. The necessity of guidance about resident method is checked out.
  • 大塚 雅之, 保科 秀明, 加藤 利崇
    2014 年 20 巻 44 号 p. 181-186
    発行日: 2014/02/20
    公開日: 2014/02/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    This report describes a commercial disposer drainage stack system installed to an approx. 100 m tall super high-rise experimental drainage tower, and the examination of how large amounts of waste drained from the kitchen of the tower (kitchen waste) affects the drainage performance of the stack and the carrying performance of the house drain. The report also aims to acquire, on the basis of the experiment results, useful technical knowledge necessary for the actual planning and design of a disposer drainage stack system which is used specifically for real super high-rise buildings for the business use.
  • 赤林 伸一, 坂口 淳, 大嶋 拓也, 市川 裕幸, 有波 裕貴
    2014 年 20 巻 44 号 p. 187-190
    発行日: 2014/02/20
    公開日: 2014/02/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    A conventional selection criterion of room air conditioners based on rated performance is considered suboptimal from the standpoint of energy efficiency. In order to help consumers evaluate energy performance, annual performance factor (APF) was introduced in the 2005 revision of JIS C 9612. However, APF assumes thermal environment of Tokyo, which makes regional deviation of APF remain unknown. In the present study, rated coefficients of performance (COPs) and market prices of year 2012 models of air conditioners are collected. From the collection, APFs are calculated at nine representative cities in Japan to quantify regional characteristics of APF.
  • −地下水汲上げ量及びシステム循環水量のPMV制御−
    垂水 弘夫, 坂本 泰邦, 桑原 亮一, 西澤 淳, 岩瀬 和夫
    2014 年 20 巻 44 号 p. 191-195
    発行日: 2014/02/20
    公開日: 2014/02/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    PMV control system was applied for a ceiling radiation cooling/heating system utilizing groundwater as heat source/sink. System improvements including extension of the ceiling radiation panel and inverter control of pumps were carried out in the 2012. The research results in summertime cases are summarized below:
    1) Indoor PMV values were settled in the range of 0.2-0.6 which was narrower than the previous year. 2) The power consumption of the pumps dropped to 1/3 of the previous year, and that of the whole system containing an makeup air unit dropped to 2/3.