Online ISSN : 1884-2119
Print ISSN : 0366-9998
ISSN-L : 0366-9998
45 巻, 532 号
  • 熊澤 治郎吉
    1937 年 45 巻 532 号 p. 197-199
    発行日: 1937/04/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 内田 宗義
    1937 年 45 巻 532 号 p. 200-206
    発行日: 1937/04/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    (a) 可塑粉體の小圓〓を壓搾成形し, その兩端面よりの浸潤を遮斷して多量の水中に浸し, 荷重零のもとに膨潤せしめ, 軸方向の伸びの最大値を比較する事によつて膨潤性粉體の膨潤度を比較する方法を 「圓〓膨潤法」 と命名した。 そうしてこの方法を種々の膨潤土に適用した結果を報告し, 更に前記の最大値を 「圓〓膨化量」 と名付け, この値より求められる 「ベントナイト數」, 又は 「ベントナイト當量」, がベントナイトの品位判定の實際的指數として充分役立ち得る事を示した。 但しこゝにベントナイト數と稱するのは試片圓〓の最初の高さをh0(mm), h0の倍數で表はした圓〓膨化量をhm, 試片の乾量をW0とする時,〔h0(hm-1)〕/W0で表はされる數である。
    (b) 圓〓膨潤法による膨化曲線の直線部に於て, 膨化率を時間 (時) で除した値を 「圓〓膨化速度」 と名付け, この値と圓〓膨化量とを定量的基礎とし, 更に圓〓膨潤の様式を定性的基礎として加味し, 新たにベントナイトの分類を行つた。
    (c) ベントナイトの從來の定義を通覧し, 二三の吟味を行ひたる上, 常温に於ける圓〓膨化量の數値をもつて限界の基準とするベントナイトの新たなる一定義を提言した。 即ち次の通りである。 「ベントナイトとは玻璃質火山岩の分解物にして, その圓〓膨潤試驗 (常温) に於けるベントナイト數が10以上なるものを謂ふ」。
  • 菅野 健雄
    1937 年 45 巻 532 号 p. 207-212
    発行日: 1937/04/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Measuring the modulus of elasticity and that of rupture for electrical porcelain with the small cross sectional area, the following results have been obtained.
    1. When the grain size of green body is reduced, the modules of rupture and the modulus of elasticity become larger, but the increase of the latter is smaller when compared with that of the former.
    2. The modulus of rupture and the ratio of modulus of elasticity to that of rupture depend also on constitution of the bodies.
    3. By blending the fluxes other than PbO on substitution of feldspar, the bodies become stronger and have smaller E/f.
  • 不破 橘三
    1937 年 45 巻 532 号 p. 213-219
    発行日: 1937/04/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is the object of this paper to set out a brief summary of the past work on the series of glasses which have been prepared from the batch mixtures in which the increasing amount of lime has been replaced by ferric-oxide or by ferrous-oxalate respectively.
    As the results of the total analysis of the series of lithiumoxide glasses have already been presented in the 10th and 12th report, only those of the soda-and potash-glasses is given in the following table.
    The degree of dissociation of ironoxide contained in the glass, the percentage ratio (FeO/FeO+Fe2O3) x 100, varies with the increase of ironoxide, if the melting-process, -time, -temperature, -quantity of the glass be almost constant, with no reference to the kind of raw materials from which the ironoxide has been introduced into the glass.
    Glasses containing ironoxide which has been introduced into the batch in the form of ferric-oxide present the decreasing dissociation tendency with the increasing amount of ironoxide and glasses prepared from the batch mixtures into which ironoxide has been introduced in the form of ferrous-oxalate show the increasing dissociation tendency with the increasing amount of ironoxide in the glass. It can be generally said that the said percentage ratio shows a very gradual variation at the range of over 4% of total iron oxide.
    The total transmission of each glass, calculated from the measured transmission curves, has been plotted in graph against the total ironoxide content of each glass.
    So far as the total ironoxide content is small, there has been found no appreciable distinction of the total transmission between the glasses into which the ironoxide has been introduced in the form of ferric-oxide and those into which the ironoxide has been introduced in the form of ferrous-oxalate.
    With the increase of ironoxide content the total transmission of the former glasses takes higher value than those of the latter.
    Comparing the distinction of the transmission between those glasses with reference to the alkali component, the potashglass shows the most remarkable distinction, the lithia-glass the moderate, and the soda-glass the least.
    The minimum wave length transmitting the latter glasses shows the smaller value so far as the total ironoxide content is small, and it presents the adverse results at the range of high ironoxide content, in consequence to the small transmission in the visible region.
    The transmission at 700mμ of the former glass and that of the latter glass presents no appreciable distinction between them, so far as the total ironoxide content is small and the transmission at 700mμ of the latter glass is less than that of the former at the range of higher ironoxide content.
    As to the color of the glasses, the former presents the color varying from yellowish green and the latter the bluish, so far as the total ironoxide content is small, and moreover, the former gives the color varying from brown to brownish green and the latter from dark green to dark greenish blue.
  • 永井 彰一郎, 片山 惇造
    1937 年 45 巻 532 号 p. 219-226
    発行日: 1937/04/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    On continuing the preliminary studies on refractory cements and mortars (This Journal, 1936, 44, 441), the authors communicate in the present report the results of further comparative tests of refractory cements on the market. The following is the brief abstract from the original Japanese communication.
    (1) 5 more samples of refractory cements were also collected from the market and tested for the comparison with those in the first report. Their chemical compositions, specific gravities and degrees of fineness were systematically tested and discussed.
    (2) The special method of chemical analysis was devised, i.e., the systematic testing of various components of soluble in water, dilute acid solution and then in dilute alkali solution, (a) The water soluble part was first separated by boiling the sample with water and analysed, (b) The residue was then treated with 5% HCl solution on water bath and the soluble part was separated and analysed, (c) This second residue was further treated by 10% NaOH solution on water bath and the soluble part was tested on its chemical composition, (d) The residue from the above alkali solution treatment was analysed, and (e) The water soluble acid radicals as SO3, Cl, etc., were also tested by the first water soluble solution. By these systematic treatments the samples of refractory cements were fully discussed on their soluble parts (a), (b), (c) and their insoluble part (d).
    (3) The compressive strengths of cylindrical (Dia. 20mm and Ht. 30mm) test pieces of refractory cements kneaded by water, dried and burned at several temperatures (600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1300°C, etc.), were systematically tested and observed that the cements of low refractoriness had relatively large strengths by burning at relatively lower temperatures 800-1200°C, and those of high refractoriness had smaller strengths at lower buring temperatures but rather large strengths burned at 1300°C or higher temperatures.
    (4) The load (2kg/cm2) test during heating was applied to cylindrical test pieces (Dia. 20mm and Ht. 30mm). The expansions or contractions during heating were tested as the German standard for refractory materials: DIN. 1064 (Druckerweichungsbestaendigkeit), and the deformations after the load test were compared as the American standard for refractory mateials: ASTM (Standard Specification C16-20). These comparison tests avers gave clear differences to discuss the refractory cements on market: Those of lower refractoriness gave considerably large contraction and deformation even at relatively lower temperatures 1080-1200°C, and those of higher refractoriness gave smaller contraction and defoomation even at tamperature higher than 1300°C.
    (5) By comparing these results of various testings on refractory cements on market, the authors are now experimentally preparing sompies of high alumina content and obtaining good results, which will be reported in the next communications.
  • 高アルミナ型アルミン酸石灰の調製
    近藤 清治, 山内 俊吉, 稻村 泰
    1937 年 45 巻 532 号 p. 227-236
    発行日: 1937/04/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    高アルミナ質石灰化合物を主體とする水硬性耐火セメントを製造する目的から先づその基本的研究として純炭酸カルシウム及び純アルミナを用ひ3CaO:5Al2O3, CaO:2Al2O3, CaO:3Al2O3, CaO:10Al2O3なる分子比調合物を作り4時間1300-1500℃に加熱し化學的及びX線的に生成化合物について調べた。
    (1) 水硬性から見て本研究目的に適合すると思はるゝ調合物の兩端3CaO: 5Al2O3及CaO: 3Al2O3について1300℃, 1500℃燒成物を化學的及びX線的に調べてみると何れも1300℃で燒いたものには1%以下の遊離石灰があり1500℃で燒いたものには全然認められない。 又水硬性化合物について見れば3CaO: 5Al2O3 1300℃燒成物中にはCaO・Al2O3及び少量の5CaO・3Al2O3生成し, 1500℃燒成物中には3CaO・5Al2O3及び少量のCaO・Al2O3が存在する。 CaO: 3Al2O3調合物1300℃及び1500℃燒成物は共に3CaO・5Al2O3と少量のCaO・Al2O3を生成してゐる。 而して之等と共存する遊離アルミナは皆αAl2O3の形である。
    (2) 高アルミナ石灰混合物に於て高アルミナ石灰化合物の生成量は加熱温度及び混合物中のアルミナの量に正比例する。
    (3) 叙上の様な分子比の耐火セメソト燒成温度は1300-1400℃4時聞位で充分である。
  • 山内 俊吉
    1937 年 45 巻 532 号 p. 236-240
    発行日: 1937/04/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    研究の結果ソラコル氏のメタアリット (Meta Alit) と似て非なるものであるから氏のものをαMeta Alitと呼び著者のものをβMeta Alitと命名した。
    X線的にα, βMeta Alitの大なる相違點はαMeta Alitは2CaO・SiO2型であるがβMeta Alitは3CaO・SiO2型である點である。
    βMeta Alitは3CaO・SiO2から變質した一つの不安定な化合物であると考へられる。
  • 熊澤 治郎吉
    1937 年 45 巻 532 号 p. 241-242
    発行日: 1937/04/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大阪工業試驗所第三部カマド會
    1937 年 45 巻 532 号 p. 243-248
    発行日: 1937/04/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 1937 年 45 巻 532 号 p. 249-260
    発行日: 1937/04/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 1937 年 45 巻 532 号 p. 268-276
    発行日: 1937/04/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大根 草路, 藤田 忠一, 山本 三郎, 石野 龍山, 松本 佐平
    1937 年 45 巻 532 号 p. Plate1-Plate2
    発行日: 1937/04/01
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー