箟 源亮
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
祖父江 照雄
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
The third flight of the H-II rocket has successfully completed placing two satellites, the fifth Geostationary Meteorological Satellite named "HIMAWARI-5" and the retrievable Space Flyer Unite, in their orbits at the same time on March 18, 1995. This test flight was the very last event of the H-II development program which took approximately 12 years, and this concluding landmark with the first and second test flights successfully conducted in 1994 has demonstrated the intended performance, reliability, and operability of the H-II rocket. This paper briefly reviews the development program, some technical difficulties encountered. collecting measures employed and lessons learned.
穂刈 高志, 国京 利一, 位田 太, 水田 郁久, 千葉 薫, 大浜 信一
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
In the super sonic flow through the cascade of a gas-turbine engine, flow separation and shock waves are important phenomena impacting the performance. In previous report1) flow separation can be detected using hot film sensors. And we show the possibility that shock waves can be detected using these sensors. This report describe additional experiment to improve the detection of shock waves. In super sonic wind tunnel test, two kinds of shock waves, that are differed in strength, are indused to occur on the surface of the cone-like models at Mach 2.5. Data are collected from hot film sensors located on the surface. Schlieren flow visualization method is also applied to check the flow. As the results, the shock wave can be detected by the differences between the sensor output.
小野寺 収, Moosad K.P.B., 高山 和喜
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
Diffuse holographic interferometric observations have been applied to generation and propagation of spherical shock wave in PMMA block and of blast waves in.air. The former case was made by means of laser beam focusing in PMMA and the later case was created by explosion of microexplosives. A curved film holder on which 70 mm wide and 300 mm long holo film was tightly fixed, was used so as to construct clearer holographic images and to broaden effective view angles when the film is reconstructed. The three-dimensionality of the images was well demonstrated.
井上 雅弘, 益田 光治, 古川 雅人, 村石 隆, 半田 太郎
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
To investigate the supersonic flows in a duct with a cavity, the laser-induced fluorescense (LIF) method is developed. This diagnostic system is based on the argon laser with seeded iodine as fluorescence material, and is applied to the rectangular duct with a cavity. The temperature distributions in the cavity are obtained, and the three-dimensional structure of the flow field is clarified.
望月 博昭, 宮里 義昭, 横山 満宣, 松尾 一泰
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
The effect of a small protuberance in a boundary layer on the structure of a λ-type pseudo-shock wave was experimentally investigated. The Mach number upstream of the pseudo-shock is 1.80. When the head of the pseudo-shock is located at the protuberance, the pseudo-shock is affected most and it consists of a series of oblique shock waves. In such a flow state, the wavy variation of the pressure distribution along the duct axis is much smaller in comparison with a pseudo-shock wave in the case of no protuberance.
宮里 義昭, 樫谷 賢士, 片野 田洋, 松尾 一泰
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/12/08
An overexpanded flow in a two-dimensional supersonic nozzle with 10 degree half-angle has been experimentally investigated with schlieren observation and wall static pressure measurement, and the experimental results have been compared with the one-dimensional inviscid theory. The characteristics of nozzle flow for various pressure ratios across the nozzle are made clear The range of pressure ratio for the overexpanded flow by the inviscid theory is different from the present experimental results. This is due to the fact that the pseudo-shock is formed in real flows instead of the normal shock.
目黒 俊勝, バビンスキー ホルガー, 高山 和喜
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
This paper describes a shock wave propagation in a tube with a sudden area increase at a diameter ratio of 1:2. Experiments were carried out using a diaphragmless shock tube, in which instead of rupturing diaphragms a piston sealing the high pressure chamber and the low pressure channel was quickly moved to drive shock waves. Optical flow visualization using an aspheric lens succeeded to visualize shock waves in this circular cross sectional tube. A numerical scheme developed for this purpose was well validated by comparing its results with interferograms. Shock wave focusing and shock-shear layer interaction behind the transmitted shock wave were clearly simulated by this numerical scheme.
青木 俊之, 眞下 伸也, 船崎 好助, 松尾 一泰
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
When high-speed trains are running and passing each other in a tunnel, these generate compression waves ahead of trains. These waves are propagated through the tunnel and causes a large pressure transients are generated against trains. It is necessary to predict these pressure transients accurately in planning speed-up of Shinkansen trains. From this point of view, it is important to clarify the formation mechanism of pressure transients and the waveform of the pressure wave generated by the trains passing each other in a tunnel. In this paper, pressure transients are calculated by characteristic method in the high-speed train/tunnel systems and the formation mechanism of pressure transients is clarified.
鹿毛 一之, 石松 克也, 川越 茂敏, 今田 克孝
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
In this paper, the behavior of propagating shock wave and the detail of induced flow in a branched duct were visualized by numerical simulation in order to clarify the sabilizing process of the transmitted shock. The computation was carried out by solving two dimensional and compressible Navier-Stokes equations using the total variation diminishing(TVD) scheme. Numerical simulation was performed for four types of the branch, and the flow fields were numerically visualized by the contour lines of pressure, Mach number, vorticity, velocity vectors, sonic lines, pressure distribution on the walls and wave diagram. The stabilizing process and the attenuation of the transmitted shock, the production of the vortex and the formation of the secondary shock were observed clearly.
清水 武司, 平原 裕行, 川橋 正昭, 細井 健司
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
Optical visualization of interaction between a shock wave and boundary layer in mist has been carried out by using objective light pass filter, by which a perfect shadowgraph can be obtained. The intensity with the filter is proportional to the source density which has a gradient of spatial light diffraction coefficient. Therefore we can obtain a mist density from the image of photograph experimentally obtained. Experimental photograph shows a detailed flow field image. Compression or expansion wave also visualized with the present method. The interaction between a shock wave and thermal boundary layer in mist has been investigated in detail experimentally.
石松 克也, 鹿毛 一之, 濱川 洋充, 奥林 豊保
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
Flow around rotating Darrieus turbines were simulated by solving 2-d Navier-Stokes equations. The equations were discretized by the Finite Volume Method for the space and Fractional Step Method for the time. In this report, 2-type turbines were simulated, that is, ducted turbine and non-ducted turbine. In the case of ducted turbine, Composite Grid scheme was introduced. The results showed good agreement with experimental data in torque coefficient, blade efficiency, etc. Simulated flows were visualized by stream lines, vorticity, pressure distribution, streak lines, etc. The visualized flow fields can explain the torque-generating mechanism.
石田 正弘, 坂口 大作, 上江 茂之
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
Unstable flow occurs at low flow rate in a centrifugal blower with radial blades and inducers. In order to clarify the cause of the unstable flow such as surge, the authors have visualized the behavior of separation ring formed on the shroud casing wall by means of the oil film technique. The obtained results are as follows; (1) Separation ring is located at the inlet of inducer before the inception of unstable flow, however, the separation ring can exist steadily without unstable flow. (2) Surge is induced by the flow separation due to the excessive deceleration rate of relative velocity in the inducer. (3) By increasing the tip clearance, surge is suppressed by the reduced deceleration rate due to the increased back-flow through the clearance.
臼井 弘, 山本 孝正, 富永 純一, 池羽 貴之
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
To investigate mixing process with the main stream and behavior of the cooling-air in rotor cascade passages, an experiment was conducted with cooling-air ejection from blade leading-edges of the test cascade which was located downstream of another cascade simulating a stator cascade. In the present experiment, cooling-air was heated higher than the main stream temperature, and the temperature distribution of flow in the test cascade passage was measured in detail by a thermocouple. It was found that the behavior of the cooling-air ejected from the leading-edges were affected significantly by such as pressure gradients and passage vortices in the test cascade and by relative location between the upstream stator cascade and the downstream test rotor cascade.
小林 敏雄, 佐賀 徹雄, 瀬川 茂樹, 甘 勝巳, 李 〓〓, 金 泰均
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
To obtain a high. applicability of the particle tracking velocimetry to a complex flow analysis, the flow visualization and the image analysis technique has been improved. In this paper, the coding illumination technique for the high speed tracer particles and the tracking algorithm of the tracer particles superimposed on a TV frame are discussed. To confirm the utility of the techniques, the algorithm has been applied to the air flow around an axial flow fan.
中島 正弘, 野崎 勉
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
As a part of the investigation on the device to remove the dust on the panel of solar heat collector or solar cell, the new type of sprinkler applying the flow mechanism of the fluidic devices have been designed and improved. In this study, the effects of the exit width of sprinkler on the spread angle and the distribution of sprinkled water have been investigated. As a result, the spread angle of sprinkled water widens as the exit width becomes large. However, at a certain exit width. the spread angle has a maximum value, then it lessens gradually. The distributions of sprinkled water change greatly with the exit width of sprinkler.
則武 雅人, 矢野 利明, 鳥居 修一
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
An image processing method was employed to visualize the flame shape which was recorded every two milliseconds by using a high speed video camera. The visible image presents an instantaneous behavior of the turbulent flame and it gives some informations on the turbulence of jet diffusion flames.
In order to determine the flame shape, a binary image was made by choosing a threshold value of the original image having 256 grey levels. The binary image makes it possible to calculate the peripheral distance and area of flame. The time variation of their distance and area considerably represents the fluctuation of flame. The analysing with the image processing can be effective method for revealing the physical characteristics of turbulent diffusion flame behavior.
伊藤 真一郎, 成井 浩
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
Concerning center drive confined jet, it is known that recirculation zone appears when the flow ratio is small. In this study, oil film method is used to vizualize the recirculation zone to investigate the relation between the location of the exit of the nozzle and pressure distributions. It was found that the location of reattachment line of recirculation zone did not change so much against the flow ratio, however the separation line changed, and that the recirculation zone moved according to the location of the exit of the nozzle. Recirculaion zone was found to be influential with pressure distributions on the wall.
石川 直也, 新村 恵一
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
This study was performed to clarify the mechanism of diesel fuel spray formation with the greatly magnified photographs and auto-correlation PIV technique by laser-light sheet method of pulsed ruby laser. From the magnified photographs taken at near the nozzle hole exit region, it was found that injected fuel under high ambient pressure condition was broken-up at peripheral area of spray. With PIV technique, local fuel spray particle motion was analyzed and velocity vector and vorticity of the fuel spray were obtained. The vortex number increased and vorticity scale became smaller and its value grew higher with the increase of fuel injection velocity. The mixing of fuel spray in ambient gas seems to be promoted and the turbulence is expected getting higher in those regions.
深谷 征史, 岡本 孝司, 班目 春樹
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
A self-induced sloshing caused by an upward plane jet was recently discovered in a rectangular test tank. The submerged jet entered the tank from an inlet at the bottom center and impinged vertically on a free surface. Under a certain water depth and inlet velocity condition, the first mode sloshing was observed. At the sloshing, the visualized jet streakline had a peculiar oscillatory behavior. Based on the observation, a relation-between the sloshing period and a time was noticed, which was required for the jet fluctuation to travel from the inlet to the surface. As a result, the sloshing was found to occur when the traveling time of the jet fluctuation was about discrete constant times as long as the sloshing period.
児島 忠倫, 島津江 麻里, 松岡 祥浩, 楠井 潤
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
In this report, it was discussed by the digital image processing that the characteristics of the discrete frequency noise for subsonic jets were closely related to the structure and behavior of vortex rings. The vortex rings released from nozzle with exit divergent angle, were visualized by Schlieren method or a high-speed video camera included its system. It was clarified that the interaction of vortex rings were classified into phenomena of chasing, merging and rolling up and so on, and those phenomena had characteristic frequency distributions of noise respectively.
李 輝, 野崎 勉
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
A new cross-correlation method, which is called a wavelet cross-correlation analysis and expresses the statistical cross-correlation of any signal in terms of period and time delay, is proposed. As a practical application to the field of fluid engineering, wavelet cross-correlation is employed to analyze cross-correlation relationships between xcomponents of the fluctuation velocities at two points on opposite sides of the center line and along the center line of a plane turbulent jet in terms of period and time delay. The period of vortex and apparent flapping motions can be easily determined in terms of period and time delay.
大場 謙吉, 中村 賢作, 内見 文和, 森本 達也
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
In order to make quantitative measurements of local and temporal liquid film thickness in two-phase annular flow by using pigment luminance method (PLM), we made a calibration experiment to determine the relationship between the liquid film thickness and the luminance from pigment dispersed in the liquid film. Furthermore, the relationship between the liquid film thickness and the luminance has been theoretically derived on the basis of the exponential decay law. As a result, we found that the theory generally agrees with a calibration experiment. We investigated the characteristics of the ring wave in detail. As a result, the followings have been elucidated. Firstly, the wave height is decreased as jg is increased, and it jumps only at a particular value of ii, but at any other points of ii it is approximately kept constant. Secondly there are seen two types of the mechanisms for the ring wave generation: appearance through an agglomeration of the ripple wave and through the disintegration of the disturbance wave.
加藤 泰生, 中川 広隆, 宮本 政英
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
This paper described the study for the image analysis with SFM (Spatial Filtering Method) which was velocimetry for the particle velocity at the center of cross"section in a circulating fluidized bed. For image analysis as SFM, there are some problems caused by difficult conditions such as the high particle density and velocity. This timee we repaired the image pictures for image processing to reduce the particle numbers per image frame. The results also depended on selection of tracer particle which indicated us offering the good image pictures as well. We reconfirmed that SFM was successful method for measuring particle velocity at the center of cross section in a circulating fluidized bed.
野崎 勉, 福原 稔, 権堀 栄一郎
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
On the basis of the fundamental experiments of the classifying system of many kinds of particles having the axisymmetric collecting unit, the advanced suction unit model of the classifier was constructed, in which the slit nozzle for injection flow is used. In this unit the floating section is newly mounted in addition to the classifying section. The equivalent flow rate of injection and suction can be used to improve the performance and considering the actual system of the classifier. It was found that the effective classification is achieved by mounting the floating section, where the larger particles moves temporally from the fluidized region. The results are compared with the classification curve in the case of the axisymmetric collecting unit.
井上 重雄, 山本 孝正, 臼井 弘
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
In order to improve maneuver characteristics of airplanes, it is important to understand threedimensional flows around the airplanes in detail. In the present study, a quantitative visualization technique using a five-hole Pitot tube was used to get detailed flow pictures around a whole airplane body with a complex geometry. Also a small wind tunnel with a fully-automatic three-axis traverse gear was newly constructed for this study, and a miniature model of a commercial airplane was installed in the wind tunnel as a test species. The test results were illustrated in some color graphics to show and clarify the complex flow phenomena around the airplane, such as separation vortices which generate from the airplane wing tips, the engines, and the aircraft body.
明石 光一郎
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
In teaching fluid mechanics, we have been making researches of high lift devices of an airplane, flap and slat by using a smoke wind tunnel. In this experimental study, we used NACA4412 wing section, and searched the optimum shape of a slot between the main wing and the flap. By the partial flow visualization technique, we confirmed the slot shape that a smoke streak-line passing through the slot was attached to the upper surface of the flap and by the force measurement technique, we also confirmed that the slot shape mentioned above had brought maximum lift coefficient. In this paper, we refer to the partial flow visualization of slotted flap of 40% chord length.
若 良二, 鈴木 豊彦, 吉野 章男, 林 農
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
The flows around the square section cylinder with different inclined angle were measured with a parallel triple hot-wire probe. The near wake of each cylinder was visualized by applying phase averaging and CAFV Techniques, The vorticity fields were calculated from the measured velocity vector fields and they were also visualized as animation for more easier understanding of the flow field. It was confirmed that the characteristics of the flow field around the cylinder, not only a vortex shedding but also the length of the formation region and the strength of shedding vortices, were effectively affected by inclination of the cylinder.
Michael Zeutzius, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshihiro Nakano, Toshiaki Setoguchi ...
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
In order to enhance the lift to drag ratio of advanced space planes, the concepts are based on delta wing configurations. High speed vortices whose strength depends on angle of attack, considerably increase the lift. Because of their importance for aerodynamical forces, many investigations were performed using only flat wing configurations. Here, the integration of the delta wing in a space plane and additional interactions with propulsion systems or winglets were investigated using smoke wire method in a Subsonic-Wind-Tunnel.
松村 剛志, 奥野 武俊, 西尾 茂, 田原 祐介, 前山 直子
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
A non-contact measurement method for wall friction distribution using oil film has been already proposed by the authors. The present paper describes the result of the application of the method to the fore part of small ship model. Since the boundary layer near the bow is generally very thin, it is impossible to use the normal device for measuring the wall friction, such as Preston tube. This method enable to measure the wall friction distribution and limiting streamline. The effect of turbulent stimulator is also examined through the experiment.
木下 紀正
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
Typical samples of video records in 1993 are shown concerning the flow patterns of eruption clouds and stationary plumes ejected from Mt. Sakurajima. Mountain lee waves are formed under strong winds, resulting the high concentration of sulfur-dioxide at the foot of the mountain downstream. Also shown are water clouds formed by the upward displacement of streaming moist layers due to the topographical effects of the isolated mountain.
飯野 直子, 木下 紀正
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
Streaklines starting from Mt. Sakurajima at constant atmospheric pressures are computed from the data on upper winds at the heights of the vertical spread of the volcanic clouds. They are able to reproduce gross features of seven samples of the satellite data of the clouds in 1992.
市川 洋, 森 博明, 灘井 章嗣, 大野 裕一
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
In order to elucidate the maintenance mechamism of abrupt large change of temperature and salinity across the Kuroshio front, measurements off sea surface current field and its temporal change were made in the sea south of the Yakushima Island from October 9 to December 7, 1992, using the HF ocean Radar system, developed at the Okinawa Radio Wave Observatory, CRL. From 10-minute mean line-of-sight component of currents measured by two independently scanning HF Radars located 10 km apart to each other at the coast of Yakushima Island, we have estimated horizontal current. vectors. hourly at grided points of 2 km interval in 50 × 20 km area. The horizontal divergence was found to have positive and negative maximum values alternately along the front rather than a narrow convergence zone along the front.
中田 雅子, 大場 謙吉
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
The purpose of this study is to clarify the mechanism of decreasing the drag in natural swimming of fish, whale and dolphin. A cylinder which has Elasto-flexible surface simplified marine creature was placed in a water tunnel, and using Laser Light Sheet method to visualize flow field around the model, vortex pair shedding period from the model, deformation of its cross-sectional form and hydrodynamical drag of the model were simultaneously measured. As a result, the following were found: the rigid front flexible rear cylinder model has showed about 20% higher St number than rigid cylinder model. The local deformation of the surface changed local flow pattern and wake due to some interaction between flexible surface and vortex. Time variation of the drag of the Rigid Front Flexible Rear Cylinder (RFFRC) became smaller than rigid one.
鮎川 恭三, 榊 三郎, 福井 啓二, 十河 基介
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
It was reported that the flow pattern in a model of aneurysms were complicated. In this study, the flow pattern in the aneurysms was obtained roughly comparison of the results in thought which were conjectured the flow pattern in the plane cut by a laser light sheet with the visualization experiment. This conjecture was done in considering possible next part for the fluid which exist at the specified part to flow down by dividing some planes into two or four parts. The visualization results nearly agree with those obtained by this conjec ture. Therefore this conjecture is effective as to the visualization about these complicated flows.
山本 全男, 松岡 祥浩, 山内 慎, 青山 邑里, 小池 昇
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
In this study, the effects of the variation in the logarithmic spiral angle of the curved diffuser profile and the existence of a guide vane in the curved diffuser on the flow pattern are clarified by the flow visualization using the dye-streak method and the condensed-milk method colored by green dyes, and their results are compared with the numerical solutions obtained by the finite element method.
As the results of this study, it was found that the separation point in the flow pattern obtained from the flow visualization using condensed-milk method agreed comparatively with numerical results, and the performance of the curved diffuser was affected considerably by the logarithmic spiral angle and the existence of a guide vane, especially, the flow pattern indicated the most desirable result, when the spiral angle β was 22.5°.
永田 浩隆, 高見 創, 根本 弘明, 前川 博
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
Direct numerical simulation of time-developing mixing layers has been performed. The structure of the mixing layer is visualized by means of the vorticity contour and passive scalar. Numerical results were compared with the smoke patterns. Mixing layer was generated behind a splitter plate towed in a straight long tunnel. Acoustic forcing was applied to excite the shear layer and also to induce wave resonance in the free shear layer. We found that scalar distributions is similar to smoke pattern in the vortical structure in prior to pairing. This paper describes the structure recognition by visualization technique.
中山 泰喜, 青木 克巳, 沖 真
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
A very thin water veil like a transparent thin sheet of vinyl was obtained by using a "double-disk nozzle" (out of whose two disks a radial flow comes). A computer simulation was performed about this phenomena applying the balancing equation of gravitational force, surface tension, inertia force and air resistance. Using the values obtained from this computer simulation, a water veil was displayed in computer graphics. Comparing this theoretical shape with the actual experimental shape, it was made clear that these two shapes are almost equal.
池端 昭夫, 黒石 正宏
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
A large effort has been devoted to realize the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology as the third generation fuel cell because of its excellent potential efficiency. In deriving its maximum performance, it is necessary to optimize the properties of the cell components, the structure of the stacked cell, the condition of operation and so on. The method of the computational simulation of fluid, heat and chemical reaction in operatring condition of the SOFC has been developed to optimize them. We has also developed the method of visualization by means of graphic workstation and graphic library which is called OpenGL. In this report, we would show the generation phenomena in SOFC - flow velocity, temperature, concentration, current density and so on. And we would also show that the simulated data well-explained the experimental result obtained for a short single cell in operation.
木之下 広幸, 中西 賢二, 上谷 俊平, 郭 永明, 米山 征吾
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
Plastic deformation of metals or alloys in the forming processes is often called metal flow. Metal flow in hot extrusion of an aluminum alloy is closely connected with distortion of the cross section of the product and with peripheral recrystallization which causes streaks after anodizing. Then, the metal flow characteristics and the strain conditions in the deformation zone in hot extrusion of 6063 Aluminum alloy were investigated by employing the visioplasticity method. Furthermore, metal flow control technique by generating some temperature difference, in which deformation resistance of the billet becomes lower at higher temperature, in the deformation zone in the billet could be confirmed in the present investigation. Temperature difference could be generated by using the extrusion die constructed with multiple die materials having different thermal conductivities.
亀岡 利行, 清水 史生
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
Thermochromic liquid crystal visualizes temperature as difference of color. The purpose of present study is to measure exact temperature using color of liquid crystal, and to make temperature measurement system. Thermochromic liquid crystal that is observed different temperatures and angles offers different color. Therefore, we calibrated relation between color and temperatures, angles.
鈴木 豊彦, 落合 義孝, 田辺 征一, 若 良二, 野島 浩明
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
Quantitative measurement of the thickness of oil film within the piston-cylinder clearance was made on a reciprocating compressor. The distribution of oil film thickness is said to influence the oil consumption rate as well as the intensity of piston slap which is inherent in reciprocating machinery . PLIF method was used for visualizing and measuring the thickness of the film. By the usage of the glass cylinder the simultaneous distribution of the film thickness was visualized. Calibration of thickness measurement was made possible with the use of standard block gauges. Influence of various design parameters and running conditions are discussed on the the distribution of the oil film thickness.
杉森 忠之, 前田 信義, 石井 良夫, 渡辺 一弘, 久保田 譲
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
A laser scanning device has been newly utilized to draw arbitrary 3-Dimensional surfaces in space of interest, where flow visualization would be expected in the field of flow dynamics. This method uses a combination of a high power Argon Ion laser and X-Y galvanometers controlled by a PC/AT personal computer.
The developed technique would be promising to visualize 3-D surfaces which has been difficult. to produce with using the conventional laser light sheet.
文沢 元雄, 菱田 誠
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
This paper deals with experimental investigation on buoyancy- driven exchange flow through an inclined tube. The effect of the density at the tube top end and density difference between light and heavy gases on exchange flow rate were investigated and discussed. Smoke wire method was applied to visualize the flow in the tube, and compered with the mass change method.
大山 誠, 平野 公孝, 菊地 正憲
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
On the plan of seaside resorts, a lot of trees are cut away from the coastal forests. As tidal waves of which the height is larger than one of trees strike against the coastal forest, the effect of the forest on decreasing damage is studied with flow visualization and image processing. The coastal forests are simulated to groups of circular cylinders with steel wools placed perpendicularly on a ground plane. The circular cylinder and the steel wool present a trunk and branches of a tree, respectively. Branches dam up the tidal waves, and the flows rise to twice the height of trees at the frontal part of the forest. At the downstream of the forest, flows of the empty mid-space with trees differ from that of the full-space with trees. Over-flows fall down on the empty mid-space, and over-flows flow along branches on the full-space. Velocity flow fields of the over-flows are measured by the correlation method.
北條 勝彦, 高島 博史
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
Erroneous vectors are often found in the velocity vectors obtained by use.of PN because of mismatching a tracer image pattern to another one. Therefore, we must detect them in order to obtain a correct velocity information on the flow field.
In this study, we focus on the velocity vector distribution obtained in PIV. And, we propose the correction methods using an algorithm based on the local continuity of flow. We also propose an attempt to decrease the dependency of threshold on the processed results.
北條 勝彦, 山本 清
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
PIV is an excelent method as a fluid velocimetory because it is a multi-point simultaneous measurament system. In this study, PIV is applied to shallow wave. In this paper, the shallow wave is also divided into small amplitude wave and finite amplitude one. The small amplitude wave, however, had been analysed theoretically, so we could make sure application of PIV for the shallow wave referrring the former theoretical work. After confirmation of the application, we then examine a finite amplitude wave. Because the shallow wave phenomena have nonlinear effect, it is considered to be interesting physically.
和田 存功, 山本 富士夫, 井口 学, 石川 正明
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
Cross-correlation coefficient used in the binary image cross-correlation method for PIV is used without mathematical strict proof, although the method is thought to be convenient and efficient to analyze the particle images due to the high speed algorithm for particle identification. In the present study, the general equation of image cross-correlation coefficient and its extension to color image analysis are derived from mathematical foundations, and the generality is discussed.
速水 洋, 荒巻 森一朗, 高曽 徹, 小林 敏雄
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
The particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) based on the pattern correlation method has an inherent problem of erroneous velocity vectors due to erroneous correlation. Two types of images were examined; one was the image of air flow visualized by a smoke tracer method and the other was the image of absolutely static water taken by a rotating video camera. The gray level difference method was also applied and the results were compared with those of the pattern correlation method. The probability of erroneous velocity vectors is strongly affected by the correlation matrix size as well as by the type of image.
岡本 孝司
1995 年 15 巻 Supplement2 号 p.
発行日: 1995/10/01
公開日: 2009/07/31
The cross correlation tracking technique is widely used to analyze image data, in Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV). The technique assumes that the fluid motion, within small regions of the flow field, is parallel over short time intervals. However, actual flow fields may have some distorted motion, such as rotation, shear and expansion. In this study, A new algorithm for particle tracking, called the Spring Model technique, has been proposed. The algorithm can be applied to flow fields which exhibit characteristics such as rotation, shear and expansion.
The algorithm is based on pattern matching of particle clusters between the first and second image. A particle cluster is composed of particles which are assumed to be connected by invisible elastic springs. Depending on the deformation of the cluster pattern, the invisible springs have some forces. The smallest force pattern in the second image is the most probable pattern match to the correspondent original pattern in the first image. The effectiveness of the Spring Model technique was verified with synthetic data. It showed a high degree of accuracy, even for the three-dimensional calculation. The effects of appearing and disappearing particles were treated as a penalty in the spring force calculation, showing the high efficiency of the tracking.