Online ISSN : 2432-0838
Print ISSN : 1341-1306
ISSN-L : 1341-1306
74 巻
■特集 〈ラジオの個性〉を再考する─ラジオは過去のメディアなのか
  • 「不確実性」下における社会問題の構築過程に関する一考察
    山口 仁
    2009 年 74 巻 p. 76-93
    発行日: 2009/01/31
    公開日: 2017/10/06
    ジャーナル フリー

     In this paper, I consider the media coverage of dioxin emissions i n Japan. The

    “disproportionality” i s one element of the moral panic, and this focuses on the

    extent to which the“ degree of public concern over the behavior i tself, the problem

    i t poses, or condition i t creates i s far greater than i s true for comparable,

    even more damaging actions (Goode & Ben-Yehuda 1994:36)”. But about social

    problems have high “uncertainty”, such as environmental problems i n the

    risk society, we are hard to explaining the “objective” risk of social problems

    and reviewing the process of construction.

     In this paper, I would suggest a standard to consider“ uncertainly”, and apply

    to the media coverage of dioxin emission i n Japan.

  • カルチュラル・スタディーズのオーディエンス研究を手がかりに
    周 倩
    2009 年 74 巻 p. 95-113
    発行日: 2009/01/31
    公開日: 2017/10/06
    ジャーナル フリー

    This article focuses on“ Middle Class TV Drama”, a new genre of TV that began

    around 2000. Through an analysis of selected reception theory, such as the

    encoding-decoding model developed by Stuart Hall and the i dentity construction

    of Ien Ang, this article uses qualitative research (the ethnographical approach

    employed by David Morley)with various audiences from different age groups,

    educational and occupational backgrounds. In the results of this research on the

    different responses to “Middle Class TV Drama”, particular attention was paid

    to uncover whether respondents constructed dominant, oppositional or negotiated

    readings( the three categories of readings proposed by Hall). By then analyzing

    the social backgrounds of “Middle Class TV Drama”, i t was found that

    “Middle Class TV Drama” i s the result of the collective function of multiple social

    forces. Finally, this article considers possible ways to approach the meaningful

    study of the media reception process i n present day China.

  • 「上演」と「上映」のあいだ,あるいは映画女優前史
    田村 千穂
    2009 年 74 巻 p. 115-132
    発行日: 2009/01/31
    公開日: 2017/10/06
    ジャーナル フリー

    In the early 1910s, when stage actresses emerged, the so-called “Katsudō-

    Actresses” appeared i n the cinema scene. I examine how they differed from

    contemporary film actresses and how they were received by audiences back

    then. I analyzed the earliest film magazine of Katsudōshashinkai from 1909 to

    1912. The activities of Katsudō-Actresses were not limited to acting on screen.

    They also performed on stage as actors of chain-dramas, and dancers of side

    shows played i n movie theaters. Katsudō-Actresses appealed to the audience

    through both presentation and representation. Such uniqueness was sustained

    by the circumstance of the early Japanese cinema.  

  • NHK 番組改編訴訟最高裁判決を題材に
    韓 永學
    2009 年 74 巻 p. 133-151
    発行日: 2009/01/31
    公開日: 2017/10/06
    ジャーナル フリー

     The purpose of this article i s to examine the substance of editorial freedom

    through the NHK case. I focused on clarifying two crucial i ssues. The first, reviewing

    the relationship of editorial freedom to“ right of expectation for reporting”,

    I deduced some requirements for the latter, legally admitted. As a result

    of the requirements to this case being applied, the plaintiff’s claim to have the

    right of expectation for reporting was not justified. The second, I concluded editorial

    i ndependence of NHK production staff had been i nfringed during the program

    manipulation. However, the Supreme Court made no mention of the i ssue.

  • 判決文の背後にある「自由」の分析から
    倉橋 耕平
    2009 年 74 巻 p. 153-171
    発行日: 2009/01/31
    公開日: 2017/10/06
    ジャーナル フリー

     Our concern i s to examine i ssues relating to the falsification of the NHK television

    program“ ETV 2001” broadcasted on Jan. 30, 2001. But here we limit our

    discussion to the matter of press freedom. The judgment each pronounced by

    the Supreme Court and the Tokyo High Court i llustrate the point. The former

    took account of“ the freedom of expression” i ndemnified by the Constitution of

    Japan, the latter condemned an i llegality of NHK for dereliction of i ts duty as a

    corporate body. It i s clear that there are substantial discrepancies between

    them i n the concept of freedom.

■2008 年度春季研究発表会 シンポジウム
■2008 年度春季研究発表会 ワークショップ報告
■研究会の記録(2008 年6 月~ 2008 年11 月)