Online ISSN : 2424-2128
Print ISSN : 0017-7547
ISSN-L : 0017-7547
1 巻, 2 号
  • 水島 恵一
    1964 年 1 巻 2 号 p. 1-13
    発行日: 1964年
    公開日: 2020/04/02
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    This is a case study based on the alienation theory of delinquency presented in the last issue of this journal. Self-alienation process and mechanism of a 14 years old delinquent boy were carefully studied. This boy, although not psychopathic and having fundamental ability to relate to others, have deep sense of deprivation and repressed oral dependency need. To cover this tragic deep feeling, as a defense machanism, he develops compensatory aggression and toughness accompanied by denial of anxiety and dependency, which is reinforced by hostility. In the past, he was ambivalent between his deep dependency need and his compensatory aggression and toughness. The former let him seek socialized interpersonal relationship at home and at school which made him as conformistic as possible. The latter let him give up socialized interpersonal relationship and let him become self-alienated and delinquent. After this ambivalent period, he developed feeling to be more and more rejected by parents and society, feeling to be discriminated from “squore guys”, and deviant self-concept as a “bad boy”; which led him toward the direction to give up socialized interpersonal relationship. Thus now he alienates himself from ordinary society, gives up socialized role-taking, gives up socialized achivement, loses socialized selfe-concept, and his surperego as well as interpersonal feeling loses its socialized direction. This alienation process is always reinforced by various rejective environmental forces and also by peer group association in which he finds some substitute of what he gives up. This differential association, identification and roletaking again stimulate the outer pressure and his alienation insocial relationship (vicious circle). As he gives up socialized interpersonal relationship, in deep emotional level also, his defense mechanism against love and dependency need becomes perfect, and he is compulsively tough and hostile toward ordinary human world. As a summary of these complicated process, we can see his delinquency process just in his self-alienation mechanism in which he gives up socialized interpersonal relationship not only in periferal level of social role-taking but also in deep emotional level.

  • 佐藤 和喜雄
    1964 年 1 巻 2 号 p. 14-20
    発行日: 1964年
    公開日: 2020/04/02
    ジャーナル フリー

    It seems to be characteristic in the human relations around juvenile delinquents that:

    1) they see themselves and others self-centeredly;

    2) they are poor in verbal communication with others and much inclined to act out;

    3) they make opposite relationship against authorities. It is expected to psychodrama that; 1) the self-centered cognition will be broken by role play, 2) the poorness of verbal communication supplied by acting as drama, and 3) the opposite relationship against authorities loosened by acting of the therapist as an auxiliary-ego or a player.

    Psychodrama has been recently introduced into group therapy to delinquent boys in Tokyo Juvenile Detention and Classification Home. This study was reported from the data of forty-eight sessions of the therapy from November ’62 to August ’63.

    The main task of this study is to describe their responses to psychodrama and to abstract such functions of it as operate in these group works of delinquent boys.

    The records were made on paper as memorandum by the therapists and sometime on tape all through the session. No test was used.

    Subjects, Grouping, Process of the group work.

    In Tokyo Juvenile Detention and Classification Home, boys who have been taken into such a Home for the first time are classified into three groups according to the degree of their emotional or character disorderliness and delinquency. Our subjects were picked up from the slightest group among three at random but restriced about age and I. Q.. One hundred and fifteen boys took place in the therapy for this period. The age was from fifteen to nineteen years, average seventeen point six; the I. Q. was from seventy-five to one hundred and and nineteen, average ninety-three point three; the frequency of participation was from once to six times, average two point five.

    A group consisted of about six boys and one or two therapists. The group therapy was held once or twice a week. In the group conversation was led non-directively and dramas were put in whenever the therapist felt it as the chance.

    Description of their action and abstraction of the functions of psychodrama.

    Their behavior in the therapy was recorded and discussed between the therapists in such points of view as spontaneity, manner of role playing, development of human relations in drama, and it was infered how psychodrama operated behind their behavior.

    Thus records of every sessions were made. In them functions regarded as essential were abstructed and classified as followings:

    1 Change from self-centered cogntiton to relation-centered one. An example out of six sub-categories;

    When two-men-relation is played, they become to accept that phase of real community as it is which may be uncomfortable to them but may not be improved immediately, and get such self understanding that they should respond to the situation selectively.

    2 Experiencing to act in drama.

    An example out of five sub-categories;

    Knowledge about some social resources are vividly put in practice in role playing.

    3 The opposite relationship against authorities gets loose.

    An example out of two sub-categories;

    When the therapist participates in a drama taking a role, or lets the members do so giving them some roles, the degree of the slope from the authority to them gets loose, and the frame of reference and the feeling of the therapist or community can be expressed, and accepted by them, then the drama can be stimulated to develop, problem solving checked not to be easy-going and the focus of the problem cleared.


    Thus we can expect psychodrama to help delinquent boys to adjust socially. It is hoped that further study about techniques of psychodrama to them and methods to abstract and measure the operation of psychodrama is to be promoted by this infant study.

  • 橋本 鍵一, 藤田 一夫
    1964 年 1 巻 2 号 p. 21-28
    発行日: 1964年
    公開日: 2020/04/02
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    1. テストを通じて性犯罪者にどのような特性が考えられるかについて考察するため,性犯罪者21名にロールシヤツハ・テストを始め二,三の心理学的テストを施行した。

    2. 各テストの結果をみると,個々のデータではかなり顕著な性格特性や問題点があらわれていても,平均の結果では問題がはっきりしてこないという傾向がみられた。

    3. そこでロールシヤツハ・テストの結果からいくつかの特性群に分類することを試み,圧縮的統制の傾向を示す群,外的統制不全の傾向を示す群,知的面に問題をもつ群が予想された。

    4. 各特性群の典型に近いと思われた事例を選び,事例研究的な考察を試みた。

    5. 事例Iはテスト結果において圧縮的統制の傾向がみられ,彼の行動をみると知的面能力面に問題なく,対人関係においても表面的には適応している様に見えながら,内的に不安定で情緒面にかなり問題があるようであった。事例Ⅱはテスト結果から外的刺激によって自己統制が乱れやすい傾向がみられた。生活史非行歴をみても場面の雰囲気によって行動が左右されやすい傾向が伺われ,情緒面の深刻な問題はみられなかった。このケースでは本犯が性犯罪ということはそれ自体あまり大きな意味をもたない様に思われた。事例Ⅲはテスト結果から知的面に問題が多く同時に情緒面にもかなりの問題があると思われた。このケースでは生活が全般的に乱れていて刹那的であり,性的非行もやや固着している印象を受けた。

    6. ケースをふやして特性群の検討を加え,心理特性と非行内容との関連を追求して,各特性群に適切な処遇指針を求めていくことを,今後の問題にしたい。

  • 阿部 謙一, 金子 靖, 森 武夫
    1964 年 1 巻 2 号 p. 29-37
    発行日: 1964年
    公開日: 2020/04/02
    ジャーナル フリー

    1. 我々の入手した範囲で,家裁で扱った14~19才の性倒錯的非行を行った,81名の少年を集計分析した。対照群がないので,従来の近接した研究との比較が行われた。同じ性的非行でも,強姦少年とは,趣を異にするようである。

    2. 行為別に関しては,家族関係,経済,住居,環境,家庭問題の有無,躾の問題の有無などは関係がない。又,性的発育や,自慰の有無なども関係がない。

    3. 年令は,統計的に有意ではなかったが,14・15才が半数を占め,年少には拝物,幼児わいせつが多く,年長には窃視が多い。露出やわいせつは性発逹に対応している。


    4. 少年は在学中のものが多く,交際は狭い。問診やテストの結果も,消極的,内向的な傾向が窺える。行為の始期は一年を通じて大きな偏りはない。

    5. テスト結果の中では,ロールシヤツハが,内容分析その他で若千こうした非行を暗示する傾向を示している。特に内容分析の,男性象徴50%,女性象徴75%,一般解剖58%などの出現率は意味があるように見受けられる。

    6. 再犯者率は23.9%である。一般には警察,裁判所の処理丈で再犯はないが,過去現在に問題行動をもつもの(再犯16人中の15名),家庭の問題か躾の問題をもつもの(再犯16人中の11名)は,粗暴的非行の再犯をしやすい。


