This paper proposes a method for extracting the lip shape from the region around the lip. It is carried out without limited conditions such as the lipstick or lighting. The proposed method uses color information for the lip shape extraction. They are psychometric quantities of a metric hue angle (h
ab), a rectangular coordinates(a
*) , which are defined in CIE 1976 L
* color space. The method employs fuzzy reasoning was employed in order to consider obscurity in image data such as shade on the face. The membership function of condition part for characteristics in each class was defined by the triangular membership function was used for the fuzzy reasoning. In order to reduce the effect of the data acquisition condition, an extraction method is here presented for the lip shape from region around the lip due to fuzzy reasoning. We studied on set up of the membership function of condition part. The proposed method uses a
* color histogram and h
abcolor histogram of the region around the lip when sets up of membership function of condition part.
This paper clarified that the lip was able to be extracted without the no special conditions such as the lipstick or lighting. The experimental result indicates the effectiveness of the propose method; about 98.7 percent of facial images data was extracted its shape.