Online ISSN : 1348-8155
Print ISSN : 0385-4221
ISSN-L : 0385-4221
126 巻, 2 号
  • 永田 武, 田原 佳樹, 國狹 大介, 藤田 秀紀
    2006 年 126 巻 2 号 p. 187-193
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    In recent years, the electric utility industry worldwide has been facing pressure to be deregulated. Along with it, risk of blackout in large area will also increase. Actually, it is still vivid in our memory that the northeastern US and southern Canada suffered the worst blackout in history. Consequently, a method to find the optimal solution rapidly is needed all the more. In this paper, we propose a new multi-agent method for a bulk power system restoration. In order to demonstrate the capability of the proposed multi-agent system, it has been applied to a model bulk power system, which consists of three local areas including twelve generating units and twelve loads, and three remote areas with twelve loads. A large number of simulations are carried out on this model network with changing conditions. The simulation results show that the proposed multi-agent approach is effective and promising.
  • 石川 洋平, 深井 澄夫, 相川 正義
    2006 年 126 巻 2 号 p. 196-202
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    With the rapid development of integrated circuit technology, reconfigurable circuit attracts much attention. Neuron MOS transistors have been studied as biological neuron-like flexible circuits. Dramatic reduction in the number of transistors and interconnections were achieved by employing the neuron MOS transistors in binary logic circuit designs. This paper proposes the two-input variable logic circuit composed of neuron MOS transistors. The general design technique of the variable logic circuit hasn't been proposed yet. Therefore, as the design technique of the variable logic circuit, the simple neuron MOS comparator is also proposed in this paper. The new design technique using expanded Floating-Gate Potential Diagram (FPD) is shown. A proposed circuit reduces a circuit area drastically in comparison with the conventional circuit. Neuron MOS variable logic circuit is capable of realizing fundamental logic functions. Moreover, 16 kinds of logic functions are realizable by carrying out external signal dynamically. Proposed circuits were fabricated by On-Semiconductor 1.2 μm double-polysilicon CMOS process through VDEC and the circuit operation was experimentally confirmed.
  • 林 宏樹, 斉藤 文彦
    2006 年 126 巻 2 号 p. 203-209
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The template matching is a method to search the target image area that is similar to the registered template image. The template matching is a general-purposed and simple method. But the target image must have the right position as the template image generally. Therefore it requires large computational cost when the location and the inclination of a target image area are unknown. This paper proposes a template matching method to search a target image area that has a free location and a free inclination using the two-dimensional histogram space spread by the relative edge angle at an objective pixel in the image area to the direction angle from the center of the image area to the objective pixel and the distance from the center to the objective pixels. The experimental results show that the proposed method had high reliability for matching without influence of the changes about inclinations and locations of the target image areas.
  • 森岡 一幸, 黒田 陽一, 李 周浩, 橋本 秀紀
    2006 年 126 巻 2 号 p. 210-219
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to achieve the applications using vision sensors, it is impotrant to extract and track the moving objects from image sequences. Some tracking systems often prepare the models of the objects in advance. It is difficult to adopt this model based tracking in the general environment where many kinds of objects exist. On the other hand, model based tracking is efficient for the tracking in the crowded environment. We propose the color histogram based tracking system including the object model construction and object correspondence between frames by the fusion of the bottom-up process and top-down process.
    In this paper, two processes that configure the tracking sysytem are described. Then, process selection method in the proposed tracking system is explained. Finally, experimental results of objects are shown and effect of the proposed tracking system is also explained.
  • 岩片 智, 藤田 大介, 味岡 義明, 萩原 将文
    2006 年 126 巻 2 号 p. 220-227
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, we propose a new pictogram extraction algorithm which consists of only local processings. The proposed algorithm preserves accuracy with simple and local processing instead of high cost and global processings. This approach is very important for parallel image processing by a low cost device, because each pixel can be processed in parallel. The proposed algorthm can estimate degree of square by pixel count method to extract pictograms. The proposed algorithm has been tested using 100 scenery images. The effectiveness has been confirmed from the results of the computer simulations.
  • 斉藤 文彦
    2006 年 126 巻 2 号 p. 228-236
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    When a captured image does not have good contrast, a method for improving its contrast that converts gray-levels based on the distribution of gray-levels included in the image is generally applied. A resultant image with good contrast does not always generated because the conventional method does not use a spatial feature included in an input image. This paper proposes a method for contrast improvement that can enhance differential gray-levels in an image in order to generate a resultant image with clearness and good contrast. The proposed method determines a gray-level of each pixel according to a Look-up-table generated from a histogram to represent a distribution of differential gray-levels. The experimental results show that the resultant images with natural and clear contrast were generated by the proposed method.
  • 王 玲, 呂 建明, 李 叶秋, 谷萩 隆嗣, 岡本 孝英
    2006 年 126 巻 2 号 p. 237-244
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Many important problems in engineering and science are well-modeled by Poisson noise, the noise of medical X-ray image is Poisson noise. In this paper, we propose a method of noise removal for degraded medical X-ray image using improved preprocessing and improved BayesShrink (IBS) method in wavelet domain. Firstly, we pre-process the medical X-ray image, Secondly, we apply the Daubechies (db) wavelet transform to medical X-ray image to acquire scaling and wavelet coefficients. Thirdly, we apply the proposed IBS method to process wavelet coefficients. Finally, we compute the inverse wavelet transform for the thresholded coefficeints. Experimental results show that the proposed method always outperforms traditional methods.
  • 相田 貞蔵
    2006 年 126 巻 2 号 p. 245-254
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the case of colored papers, the color of surface effects strongly upon the gloss of its paper. The new glossiness for such a colored paper is suggested in this paper. First, using the Achromatic and Chromatic Munsell colored chips, the author obtained experimental equation which represents the relation between lightness V ( or V and saturation C ) and psychological glossiness Gph of these chips. Then, the author defined a new glossiness G for the colored papers, based on the above mentioned experimental equations Gph and Cook-Torrance's reflection model which are widely used in the filed of Computer Graphics. This new glossiness is shown to be nearly proportional to the psychological glossiness Gph. The measuring system for the new glossiness G is furthermore descrived. The measuring time for one specimen is within 1 minute.
  • Cao Kai, Zhao Mo, Yoshio Hamamatsu
    2006 年 126 巻 2 号 p. 255-263
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Acquiring the real-time information about traffic flow is one of the important steps toward the realization of ITS. For this purpose, we propose an approach for forecasting traffic flow. The proposed approach uses a double exponential smoothing (DES) model, first, to predict the future datum. Then, a Fourier series is employed to fit a residual series between the predicted series produced by the DES model and the actual observed series for all previous time steps, and to give a estimated value at the next step so as to correct the prediction of DES model. Furthermore, a Markov model is adopted to describe the transition behavior of the residual series and to construct a forecast trend adjustment scheme. Smoothing parameters of the DES model is determined by using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. The model integrated the Fourier residual correction scheme with the Markov forecast trend adjustment scheme is called DESFM model. The DESFM model is applied to predict the traffic flow of Route 23 in Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken, and the performed results is compared with ARIMA prediction approach.
  • 友部 勇樹, 田崎 良佑, 山崎 敬則, 大西 秀夫, 小林 政明, 黒須 茂
    2006 年 126 巻 2 号 p. 264-269
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The continuous mass measurement of packages on a conveyor belt will become greatly important. In the mass measurement, the sequence of products is generally random. An interesting possibility of raising throughput of the conveyor line without increasing the conveyor belt speed is offered by the use of two or three conveyor belt scales (called a multi-stage conveyor belt scale). The multi-stage conveyor belt scale can be created which will adjust the conveyor belt length to the product length. The conveyor belt scale usually has maximum capacities of less than 80kg and 140cm, and achieves measuring rates of more than 150 packages per minute and more. The output signals from the conveyor belt scale are always contaminated with noises due to vibrations of the conveyor and the product to be measured in motion. In this paper an employed digital filter is of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) type designed under the consideration on the dynamics of the conveyor system. The experimental results on the conveyor belt scale suggest that the filtering algorithms are effective enough to practical applications to some extent.
  • 山口 晃歓, 岩崎 信弘, 安田 恵一郎
    2006 年 126 巻 2 号 p. 270-276
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Particle Swarm Optimization method is one of the most powerful optimization methods available for solving global optimization problems. However, knowledge of adaptive strategies for tuning the parameters of the method for application to large-scale nonlinear non-convex optimization problems is as yet limited. This paper describes an adaptive strategy for tuning the parameters of the PSO method based on some numerical analysis of the behavior of PSO. The proposed adaptive tuning strategy is based on self-tuning of the parameters of PSO, which strategy utilize the information about the frequency of an updated global best of a swarm. The feasibility and advantages of the proposed adaptive PSO algorithm are demonstrated through some numerical simulations using three different typical global optimization test problems.
  • 王 軼群, 土方 嘉徳, 西田 正吾
    2006 年 126 巻 2 号 p. 277-289
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2006/05/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Monitoring cameras with the capability of connecting to the Internet are increasing. This paper proposes a system which manages the distributed video data efficiently and has an interface which can be operated easily. For managing video data, the raw video data is stored in a local PC which directly connects to the camera and only the recording information is managed in the server by using a spatio-temporal indexing algorithm. The data communication is conducted through HTTP and the search input and output is realized in Web browser. For the search interface, we propose an input method of search key which does not insist users to care the locations of cameras by introducing the idea of virtual wall. We also provide a search result interface which allows users to narrow down the video data in the search result.