In this study we measured the prefrontal blood volume of 77 subjects using near-infrared spectroscopy while performing a stroop task - a task of selective attention and inhibition - to determine if it can be used as one more tool in the screening of dementia. We examined 43 patients with dementia (age 82.7±6.6, 7 male, 36 female, Mini Mental State: 1-23), 15 health elderly controls (age 80.7±4.7, 2 male, 13 female, Mini Mental State: 24-30) , and 19 health young people (age 21.5±0.7, 12 males, 7 females). The results showed that patients with dementia achieved a stroop task average score of 2.9±2.9 while the health elderly controls achieved scores of 8.4±6.0, and health young subjects achieved scores of 30.2±6.3. Health elderly controls and health young people showed increases in prefrontal blood volume during stroop task, while patients with dementia showed no significant increases.