This paper develops a tracking control problem of rigid-link electrically-driven robot manipulators with uncertainty. We extend a research line of Ishii
et al. (2000) to the case where there exists uncertainty such as modeling error or parameter perturbation in the robot dynamics. First, torque level control input to achieve tracking control is applied for manipulator loop, and filtered tracking error system is derived. Then, penalty signal for tracking error between the outputs of the manipulator and desired trajectories is introduced and the tracking performance is evaluated by
L2-gain from torque level disturbance signal to the penalty signal. Finally, two control laws, i.e. robust adaptive and modified robust adaptive tracking control laws with
L2-gain disturbance attenuation, are designed such that the closed-loop error system is globally stable in the sense of uniform ultimate bounded stability with the
L2-gain less than any given small level. Experimental works were carried out for a two-link electrically-driven manipulator. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.