小林 昭裕
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
This study examines the historical significance of Tokiwa park and Kaguraoka park in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan, from a sociocultural perspective, utilizing related literature. The paper focuses on the following six points: (1) development of the Kamikawa plains within Asahikawa city area, including the concept of an amusement park; (2) the background and history of the request for park installation in Asahikawa Town; (3) the negotiation process between Asahikawa Town and the 7th Army Corps, which led to the opening of Tokiwa Park; (4) the construction, maintenance, and renovation of Tokiwa Park along with the Ushubetu River amelioration; (5) negotiations with the Imperial Forestry Bureau up to the opening of Kaguraoka Park; and (6) the relationship between the establishment of Kamikawa Shrine and Kaguraoka Park. The three major revelations from the study relate to the park establishment process in preceding cities and the town’s history of the target site in the background of the park setting and site selection. The mediation of disputes among the 7th Army Corps and Asahikwa Town triggered the establishment of Tokiwa Park, while land lease negotiations from the Imperial Forestry Bureau and the establishment of the Kamikawa Shrine led to the conservation of the forest in Kaguraoka Park.
粟野 隆
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
This paper focusses, on the achievements of Hampei SHIMIZU (1890-1981). The results of document analysis and an interview of a descendant of SHIMIZU, led to this paper’s new findings: The reason which Hampei moved to Taiwan was that he lost his house and farmlands in Gumma to a flooding disaster. The reason which he started to grow landscape architectural trees and foliage was at the request by Governor General of Taiwan. He grew about 60 species of landscape architectural trees and foliage, imported and exported them to and from Japan. Then he started landscaping. The gardens made by him were in and around the east area of Taiwan. His company had not only Japanese staff members but also native Taiwanese staff members. The organization of his company reflected the structure under the Japanese colonial period in Taiwan. Hampei worked as a president of a post office and the chief of Yoshino village and other public occupations. The reason he could work in the public sector was because of not only his contribution to Yoshino village but also that he had moved to Taiwan as a private immigrant.
西村 公宏
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
The aim of this study is to obtain the construction process and its background of the rock gardens at Botanical Gardens, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University. In 1914, the rock garden (alpine botanical garden) was constructed beside the pond in the front yard of the greenhouse. After that, potted plants became the main way to cultivate alpine plants, but in July 1933 the rock garden was constructed on the slope in front of the office, and from 1936 to 1938 the new rock garden with total area of 1,800 tsubo was constructed. In the rock garden, equipped with mountain streams and spray systems, 78 families, 790 species, and 4,500 alpine plants were cultivated in three sections: Hokkaido, Chishima, Sakhalin, and others. After 1914, in almost every year, the alpine plants were planted and cultured in various places, under the leadership of Bunzaburo Ishida. This rock garden was a remarkable landscaping which reproduced a large scale alpine flower field in the urban area in consideration of the growth of alpine plants.
関西 剛康
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
The purpose of this study is to elucidate the view of gardens held by Ashikaga Takauji and his younger brother Tadayoshi, members of the Ashikaga shogun clan who played active roles in Kyoto Prefecture in the early Muromachi period. Takauji used his residential garden for mingling with Zen priests, but not for hosting poetry meetings, which was one of the Japanese dynastic customs. His younger brother Tadayoshi, however, started to hold such events as poetry meetings at the garden of his residence, known as Sanjobo-montei, offering a place to the aristocratic class called Kuge, the military nobility known as Buke, and Zen priests so that they could mingle with one another. This suggests that it is Ashikaga Tadayoshi who began the custom of using residential and other gardens for the Japanese dynastic culture. The Ashikaga brothers used the gardens of other places than their residences, such as Tenryu-ji Temple and Saiho-ji Temple, for communicating with various people, including the Emperor and Zen priests. The Ashikaga brothers organized events for the dynastic culture and Zen Buddhism at such gardens, making cross-cultural communication between the Kuge aristocratic class, the Buke military nobility, and Zen priests catch on with these three circles.
末廣 拓登, 伊藤 弘
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between the residential area and “Kobe Chinatown” and surrounding areas of overseas Chinese in Kobe since the opening of Japan and the business area, and to clarify how to get involved with Kobe overseas Chinese that led to the current “Kobe Chinatown”. As for the living area of overseas Chinese in Kobe, we revealed the range of today's Kobe Chinatown area and the surrounding Chinese-related building use, the distribution of Chinese gates and temple, and the location environment from the residential map. In addition, from the literature, we revealed the Kobe Chinatown district and its surrounding areas related to overseas Chinese, and festivals and events related to Kobe overseas Chinese. The results of this study indicate that in Kobe, the residential area of overseas Chinese near the Chinese temple and Kobe Chinatown, which directs Chinese culture, have different aspects in buildings and events, and have a dual structure of Chinese culture. This is related to the history of the city of Kobe, and it can be said that it is a characteristic of Kobe city that aims to become an urban tourist site by using its image while accepting overseas Chinese as residents.
平澤 毅
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
In this discussion, the current significance of the "Viewpoints" was considered, as one of the target items in the criteria for designating the Places of Scenic Beauty under the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties in Japan. At first, there was introduced an overview of the criteria and the latest application results of designation of the Places of Scenic Beauty, and secondary, the origin, revision process and the meaning of the "Viewpoints" in the criteria. Next, 39 application cases of the 422 designations and their diversity were examined. Then, it was confirmed that the application of the target item in the designation standard clearly indicates the emphasis of the designation reason, and it was found that there are several types of viewing activities such as sequence as well as just looking out, among the cases already designated. In addition, "action for watching" and "experiences about scenery" were cited as indicators for understanding the "Viewpoints", and the "Viewpoints" mediate and connect them. Finally, it was suggested that the target item of the "Viewpoints" should be re-expressed as including a wider range of contents and components, such as "Places that provide us some unique experiences about scenery ".
陸 丹, 山本 清龍, 中村 和彦, 下村 彰男
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
Ikenobo is considered the origin of Japanese Ikebana and the style of Japanese Ikebana with the longest history. Rikka is unique and one of the major flower arrangement styles of Ikenobo. It first appeared in the 16th century (late Muromachi period) and underwent major developments during the 17th century. Rikka is known for illustrating landscape views by arranging various plants together into one piece of work. Research is focused on studying classification, shape, and positioning of plants in Rikka works; as well as trying to find the connection between these arrangements and the landscape expression represented by these works. The research also focused on finding the connection between the variation in the positioning of the plants according to landscape visual distance and the changing of landscape expression from the Edo period to present. The study is based on the analysis of written descriptions in Kashos, Kadenshos, and the drawing records in Hanagatae of the historical arrangement of works. By studying both the written descriptions and visualized drawing records, the research analyzed the change in the symbolic meaning of landscape expression represented by various plants, the evolution of history for Yakueda and Ashirai of Rikka, and the characteristic of Rikka plants arrangements.
嶽山 洋志, 若井 幸夫, 山本 聡, 薬師寺 恒治, 中瀬 勲
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
With the outbreak of infectious disease (COVID-19), it showed that Japanese lifestyle has changed as to refrain from unnecessary outings and to stay within the prefecture. Under such circumstances, Hyogo Prefecture had been worked on use restrictions in city parks to prevent the infection from spreading. The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of use restriction programs (keeping the social distance, event cancellation, closing the parking lots, restriction on use of play equipment) using Location-based Big Data. As a result, High-density use could be avoided by gradual regulation and loosening a regulation according to social conditions such as the issuance and canceling of a Declaration of Emergency Situation. In particular, the closure of the parking lot was effective in curbing visitors during the Golden Week holidays.
竹内 智子, 久間 亜紀
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
The purpose of this study is to clarify the changes in the number of users of Tokyo Metropolitan Parks during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.We compared and analyzed data from the line census of park users in 37 metropolitan parks from January to July in 2019 and in 2020.As a result of this study, the following points were clarified. Park users increased by more than 10% year-on-year in more than 90% of 37 parks in February 2020 and more than 50% of them in March 2020. Since March 2020, the number of users has decreased significantly in some parks that located in the city center and have event plazas and sports facilities. In April and May 2020, park users had declined in 26 of 37parks. On the other hand, park users increased on both weekdays and holidays in some parks. These are medium-sized parks located in a residential area and, hillside parks. In conclusion, this study clarified the characteristics of metropolitan parks where the number of their users increased under the COVID-19 pandemic. These are not large parks in the city center, but medium-sized parks in a densely populated residential area or parks in a suburban hilly area.
橋村 ちひろ, 雨宮 護, 畑 倫子, 島田 貴仁
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
The spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) is putting a lot of stress on mothers with small children. In this study, an online questionnaire survey was conducted among mothers with children aged 3-6 years residing in Tokyo in order to investigate changes in park use behavior of preschoolers and their mothers, and the relationship between these changes and parenting stress of mothers. Based on the collected data, statistical analysis revealed changes in park use behavior before and after the outbreak of COVID-19. Particularly, lots of people reduced the frequency of park use intentionally after the COVID-19’s outbreak. Moreover, results also showed that there are changes in the type of park being used, the reasons for selecting the park, the purposes of park use, and the natures of activities within the park. In addition, multiple regression analysis revealed that changes in frequency of park use had a significant negative effect on parenting stress. This article shows that COVID-19 changed the park use behavior of preschoolers and their mothers, and the decrease in frequency of park use may amplify the parenting stress.
長村 佳子, 福岡 孝則
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
COVID-19 requires new normal lifestyle, one challenge is physical activity. As inactivity leads to health problems, understanding the changing situation regarding physical activities and its environment are important. In this study, we conducted an online questionnaire of 120 university students in Tokyo regarding changes in number of steps, types of and places for exercise / sports, and their spatial settings in 2019 and 2020. Findings are as follows: a) Average number of steps per day increased significantly in February 2020 compared to February 2019, while March, April, May, and June 2020 decreased significantly compared to same months in 2019 (n = 37). b) Muscle training and yoga / stretching increased significantly in April 2020 compared to April 2019. Whereas, walking, cycling, ball sports, and racket sports markedly decreased in April 2020 compared to April 2019(n = 86). c) Places used for exercise / sports, indoors at home rose considerably in 2020 compared to 2019. While use of medium-sized parks,outdoor / indoor sports facilities, swimming pools and gyms fell significantly (n = 86). d) Setting of places used for exercise / sports, the use of quiet and non-crowded places increased, while places close to work / campus and lively areas was notably reduced (n = 79).
橘 俊光, 平田 富士男
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
In trend of increasing of urban park renovation projects, it has been becoming important that information about purpose of the park or policy of the plan will be reserved and utilized for planning of the renovation project. But, in local governments many documents about original plan of parks have been disposed under ‘Official document control system’. In this situation, ‘Urban park ledger’ is the only document that basic information about all urban parks in the city are recorded and reserved eternally and it is thought that the ledger has potential to hand down the information about the contents of original plan. So, we researched about actual format and content of the ledger in all ordinance-designated cities and consciousness of the person in charge about the ledger. As the result, we got following conclusions. Many city governments adjust the format and contents of ledger to match the needs of park management administration. They are thinking that the quantity and quality of actual ledger are not enough for future planning of park renovation projects and for future renovation project planning to add records about inventory of planning works and the position of the park in other regional plan of the city is effective and feasible.
平田 富士男, 橘 俊光
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
In trend of increasing of urban park renovation projects, the role of official documents which includes various information about purpose of the park or policy of the plan has becoming important for planning of renovation project. But, in local governments many documents about original plan of parks have been disposed under ‘Official document control system’. In this situation, we researched about preserving conditions of official documents relating to park planning and design, and consciousness of the person in charge about park planning. As the result, we got following conclusions. In most cities, many official documents are disposed after the end of five years preservation term, but some documents are remaining unofficially. Staffs of local governments have concerns about this situation and have expectation to theses unofficial documents and formal documents under legal system, such as ‘Urban parks ledger’, ‘Urban planning document’ for preserving information in these documents. But what system is effective and feasible will be an issue to be resolved.
塩見 一三男, 三浦 大和, 小松 亜紀子, 金岡 省吾, 市村 恒士
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
In recent years, there has been an increase in the introduction of sounding market research and public call for proposal in urban parks, such as Park-PFI. In addition, in the declining population, urban parks are expected to contribute to regional creation. The purpose of this study is to clarify the actual use of public-private partnerships in urban parks, and to clarify the role of urban parks in contributing to regional creation. Local creation is defined as the creation of employment in rural areas, social mobility to rural areas, and marriage, childbirth and child-rearing. Case studies on the information website operated by Parks & Open Space Association of Japan were included in the study. The results of the survey show that public-private partnerships in urban parks are not limited to large cities, but are also expanding their use in rural urban parks. In relation to regional creation, the results show that it contributes to "job creation in rural areas".
山口 利光, 黒田 乃生
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
Silk mills have a yarn reeling process and produce high quality silk from cocoon. Sericulture/filature was a leading industry to contribute to Japanese economy in early twentieth century. Most of the mills were closed during World War II, but after the war over 300 mills quickly recovered with domestic market demands. However, the business was slowing down again due to business recession from cheaper imported silk yarn. The silk mills shut down year by year and at present only two mills are operating in Japan. The objectives of this research are to clarify location of mills, type of mills owner, current utilization of the sites, and inheritance of silk mills. There are three business types of mills owner. The research clarified five kinds of the utilization (housing district, commercial complex, factories, public facilities, others) in the sites. 51 sites remain some inheritance or trace of silk mill operations including building of factory, monuments showing history, or use of silk industry related words (cocoon, filature and silk) for the replaced business operations. Designation of cultural property is effective to protect the buildings, but it is more important to share the value of silk mills traces among the site owners and communities.
張 平星
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
This study focused on the distribution and rock types of wayside stone statues of Buddha in the northeastern mountain-foot districts of Kyoto City to grasp the culture of stone use in Kyoto basin. Investigations were conducted in 15 districts of Sakyo-ku that are adjacent to the mountains. We collected the information on the location and rock types of Buddha statues, as well as the data of magnetic susceptibility by KT-10 (Terraplus). We found over 1900 Buddha statues were celebrated in 360 places that were distributed in whole areas. Buddha statues made of Shirakawa-ishi, a type of white granite quarried from the northeast of Kyoto, were celebrated in 320 places and distributed in over 10% grids when the areas were analyzed by 100m mesh. Among them, 18 grids owned more than 20 statues. Shirakawa-ishi showed a stable magnetic susceptibility from 0.039 to 0.197×10-3 SI. 90 Buddha statues made of other stones such as granodiorite, sandstone, and chart from the adjacent mountains were found in 68 places. The distribution area of Buddha statues made of Shirakawa-ishi has possibly expanded over the 15 distrcts, while one of the boundaries was considered in the Kurama district. To grasp the stone culture of Kyoto, further studies on the styles and construction history of Buddha statues are expected.
山島 有喜, 山本 清龍, 中村 和彦, 下村 彰男
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether rooftop greening remained or disappeared in public facilities with rooftop greening, and to consider the life cycle of rooftop green spaces. The cases were collected from the journal of Shin-Kenchiku and technical books, and included cases built before 2001, when the greening of rooftops became compulsory by Tokyo's regulations. Among the 96 cases of public facilities with green roofs, 86 cases in which both the building and the rooftop green space were unchanged, 6 cases in which the building existed but the rooftop green space disappeared, and 4 cases in which the rooftop green space disappeared due to the disappearance of the building were identified. The presence or absence of rooftop green spaces depends largely on whether the building is demolished due to its age or not. And the rooftop green spaces can be removed due to safety, management or cost issues. On the other hand, the movement to protect not only buildings but also rooftop green space by designating it as a cultural asset was confirmed and proposed as one of the measures to exist of rooftop green space for a long time.
熊崎 理仁
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
Constructing 3D models for trees such as those found in Japanese gardens, in which many species exist, requires the generation of tree shapes that combine the characteristics of the tree's species and natural diversity. Therefore, this study proposes a method for constructing a 3D tree model with highly-accurate tree shape reproducibility from tree point cloud data acquired by TLS. As a method, we attempted to construct a 3D tree model using the TreeQSM, which is open source for TLS-QSM method. However, in TreeQSM, since processing is based on the assumption that the tree point cloud consists of data related to trunks and branches, measuring trees in which leaves have fallen is recommended. To solve this problem, we proposed an efficient classification process that mainly uses thresholds for deviation and reflectance, which are the adjunct data of the object that can be acquired by laser measurement. Furthermore, to verify accuracy of the model, position coordinates from the constructed 3D tree model were extracted. The extracted coordinates were compared with the those of the tree point cloud data to clarify the extent to which the 3D tree model was constructed from the tree point cloud data. As a result, the 3D tree model was constructed within the standard deviation of 0.016 m from the tree point cloud data. Therefore, the reproducibility of the tree shape by the TLS-QSM method was also effective in terms of accuracy.
矢作 岳, 加藤 顕, 加藤 友規, 三谷 徹
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
This study is aimed to identify structural transformation of trees pruned by traditional way named Sukashi in Japanese garden. Sukashi-pruning is a professional skill and has not been quantified in terms of spatial pattern and effect, while their tree structure change can be obtained by high precision of 3D laser measurement. To achieve the goal of this study Sukashi-pruning of trees (the main spatial component of the Japanese garden) is quantified by the tree structure transformation using voxels. Through voxel change before and after the pruning, the distribution of trees (DT), the length of trees outer circumference (LTOC), and the rate of outer circumference of trees (ROCT) are quantified. As the result, DT and LTOC have different distributions from 1.5m to 6.5m in height and 7.5m to 14.5m in height, and ROCT increases from 1.5m to 12.5m in height. ROCT distribution fluctuates every 1 m. This result shows that it is effective to clarify the pruning and transformation effect based on tree height, which was difficult to obtain without the high precision technique before. Sukashi-pruning is designed to form trees hierarchically besides considering the line of sight and increasing the outer edge complexity of the trees.
手塚 勇太, 村上 暁信
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
In this study, by observing most of the public roads in the survey area by bicycle, it is possible to accurately grasp the temperature distribution in urban areas with high locality and to grasp the changes in the temperature distribution depending on the season and time. As a result of cluster analysis using the maximum temperature difference in the region and the temperature distribution by season and time zone, the following findings were obtained as the characteristics of the temperature distribution. By grasping the maximum temperature difference in the area, it was found that the temperature difference occurs even in the observed narrow range. Looking at the hourly trends, it was confirmed that the difference in regional maximum temperatures tends to increase on winter nights. On the other hand, during the daytime in winter, it was confirmed that the difference in the maximum temperature in the region tended to be small. As a result of using cluster analysis, it was confirmed that there are four different temperature characteristics even in a small area of the research school area, suggesting that the characteristics of the area have an effect.
松尾 薫, 関 郁穂, 武田 重昭, 加我 宏之
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
This study aims at clarifying streetscape characteristics in harmony with kofun for planning urban area where kofun can be enjoyed while preserving the value of kofun in Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group World Heritage by using landscape image taking a kofun as an object and a street crossing of residential urban district as a viewpoint place. This paper performed factor analysis by SD method using the words extracted from landscape plans, and understood the viewpoints of the evaluation. In addition, this paper organized the recognition elements in each target landscape, and understood the characteristics of landscape elements. Furthermore, harmony evaluation in streetscape with kofun in each landscape, and it was discussed what kind of landscape could be said the streetscape in harmony with kofun. From the results of these analyses, it can be understood that streetscape in harmony with kofun is evaluated from the three viewpoints of "regularity" "naturalness" and "history and culture" and that they are evaluated from the greenery along the streets, the color and design of wall surfaces of buildings, the walls and fences of buildings, and the pavement of roads and sidewalks, and their unity.
伊藤 文彦
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
In recent years, the use of cultural properties became more popular in Japan, though there are few discussions on the relationship between the value of cultural properties and their use. The purpose of this study is to examine whether or not it is possible to find the roles and meanings of cultural heritage in the utilization projects being carried out today and to find out how to construct utilization projects that contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage. The target of the study is the guidance facility at the World Heritage Kumano Pilgrimage Route Iseji. As a result, projects were intended to convey information about people, things, cultural heritage and art in the heritage area by using objects and actions that are very different from those of the pilgrims in the past, mainly in the guidance facility. In other words, they failed to experience the value of cultural heritage. If they design the utilization projects to realize the value of cultural heritage through experience, it is necessary to devise a method that is as close as possible to the information, space, objects, and actions of early modern pilgrims. Also, the experience will make the whole picture of the heritage visible and contribute to the preservation of the heritage.
王 聞, 深町 加津枝, 柴田 昌三
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
Located in Gokayama, Toyama Prefecture, Japan, Taira is a village with precipitous terrain and heavy snowfall, thus causing snow damage to occur frequently. In order to protect the village from disasters caused by avalanches, avalanche prevention forests (APF) has been maintained and managed since 1600s. However, due to the decline and aging of the rural population in mountainous areas in recent years, APF maintenance has become an important issue. Thus, this study aims to provide basic data for searching maintenance methods for APF, by clarifying the distribution, forest stand, management, and those changes. As a result, the distribution of APF changed after 1940s. To be specific, the APF distributed on the steep slopes behind each village has been preserved, while the conventional functions have been taken over. However, there has been still increasing the number of planted forests, scatter, and grass in the APF, which made the distribution of conventional APF decreased. In terms of the forestry laws, lots of parts of APF were designated according to the Protection Forest System of Forest Act step by step, which provides legal protection for part of APF. In short, it’s important to integrate sustainable maintenance solutions from multiple perspectives (disaster prevention, ecosystems, and landscapes, etc.) and to adjust measures according to different conditions of conventional APF and the part being protected by law.
平岡 直樹, 水真 洋子
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
As developed countries mature as societies, their management of parks and green spaces has come with issues like shrinking budgets, global environmental sustainability, and the passing on of traditional landscaping techniques to future generations.In this study, we examined the characteristics of the issues regarding the operation and maintenance management methods used in the Gardens of Versailles. The results showed that patronage has played a large part in increasing income; that park management uses a policy prohibiting chemical products, which is being proactively moved forward by introducing large machinery to make management more logical and lax; that topiary shaping and repair of old lead pipe canal networks are essential for the inheritance of traditional techniques and for securing skilled technicians, as similar training of technicians is not available elsewhere; and they are attempting to pass down specific facilities and traditional techniques, while proactively utilizing the latest principles in working to improve the environment, executing their budget, complying with laws, and improving efficiency.
上野 裕介, 安藤 耕介, 長谷川 啓一
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
Experience of nature is one of the important factors for the healthy development of children. In this study, we conducted a large-scale questionnaire survey in Moriya City, Ibaraki Prefecture, and investigated the content and experience rate of children's natural experiences. Next, an analysis using a generalized linear model (GLM) was conducted to investigate how the home environment affects the experience rate of children's natural experiences. As a result, it was quantitatively shown that the influence of parents' gender, age, household income, etc. was small, and whether or not parents experienced the same natural experience in their childhood was the most important. In other words, it was found that parents who have experienced nature experience provide their children with opportunities to experience nature about 4 to 6.3 times more than parents who have not. These results indicate that there is a high need for teachers and interpreters to provide children with opportunities for quality nature experiences, and to provide children with environmental learning and a wide range of nature experiences is natural in the long run. It suggests that positive effects across generations are expected for the conservation and utilization of the environment.
林 和沙, 愛甲 哲也
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
At present, decreasing farmland due to the shortages of farmers and the devastation of agricultural landscape are becoming grave concerns. Farmland serves several multifaceted functions as a green space, and its conservation is therefore essential. In this study, we aim to elucidate the effects of various agricultural experiences on the perception of agricultural landscape. Accordingly, an interview of university students was conducted in the form of a survey. Attachment, awareness of conservation, and an understanding of the multifunctional role of farmland itself are some of the aspects that were interviewed. To reveal the effects of agricultural experiences beyond a single day’s interaction, lifetime experiences were targeted in this research. Several agriculture-based categories were extracted from individuals' experiences using text analysis. It was found that agricultural experiences positively affected the perception of farmland, suggesting that the types of landscapes that give rise to feelings of attachment differ depending on the individual's own categories of experiences. Additionally, it was suggested that when these experiences were accompanied by knowledge acquisition, the understanding of farmland amenity was also positively influenced.
荒川 いずみ, 秋田 典子
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
This study aims to show the characteristics of the local plan’s policies based on Basic Law for Urban Agricultural Promotion formulated by local governments. The survey area is 310 local governments in 11 prefectures in three major Metropolitan areas. First, we investigated local governments that formulate the local plan and examined the reasons. Next, we analyzed the purpose of the formulated policies of 18 local governments in Tokyo. The main findings were as follows: Among 11 prefectures, Tokyo had a large number of local governments formulating the local plan. These local governments implemented various policies. In particular, the adopted policies were different between the cities and wards. One of the policies independently formulated by the local government was “Branding of agricultural products.” On the other hand, no local government adopted “Promotion of agricultural cooperation between rural and urban areas.”
石川 幹子, 山本 遼介, 横山 紗英
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the characteristics of green infrastructure in Tama-Miura hilly region, located in Metropolitan Tokyo, and consider perspectives of Water Circulation Planning based on the watershed analysis. The following three points have clarified. The first is there exist 79 watersheds, and six types of watersheds have analyzed by introducing Natural Land Use Units, which has created by the combination between geography and potential vegetation map. The second is the capacity of permeability of rain-fall has calculated and it differs a lot, depend on the characteristics of six types. Therefore, it becomes possible to develop strategies for recovering healthy water circulation, considering the function of water circulation system of each watershed. The third is Water Circulation GI Core Area and Corridor have identified, as the structure of Metropolitan water circulation planning. In Tokyo Metropolitan Region, there existed the recreational planning since 1939, the planning of greenbelt in the 1950’s and natural preservation planning since the 1970’s. By introducing Natural Land Use Units and estimating the possibility of water storage, it becomes possible to develop the precise water circulation planning for achieving the resilient region for flooding problems which have been accelerated by climate changes.
福岡 孝則, 片桐 由希子, 加藤 禎久
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
This research aims to analyze the implementation process and framework of disaster risk reduction (DRR) design through BIG-U Project’s Rebuild by Design (RBD) competition phase and implementation phase in the City of New York, USA. Background of this research challenges creating a new type of holistic framework towards strategic implementation of DRR design. Research methods include detailed literature review and interviews with RBD organizer, the City of New York Park and Recreation Department, and design consultant BIG to understand the framework of BIG-U’s DRR design. Research results are as follows. We analyzed BIG-U’s framework in strategies and clarified clear DRR strategies sustained and influenced to projects. For organizational structures, government bodies, design team and citizens or stakeholders worked together to realize DRR targets. For project implementation and methods, one BIG-U project divided into ESCR and LMCR in order to implement incrementally in coordination with appropriate parties. Both projects tried to hybridize designing functional spaces to reduce impact of climate change risks and creating social, connecting places at the same time. Further investigation required for clarifying relationship between RBD projects and policies related to DRR as well as detailed analysis on space to achieve DRR design.
上田 裕文
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
This study aimed to grasp the actual use of Satoyama-type woodland burials and their economic effects on rural areas. Questionnaires about user evaluation, visit status and expenditure for visits were sent by post to 2000 members of Chishoin temple and 1200 members of Shinkoji temple. As results, the following status were revealed. (1) There is generally no big difference between their purchase motives and their current evaluation. In particular, the management of Satoyama and changing seasons of nature are highly appreciated. (2) It is getting more difficult to visit far grave because of aging, even though they had not minded it at the beginning. (3) Although the number of grave visits is limited because of long distances, accommodation and wide-area tourism contribute to the expansion of the exchange population in the region. (4) It is estimated that Chishoin has economic effect of 140 million yen and Shinkoji 33 million yen, which has a certain impact on the local economy. Further practical researches that promote local municipalities to establish more Satoyama-type woodland burial cemeteries are needed to conserve the local natural environment and expand the exchange population.
矢澤 優理子, 古谷 勝則
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
In this study, the amount of nature formed outside a river embankment due to people use, and the background around its formation is explained; additionally, the mosaic nature of that environment around the rivers in the Kanto region is also evaluated. Using a Geographic Information System to categorize the past and present vegetation type, this study examined the changes in the types of vegetation for each 100 m mesh. To evaluate the mosaic nature of the landscape, the riverside area was divided every one km according to the distance marker of each river, overseeing the extent of the nature formed by people use in that area. As a result, it was found that 45.1% of the natural environment formed due to people use existed outside the embankment in the target area. It is suggested that land-use in nature formed due to people use have changed because of the decrease of people’s maintenance and flood. Furthermore, the nature formed by people use is mosaic represents 52.7% of the total region. This shows that the riverside area also has a Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes based on the nature formed by people use similar to Satoyama, which is associated with traditional human lifestyles.
高橋 大樹, 木下 剛
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
Areas where people have lived and produced for long periods of time should have the conditions that make it possible, and therefore, clarifying them will provide useful insights for disaster risk reduction of the area. The purpose of this study is to clarify the topographical composition and the characteristics of land use of 244 old village sections (“Oaza”) in the presumed locations of ancient villages in Chiba prefecture, and to verify how they are related to disaster risk and agricultural land use. As a result, it was found that areas of many “Oaza” at the presumed ancient villages were set as to include various topography, and various land uses are made within them. In addition, four types of patterns with common features in topographical composition were confirmed, and it was clarified that the flood risk and agricultural land use differ for each pattern. Since these characteristics were confirmed in a relatively small unit called “Oaza” , maintaining and regenerating proper land use based on each “Oaza” as the basic unit may be an effective approach to reduce flood risk not only in “Oaza” but also in larger units of local communities.
八巻 一成
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
The author aimed to illustrate the historical transition and present situation of semi-natural grasslands and examined the significance of strategic grassland conservation in Ibaraki prefecture. Semi-natural grasslands maintained for traditional uses have been regarded as appropriate lands for tree plantation and land development. As there has been a decline in these grasslands being utilized for traditional purposes, their value has considerably diminished. Because such trends have continued until recently, these semi-natural grasslands exist only in limited areas and are now on the verge of extinction in the Ibaraki prefecture. Meanwhile, several grasslands have newly generated as a result of land development and farmland abandonment. However, the composition of species in such grasslands is significantly different from that in grasslands maintained for traditional uses. Consequently, semi-natural grasslands in the Ibaraki prefecture have greatly changed in quality and quantity, and are currently in considerable crises. To resolve this issue, considering semi-natural grassland conservation as part of the biodiversity approach of the Ibaraki prefecture and strategically identifying the direction of grassland conservation is essential. Because most of the traditional grasslands have disappeared in Ibaraki, the core grasslands need to be identified and proactively conserved. Mt. Tsukuba taken as an example is considered as a representative core area where grasslands need to be conserved.
塚田 伸也, 森田 哲夫
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
In this study, we conducted a study on a city park where the Designated Manager System was introduced and where a profit facility (cafe) was developed by Park-PFI. The target park is Shikishima Park in Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture, a large-scale park. The purpose is to grasp the intention of using the cafe and the evaluation of the user about the park management. According to a web questionnaire survey, 63% of the people intend to use the cafe, and 36% of the people who use the park more frequently by opening a cafe. From the free opinions, we were able to grasp the tendency to have a good image of use such as an increase in usage opportunities and an increase in the attractiveness of the park and a bad image of use such as congestion of parking lots and an increase in garbage. The more people who use the park, the higher the intention to use the cafe. From the above, we obtained valuable information to verify the effects of the designated manager system and Park-PFI.
福井 亘, 吕 世嘉, 髙林 裕
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
There are few research reports on the evaluation of actual use and outdoor fitness equipment of block parks focusing on the middle and advanced age group. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to understand the actual usage, evaluation, and intention to install outdoor fitness equipment for the middle and advanced age group residents near the block parks in Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City. The investigation was a questionnaire by post-mailing. The target houses were extracted mechanically by GIS at random. The results of the visit frequency questionnaire revealed that nearly half of the questionnaire target did not use the block parks. The reason for not using it was that not a few people recognized that the block parks was a children's park. Furthermore, it became clear that the middle and advanced age group rarely use block parks when exercising. Nature, planting, usage manners, service and resting facilities were shown as important factors for block parks. And it became clear that they were interested in installing outdoor fitness equipment. From these results, it can be said that the major issue is how the block parks can realize the potential of improving the health of the residents toward an aging society.
小玉 知慶, 柳井 重人, 中尾 優花
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
In this study, the survey of actual utilization was carried out for block parks and "children's playground" which is unused land utilization type open space (The following is an unused land utilization OS.) in Nishimabashi district of Matsudo City. Based on the result, the difference between the utilization of block park and "playground for children" was grasped. After that ideal way and problem of the improvement of block parks and an unused land utilization OS were examined. The findings obtained in this study are as follows. (1) It is necessary to revitalize the use of open space in the city requires the creation of rules that allow for uses that are not possible in block parks in an unused land utilization OS. (2) It is necessary to develop an unused land utilization OS to accommodate the needs of ball games, which are lacking in block parks like grounds, and to create rules. (3) It is necessary to examine countermeasures such as securing new unused land after the loss of an unused land utilization OS developed in private land and opening school grounds.
松本 邦彦, 平野 章吾, 澤木 昌典
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
The purpose of this study is to clarify the following points about the guided tours conducted in important cultural landscape designated areas. 1) the tour content, such as the purpose of the tour and the objects of explanation, and the characteristics of the implementing organizations, 2) the effect of the guided tour on the conservation efforts (especially the effect of fostering the sense of value among the residents), and 3) the impact of the tour on the guides and residents’ landscape-conservation activities. The responses provided by 57 organizations across Japan to a questionnaire-based survey revealed the following insights: some organizations aim to increase the number of tourists and promote the local industry through guided tours, while also communicating the appeal of that geographic region; although many organizations are unable to play a role in communicating how the local area characteristics affect the landscape character, guided tours contribute to reducing the negative impacts of tourism, such as access to living and industrial spaces; through guided tours, these organizations directly or indirectly contribute to the increased recognition by guides and residents of the value of the landscape.
上甫木 昭春, 角野 幸博, 門上 保雄, 上田 萌子
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
In order to clarify the relationship between community activities and small-scale settlements in elementary school districts, we conducted a questionnaire survey to community building conference of each districts in Tamba area, Hyogo Prefecture. The results show that community activities were divided into three groups based on implementation rates and mutual relationships, and it was expected that some implementing entities could change from a single settlement to settlement coordination or an elementary school district in the future. Moreover, tendencies of small-scale settlements in elementary school districts were divided into four groups, and it was confirmed that some community activities tend to be carried out, by an elementary school district, in the group that has the most progress in small-scale settlements.
尾山 真, 金岡 省吾, 塩見 一三男, 小松 亜紀子, 市村 恒士
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
The purpose of this study is to consider how to increase students’ inclination of regional settlement, based on the statistical analysis of surveys took in the community-oriented courses, called COC+ courses, implemented in 2018 at University of Toyama. We used a questionnaire survey method and took questionnaires to students in COC+ courses of three course-groups, “region-oriented course-group”, “regional PBL course-group” and “region-related course-group”, newly set up through the implementation of COC+ project. Despite our intentions, the results of this survey suggest that the regional PBL courses are likely to reduce the students’ inclination of regional settlement. Region-oriented courses are also, with regret, likely to have no effect on the inclination. The analysis of the individual courses of the region-oriented course-group shows that to increase students’ inclination of regional settlement, it must be effective to address the regional problems and their solutions, and embed a lot of opportunities for students to check their own lifestyles in courses.
栗原 正博, 篠沢 健太
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
In this paper we discuss the distribution and formal characteristics of mulberry plantations in the middle basin region of the Tone River in the Edo and Meiji periods. During this time, until the ban on silkworm egg card exports was lifted, the cultivation of mulberry in fields was prohibited; despite the common practice of planting mulberry on the rows of raised earth between fields, known as azekuwa, only after the export ban was lifted did it become legal to plant mulberry in fields; subsequently, large mulberry plantations were created. Thereafter, farmers of silkworm egg cards, who had been catching silkworm eggs because of the stoppage on silkworm egg card exports, switched to raising silkworms in order to produce cocoons. Water transportation, which had been a significant livelihood in this region, declined with the opening of railroads (Takasaki Line) and this also increased the number of people changing their occupation to silkworm raising. The number of silkworm cocoons produced also increased, which brought about demand for a further increase in the size of mulberry plantations; not only fields, but also ryūsakuba farms along river banks came to be used as mulberry plantations. This is how high-yield mulberry plantations came to be widely distributed in the region, although it must not be forgotten that this was supported by efforts of the region’s pioneering unaffiliated engineers and researchers to selectively breed mulberry, and their technologies for cultivating with increased yield.
大澤 啓志, 七海 絵里香
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
We investigated the planting arrangements on an earthwork around a residence and the residents’ seed collecting activities on Izu-Oshima Island to understand how the use of Camellia japonica can transform the cultural landscape. At the study site, an earthwork was built around the residence in the first half of the 1900s when a resident settled there. A windbreak forest was then formed by planting the native species C. japonica and Cerasus speciosa on the earthwork. In total, 130 trees grew on the earthwork, which had a length of 96 m, among which C. japonica was the dominant species, accounting to 46%. Responses to a questionnaire indicated that many of the island’s residents collect the seeds of C. japonica from windbreak forests around their homes and fields and take them to oil extraction traders as a raw material for camellia oil. This collection activity serves as a small-scale business and provides additional income, which acts as a management incentive to plant C. japonica windbreak forests. We judged that this activity was a minor subsistence practice because it also gave other rewards, such as health and fitness benefits and bringing a sense of fulfillment. The windbreak forest dominated by C. japonica with the earthwork was one of unique cultural landscapes, and it was the feature to renew the landscape through resident's management and use of a Camellia.
佐々木 一成, 朝廣 和夫, 崔 継瀟
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
The object of this study is to investigate the changes and a present situation in the area of traditional tea plantations in Yame and Ukiha cities, Fukuoka prefecture. Square measure of the tea plantation and present situation of the survival situations of traditional tea plantations, were grasped by the interview to division of the tea farming of J.A. According to the results of a questionnaire on the tea farming to the tea farmers in Yame area those were grasped that about 1970 the extension of the tea plantation was big and the square of the traditional green tea is farmed 21.4% of the tea farm in Yame area and 80.0% of the traditional tea farm is not exceeding 1a it is feared that after this the farming of the traditional green tea plantations have been on the decline. To conserve the traditional tea farming and to develop the tea industry on a mountainous area. It is important to research the situation of the traditional green tea and to add the other values on the tea and tea farming.
黒田 貴綱, 金澤 朋子, 安齋 寛, 炭山 大輔
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
A study was conducted to examine the prevalence of pine wilt disease and the feeding conditions of the Japanese squirrels (Sciurus lis) in mountainous green areas where Japanese black pine and Japanese red pine grow. This study aimed to explore conservation measures for Japanese squirrels and the green areas. Here, we determined that Japanese squirrels clearly preferred Japanese black pine trees in the target area. Feeding remains were visible on black pine trees throughout the study period. Pine cones served as a stable food source for the Japanese squirrels throughout the year. On the other hand, it was shown that pine wilt disease affects the feeding of squirrels. Considering this result and the prevalence of pine wilt disease, it would be appropriate to grow multiple trees in the same place rather than planting isolated trees. This strategy would facilitate the efficient preservation of the pine trees used by the Japanese squirrels and the green areas in which they are located. The lack of pine forests near the target area may lead to a decrease in the local Japanese squirrel population. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt measures to protect the pines, which would simultaneously aid in maintaining the squirrel population.
長谷川 泰洋
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
As a semipublic green space, the sacred forest of the urban Shinto shrine serves as a traditional space, a base for urban ecosystems, and as a place for communities. Its management is entrusted to the priesthood, and tree-planting activities depend on the manager's thinking. The purpose of this study was to understand the purpose and process of tree planting and extermination activities in the sacred forests during the last few decades, and to help determine a policy for the conservation of the sacred forests. We conducted a questionnaire survey of 290 managers in Nagoya City, and the number of responses was 92 (collection rate 31.7%). From this survey we report that there were 43 species of tree planted and 23 species removed—mostly Cinnamomum camphora, Phyllostachys spp., and Pinus spp. Depending on their purpose and planting process, the main tree species planted are Cleyera japonica, Ginkgo biloba, Cinnamomum camphora, Prunus spp., Cerasus spp., Pinus spp., Chamaecyparis obtusa, Rhododendron spp., and Camellia spp. It was possible to categorize these species into three types of arboriculture systems: use type, traditional type, and landscape type. These types can be used to understand the status of current sacred forests and to formulate conservation policies.
田端 敬三
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
To clarify the regeneration processes of two Quercus (Fagaceae) species, Quercus serrata, deciduous broad-leaved tree and Quercus glauca, evergreen broad-leaved tree in an urban forest, 163 research quadrats (163 m2) on the forest floor in a restored deciduous broad-leaved forest, "Inochi- No-Mori" in Kyoto city after approximately 20 years since construction were set up. Growth characteristics, recruitment, mortality and relative height growth rates of seedlings of these two species were investigated. As a result, the recruitment rate of Q. serrata seedlings tends to be higher than that of Q. glauca seedlings, when diffuse site factor was larger than 15.0%, particularly. The relative height growth rate of Q. serrata seedlings in the 15–50-cm height class was relatively high when diffuse site factor was larger than 15.0%. On the other hand, the mortality rate of Q. glauca seedlings in the 15–50-cm height class was very lower than that of Q. serrata seedlings. These results indicate that in order to promote the regeneration of Q. serrata in this site, it is necessary to maintain a light environment with a diffuse site factor amount of larger than 15.0% around the mature Q. serrata trees, by thinning the upper trees and to selectively remove Q. glauca seedlings.
澤畠 拓夫, 小坂 彰, 瀬古 祐吾, 早坂 大亮
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
To clarify web site selection by redback spider, we examined the change in their number inhabiting the guardrails and guard-pipes on paved or unpaved waysides and with or without streetlight in study area. Redback spider was found on guardrails and guard-pipes same as in other artificial structures, such as the gutter, flowerpot, and around the building structures in the study area. They wove their web under the guardrails and guard-pipes on paved wayside of the road with streetlight, and they were seldom observed on those without streetlight and those on unpaved wayside. The abundance of prey arthropods did not differ significantly between around the guard-pipe on paved and unpaved wayside. In the laboratory examinations, the adult female could establish their webs in plastic chamber, but they could not establish webs in the chamber covered with fine sand on the floor for lack of sufficient strength to support their web lines. Redback spider favored to inhabit in artificial environments that lightened up and paved but they avoided to unpaved environments covered with soil, sand, and vegetation, because such environments could not provide sufficient support for their web line.
中島 宏昭, 久野 直人, 増田 楓, 平野 友佳鈴, 亀山 慶晃, 鈴木 貢次郎
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
The evergreen perennial herb, Asarum tamaense (Aristolochiaceae), is an endangered species distributed across the Tama Hills in the Kanto region of Japan. In abandoned secondary forests, Pleioblastus chino can grow unregulated and suppress the growth of the herbaceous layer. This study investigated how cutting P. chino affects the growth and flowering of A. tamaense in an abandoned secondary forest. Two study areas (cutting and non-cutting) were defined in an area of the Tama Hills secondary forests that had been untouched for approximately 40 years. P. chino was cut with a sickle in only the cutting area during the summers of 2010 - 2018. Each April from 2015 to 2018, in both areas, the number of patches, leaves and flowers were counted in 30 quadrats, 5m × 5m at each quadrat, and the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and soil moisture content were checked. The cutting area had less the number of patches than the non-cutting area, and there were no differences in the patches increase rate over time between the areas. The number of leaves and flowers and the increase rate in the cutting area were higher; as the number of leaves increased, the number of flowers increased. PAR was also higher in the cutting area. These results suggest that cutting P. chino contributes the conservation of A. tamaense.
山田 晋, 三井 裕樹, 高岸 慧, 宮本 太
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
Mowing of dominated Pleioblastus chino (Franch. et Sav.) Makino is effective to enhance species richness in a ground flora of abandoned Quercus serrata forests. Frequent mowing (i.e. double or more in a year) is suitable to control overgrown P. chino, even if managed for a relatively short term (<several years). However, there are few studies aiming at the recovery of floristic diversity with such a frequent- and a short-term-mowing. One-year mowing (double-, triple-, and non-mowing) was carried out to monitor the recovery of ground flora until the following year. Greater number of species was observed in both double- and triple-mown plots than an un-mown plot. Species favoring brighter ground occurred more frequently in triple- than double-mown plots, although species richness was not different significantly between them. Triple mowing, rather than double, would be effective as an intensive and relatively short-term management to enhance species particularly suitable in brighter grounds. However, relative illuminance was not enough to survive species representing well-managed forests (i.e. common to semi-natural grasslands). Worse, P. chino biomass in triple-mown plots was unsuccessful in reduction compared with double-mown plots in the next year of mowing. Triple mowing should, thus, continue at least two years to inhibit P. chino for longer time, and to enhance species richness further.
柴田 知己, 繁冨 剛, 包清 博之
原稿種別: 研究論文
2021 年 84 巻 5 号 p.
発行日: 2021/03/31
公開日: 2021/06/16
The objective of this study is to validate the traditional knowledge of reeds for the hichiriki (traditional Japanese oboe) harvested from the Udono reed field. Hichiriki is one of main instruments in gagaku (Japanese imperial court music). The reeds at the Udono reed field in Osaka is used for high quality rozetsu (vibrating plate) for hichiriki. The reeds for hichiriki was selected not in the water area but in the land area for larger stem diameter and thicker flesh. It was found the area, for harvesting the reeds for hichiriki, has soft soil and can develop rhizomes to deep underground in comparison to other land area. It is shown that harvesters, with their long time experiences and skills, can select the most efficient places to harvest the best reeds. Therefore, it seems passing down the skill of harvesters contributing to the cultural continuation of gagaku which is an important intangible cultural property.