Online ISSN : 1883-6135
Print ISSN : 0023-1908
ISSN-L : 0023-1908
18 巻, 2 号
  • 横井 晋
    1968 年 18 巻 2 号 p. 93-98
    発行日: 1968年
    公開日: 2009/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 第1報 群馬県一農村における腰痛症の実態
    五十嵐 博和
    1968 年 18 巻 2 号 p. 99-150
    発行日: 1968年
    公開日: 2009/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    群馬県一農村における第1次の腰痛アンケート調査によりみいだした腰痛者約600名より腰痛現症・既往の者男女計274名を抽出して, 腰痛による労働日数の損失及び腰痛時における支障の程度を観察し, 腰部X線所見と対比した.これらの結果より腰痛の程度及びそのdisabilityを判定評価した.
    1) 腰痛の持続日数は男女とも約5分の4は1週間以内である.1ヵ月以上常時と称するものは男女の約3分の1にみられる.
    2) 年間の腰痛日数は通算1週間以内は男女23.0%24.0%で, 4ヵ月以上年間におよぶもの男45.2%, 女35.3%で男に多い.
    3) 腰痛に関連した日常生活における支障の程度は年令とともに高度となる傾向がある.腰痛者の60才以上は男の歩行, 女の歩行と草むしりに支障の程度がより高い.一般に疹痛の大なるものほど日常生活におけるdisabjlityは高度である.
    4) 腰痛者の約60%は医療をうけていない.そのうち約半数は自宅療法をおこなっているが, 残りの半数は全然放置している.
    5) 受診者27A名のX線所見は変形性関節症男55.8%, 女3&2%でもっとも多く, 次いで骨粗癒症男19.2%女265%である.椎間板に異常のあるもの男6.7%, 女7.6%, またX線所見のないものは男17.3%, 女29.4%である.
    6) 労働年数が多くなるに従って変形性関節症が高度となるが, 年令因子を除外出来ない.
    7) 高令者ほど骨に所見を有するものが多い.男女とも若年者に骨に所見がなくともdjsabilityの高度なものがある.変形性関節症と骨粗霧症の病変度とdisabilityは必ずしも平行しない, 比較的若年に骨粗霧症の所見を有するものはdisabilityは高度になる傾向にある.女の50代は骨の所見の有無にかかわらずdisabiIityは比較的高度である.
    8) 一般に骨に所見のある場合の方が障害を訴えるものが多い傾向にある.但し高度の障害のあるものが必ずしも骨の所見の有無とは関係がない.
    以上のことより本調査地区における農村住民の腰痛症は日常生活の障害の大きいものに, むしろ骨所見がみられず, 労働過重によっておこるいわゆる腰痛症が多いように考えられ, また労働過重によって骨の老化を早めているようにも推測される.また, 老人へと職域の拡大に伴って, 生理的現象に労働が拍車をかけることにより病変が進行する変形性関節症及び骨粗霧症が多いこと, さらに, 女の50代に腰痛愁訴が少なくない.これらのことより今後さらに労働条件, 食生活心理学上及び社会的機構からも, その要因を追究分析して, これを排除し, 農村の近代化とあいまって農村衛生の保全に尽すべきであろう.
    群馬県一農村で昭和39年5月の腰痛調査で発見した腰痛現症者, 既往者約600名より男91名女162名計253名を抽出して, 轡部, 大腿部後面, 足背部のいつれも両側の皮膚温を測定し, また右足関節部までを4℃の水に30秒浸し, 後にその皮膚温が1℃上昇に要する時間を計測して, 腰痛の有無, 冷えの有無との関連において, 以下の2.3の知見をえた.
    1 轡部, 大腿部後面, 足背部のいつれも両側皮膚温は50才頃より男女とも年令とともに上昇する傾向にある.
    2寒冷負荷に対する回復時間は男女とも年令とともに延長する傾向にある, 男がより著明である.
    3腰痛現症者は圧痛点, 筋硬結, 脊椎打痛, ラセーグ等の他覚症状の多いものほど男女とも回復時間は延長する傾向にある.
    5 男女とも冷えを訴える群は然らざる群よりも腰痛者が多い.
    6 男女とも30才から59才までの冷えを訴える群では, 腰痛者の皮膚温は両側青部で腰痛のないものより0.1℃から0。4℃低下している。
    以上のことより群馬県西部における一農村住民の腰痛症には寒冷曝露とは無関係ではなく, 男女とも中年層に寒冷によって腰痛が誘発される傾向が窺われた.また女の50・40代に自覚的冷えの訴えが多い事実より今後女の冷え症及び婦人科的原因による腰痛を疫学的に解明する必要がある.
  • 電磁流量計および冠動脈撮影による研究
    湯浅 和男
    1968 年 18 巻 2 号 p. 151-164
    発行日: 1968年
    公開日: 2009/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    Effects of various pressor amines on coronary circulation in anesthetized dogs were studied by the use of electromagnetic flow meter and coronary artreiography,
    1) Intravenous administration of adrenaline, noradrenaline or isoproterenol resulted in increase of coronary blood flow. By coronary arteriography, these substances were noted to have dilating effect on coronary arteries of visible diameter.
    2) The increase of coronary blood flow was observed generally parallel to the rise of systemic blood pressure. However, in some instances, the increase of coronary blood flow continued even during the phase of the decreased blood pressure.
    3) The administration of isoproterenol caused the increased coronary blood flow and, at the same time, the decreased systemic blood pressure.
    4) The increase in coronary blood flow by these substances was inhibited by previous or concomitant administration of propranolol.
    5) Intracoronary administration of small dosis of adrenaline, noradrenaline or isoproterenol resulted in the increase of the maximum flow of diastolic phase and decrease of the minimum flow of systolic phase. These changes in the coronary blood flow were more prominent than the changes by intravenous administration of these substances in the same order of doses which should be expected.
    6) These results suggest that adrenaline, noradrenaline and isoproterenol may have the direct dilating effect on coronary artery.
  • 回廊法の簡略化と薬理作用研究に於ける応用
    奥谷 雅生
    1968 年 18 巻 2 号 p. 165-172
    発行日: 1968年
    公開日: 2009/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. As a new method for screening studies of psychotropic substances, simplification of the “cloister method” was attempted, and recently accomplished.
    2. A relay circuit which estimates “a ratio of cyclic walk (R%)” was added to the original method.
    3. Using this method, effects of Methamphetamine and a derivative of diphenylpropenylamine (HK-2600) on mice behavior were tested.
    4. Increased spontaneous activity was observed in both groups of mice but those treated with Methamphetamine behaved in a very different way when measured by the R%.Mice treated with Methamphetamine showed a high rate of R% (80100%). On the contrary, mice treated with HK-2600 showed various values resembling saline controls.
    5. This new method was discussed from a statistical point of view and admitted as a suitable and effective method for estimations the effects of central excitant drugs.
  • 特に立体的観察について
    北沢 真爾
    1968 年 18 巻 2 号 p. 197-218
    発行日: 1968年
    公開日: 2009/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    Both healthy and injured tibial tuberosities in the Osgood-Schlatter's disease were roentgenologically examined on the views of varing roentgenographic penetrations.
    1 The small elevation of bone was seen in 35% of normal tibial surface above the tuberosity, and it tended to situate on the medial side of the sagittal plane which included in the center of the tuberosity.
    2. In fresh cases of Osgood-Schlatter's disease, the lesions were almost localized in front of the epiphyseal beak and the extents could be divided into four groops.
    3. The wide variant of deformity in the final stage of Osgood-Schlatter's disease were classified into four types (I a-b, II a-g, IIIa-c, IV) according to the Kikuchi's method which demonstrates the tuberosity exactly. The abnormal buttress of bone on the tibial surface above the tuberosity, one of the most characteristic featuress in the disease, were seen in 60% of the series. Theses buttress were situated just above or upper medial side of the tuberosities, and seemed to rise from normal elevation of bone. The proximal end of the tibial tuberosity was commonly lifted and in the highly deformed cases the buttress looked ass if to be a part of tuberosity as a result of the fusion with the tuberosity.
  • 並に本邦に於けるその統計的観察
    金子 寛, 大前 暹二, 洪 得意, 設楽 敏明
    1968 年 18 巻 2 号 p. 257-274
    発行日: 1968年
    公開日: 2009/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    During a peroid of 20 years up to the end of 1966, 20 Patients with tumors of the external auditory canal visited the Department of Oto-rhino-laryngology of the Gunma Univeristy. Cases of them were benign tumors. They were : each 2 cases of cerminoma and naevus pigmentosus, and each 1 case of melanoma, chondroma, osteoma, haemangioma, fibroma, cyst and osteoma. The other 9 cases were malignant tumors (8 cases were squamous cell carcinoma and 1 case was carcinoma simplex). 130 cases of benign tumors of the external auditory canal which had been reported in Japan were discussed with our 11 cases. Despite pathohistological benignity, some clinically manifested malignant features. It is therefore necessary in their treatment to grasp exactly the essential nature of each tumor. Benign tumors of the external auditory canal are not so rare as generally discribed in textbooks. Often they seem to be misdiagnosed as otofuruncle. To diagnosis of them, careful observation and repeated pathohistological examinations are necessary.
  • 七条 小次郎, 須藤 宏, 小林 二郎, 大木 一郎, 塚田 穣, 関口 利和, 樋口 次男
    1968 年 18 巻 2 号 p. 275-286
    発行日: 1968年
    公開日: 2009/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    The uptake of thymidine-H3 by human gastric cancer was studied in vitro, and the resulting labeling of cells was used as an indicator of the proliferative capacity of these tumors.
    Superficial concaving type (IIc type) and mixed type (IIc + III, III + IIc type) of early gastric cancer from 7 patients, and Borrmann III type of advanced gastric cancer from 2 patients were studied.
    Specimens of tumors were obtained either at the time of biopsy or excision. The specimens incubated for 2 hours at 37°C in a medium consisting of 5cc of human whole blood and 25μC of thymidine-H3. After the incubation, autoradiographs were prepared, and labeled tumor cells were counted on the autoradiographs.
    All of the early gastric cancer showed a high number of labeled cells, the rate of labeled cells of total counted cells ranged from 13.4% to 27. 2% (average 22. 9%) In advanced gastric cancer, the percentage of in ranged from 10.3% to 23.4%.
    The results of this study are suggested that the tumor cell proliferation of the early gastric cancer was as high as that of the advanced cancer.