Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica
Online ISSN : 1881-1736
Print ISSN : 0030-154X
ISSN-L : 0030-154X
Volume 64, Issue 1
Displaying 1-7 of 7 articles from this issue
  • Masamichi KUROHMARU, Katuya ZYO, Takao NISHIDA
    1987 Volume 64 Issue 1 Pages 1-15
    Published: 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: September 24, 2012
    The proximal colon in three species of lagomorph macroscopically consisted of three segments. The first segments of the domestic and volcano rabbits each were divided into two portions (anterior and posterior parts), while the same region of the pika into three portions (small haustra side, anterior and posterior parts of large haustra side). The anterior part mucosa of the two former species showed low curved folds and no mucous glands. The posterior part mucosa of the domestic rabbit exhibited cauliflower-like protrusions, while that of the volcano rabbit showed multi-formed protrusions. Mucous glands exist in all species examined from the posterior part to the distal colon. The anterior part mucosa of the pika revealed an almost flat appearance and no mucous glands. The posterior part mucosa and the small haustra in the pika exhibited conical protrusions with mucous glands. Although the second segment of the domestic rabbit revealed cauliflower-like protrusions, those of the volcano rabbit and the pika exhibited villus-like protrusions. The third segment and the distal colon of each species similar showed the feature with flat surface.
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  • Iwao SATO, Ryuji UENO, Tooru SATO
    1987 Volume 64 Issue 1 Pages 17-37
    Published: 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: September 24, 2012
    An abnormal cleidohyoid muscle, an excess anterior belly muscle of the digastric and a levator thyroid gland muscle are reported in the suprahyoid and infrahyoid musculature of Japanese male cadavers (Case A) 65 years and (Case B) 46 years old. The muscle weight, cross-sectional area of the transverse muscle section, number of muscle fibers per mm2 and the average size of the muscle fibers of these abnormal muscles were compared with simmilar parameters of normal suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles. In the normal muscles, the anterior belly of the digastric muscle and geniohyold were most developed among other hyoid musculature. In case A, the number of muscle fibers per mm2 of all the abnormal muscle was smaller than in normal hyoid muscles and the average size of muscle fibers was smaller. In case B, the number of muscle fibers per mm2 of all the abnormal muscles was larger than in normal hyoid muscles but the average size of the abnormal muscle fibers was smaller.
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  • Yayoi MASUDA, Takesi YOHRO
    1987 Volume 64 Issue 1 Pages 39-45
    Published: 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: September 24, 2012
    Fractal dimensions (D) were calculated for quantitative description of microscopic irregularities of suture-lines (sagittal, coronal, lamboid) in human cranial vaults. These suture-lines were found to be fractal curves with 1.2<D <1.5. Fractal dimensions did not differ with kinds of suture-lines, ages and individuals. Thus, characteristics of wave forms between different kinds of suture-lines could not be shown with fractal dimensions. Wavelengths were measured to analyze apparent macroscopic regularities in sagittal sutures. Wavelengths were found to differ with ages and three age stages were distinguished: growth, fusing and obliterating stages. In the growth stage, there were less differences in wavelengths between individuals than in other stages.
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  • Kodo KODAMA, Munesato YAMADA, Katsushi KAWAI, Keishi OKAMOTO, Shigeki ...
    1987 Volume 64 Issue 1 Pages 47-57
    Published: 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: September 24, 2012
    The pectoralis major muscle receives its arterial supply from the A. thoracoacromialis, by its pectoral branch. But, the "terminal branch" entering the lowest neurovascular hilum of the muscle is usually separate and arises from the axillary artery at different levels, either independently or in common with other arteries such as A. thoracoacromialis or A. thoracica lateralis. Distally, the artery may send off various superficial branches, including the A. brachialis superficialis superior. The A. pectoralis inferior may be better described in these instances as to ramify as its first offshoot, especially if the last mentioned artery is well developed. Besides, the A. pectoralis inferior never ramifies from the deep artery of the arm. It has been verified, therefore, that the two arteries are interpreted identical to each other, and the A. pectoralis inferior should be regarded morphologically significant. It deserves a new definition.
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  • The macaque
    Masatake IMAI, Taizo SHIBATA, Jiro SHIMANO
    1987 Volume 64 Issue 1 Pages 59-69
    Published: 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: September 24, 2012
    Summary: The authors performed histological and histochemical investigations on the socalled cardiac and gastric glands of the Japanese macaque and crab-eating monkey, and compared the data for both glands. The following conclusions were drawn.1. Scholars regard the glands, distributed in the immediate vicinity of the ostium cardiacum, as the cardiac glands. However, the reactions to complex carbohydrates in the glandular cells of the so-called cardiac and gastric glands are entirely the same.2. The glandular cells in the so-called cardiac and gastric glands contain pepsinogen granules. 3. It is true that the so-called cardiac glands are fairly short, but they are composed of three kinds of glandular cells which are histochemically quite similar to those in the gastric glands proper. Moreover, the so-called cardiac glands also have a few partietal cells and argentaffin cells. 4. Based on the above facts, the so-called cardiac glands are considered to represent the Istric glands themselves. Therefore, the authors believe that the cardiac glands do not exist in the macaque. 5 . Some scholars regard the cardiac glands as the mucous or serous glands. However, the cells in the neck and body of the glands contain not only several kinds of mucosubstances but also undeveloped pepsinogen granules. The mucosubstances in the cells of the glandular body are reduced with differentiation of these cells, and mature cells containing developed pepsinogen granules and scanty mucosubstances are formed. In other words, the so-called cardiac glands secrete not only mucosubstances but also pepsin. 6. The opinion of Suzuki et al. regarding the distribution areas of the cardiac glands, which spread over the fundic regions, is incorrect, and the glands which they considered as the cardiac glands, are the gastric glands themselves.
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  • Hidekazu WAKURI, Ken-ichiro MUTOH, Masato NARITA
    1987 Volume 64 Issue 1 Pages 71-79
    Published: 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: September 24, 2012
    Four mongrel dogs were examined for the density of toruli tractiles with the skin and stained with methylene-blue. Each torulus tactilis was located with a loupe (x5-12)and marked with white lacquer. The distribution of toruli tactiles was estimated from the mean per two-cm square in different parts of the body surface. The results obtained were as follows. The mean per two-cm square was approximately 10-13 in a female specimen, and approximately 6-9 in male specimens. The density of toruli tactiles was thigh in the temporal and buccal areas, on the back of the trunk, on the lateral surface of the forearms, in the gluteal area, and on the lateral surfaces of the thigh and leg. It was low or very close to zero on the face, ears, axial, medial surface of the plica lateris, external genitals, palms and soles.
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    1987 Volume 64 Issue 1 Pages 81-97
    Published: 1987
    Released on J-STAGE: September 24, 2012
    The effects of CO2 laser were verified on rat dorsal skin. The specimens were treated by light and scanning electron microscope. The results showed that after CO2 laser irradiation a carbonized material layer is formed. The scab was removed at 3rd day evidencing the neoformed epithelial cells. The subjacent connective tissue showed imature collagen fibers bundles, with numerous polymorphonuclear leucocytes and fibroblasts. Both light and SEM aspects revealed that at 7 to 10 days can be observed a defined layer of epithelial cells. In the last period examined can be observed descamation of some epithelial cells.
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