In the first report, entitled "Forgeability of Transformation-free Alloy Ingots (I)" the authors reported the relationship between the forgeability and as-cast structures, which are a granular structure and columnar one, For the purpose of the auxiliary experiments of the first report, by both impact and static tensile tests and bending tests at high temper-ature the relationship between tensionability, bendability of as-cast structures of Timken 16-25-6 were studied.
The direction of the tensile stress was parallel to the long axial direction of a columnar (longitudinal), and vertical to it (transversal). Bending directions of the columnar structure were bending stress applies to bend the columnar axis (longitudinal) and applies to does not bend the columnar axis (transversal). Both experiments were performed dynamic and static.
The results were as follows:
(1) The best elongation is obtained in the case of stress is applied to the longitudinal dire-ction and next, the granular structure, the least elongation is obtained when the stress is applied to transversal, in the tensile test.
In the bending test, the best elongation is obtained in the transversal direction, and next, the granular structure, the least elongation is obtained in the longitudinal.
The easy crack forming case is stresses that applied to seperate the boundaries of columnar.
The static test shows better elongation than dynamic one, in the both experiments.
(3) Working energies until specimens broken, are most in the granular structure, next,
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