Recently, in order to stabilize the blast furnace conditions, the vapour and/or pulverized coal are injected into blast furnace. The concentration of H
2 in blast furnace increases above 8% in such a circumstance. Then it is so important to understand H
2 behaviour in blast furnace.
In this study, gasification reaction of metallurgical coke by Ar-H
2O mixtures at 1273, 1473 and 1673K has been investigated. The measurement of reaction rate was carried out with gas analysis method using both of Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (QMS) and Infrared gas analyser. The gas analysis method is so useful for not only the quantifying the reaction rate but also the estimating the kinds of reactions occurring in H
2O-coke gasification. The consideration of the kinds of reactions were made by using the thermodynamic characterization of produced gas composition and the variation of the amount of each produced gases (H
2, CO, CO
2) according to reaction temperature. The kinds of reactions in the region above 1273K were elucidated.
In coke gasification by H
2O, main reaction is water gas reaction I. The generation of CO
2 is caused by water gas reaction II and the possibility of water gas shift reaction is very low. Further, owing to produced CO
2, Boudouard reaction occurs and it becomes prominent in high temperature range.
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