Reactions in iron ore-coal char composite pellets heated in nitrogen atmosphere at temperatures between 1100°C and 1350°C were investigated. Coarsening and melting of reduced iron particles through their carburization were furthermore investigated for iron ore-coal char (pellet P
c, i) and iron ore-graphite (pellet P
g, i) composite pellets. Direct carburizaiton of iron in contact with carbon is superior to indirect carburization through gas phase. Melting of P
c, i started above 1350°C while melting of P
g, i above 1200°C. The mechanism of formation of core and shell, which were observed for both kinds of the pellets by heating for a certain time, was also discussed. Furthermore, heating experiments with electrolytic iron-coal char (pellet P
c, e) and electrolytic iron-graphite (pellet P
g, e) composite pellets in N
2 and CO-10%CO
2 were conducted to study the effect of gasification of carbon on melting of the iron. It is concluded that the gasification of carbon has a strong effect on the carburization by direct contact mechanism between iron and carbon, which finally determines the melting starting temperature of reduced iron.
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