As the continuation of the paper on
the Ordovician system of Asia in volume 69 of this journal (1960), the subjacent system is brought here into picture. Its description is made in six chapters as follows:
I. Introductory Notes.
II. From Siberia to the Himalaya-Middle Siberian platform, Taymir peninsula, New Siberian islands, Kharaoulakh mountains, Sayan-Altai province, Kazakstan, Tienshan, Caracorum and the Himalaya.
III. Eastern Asia and adjacent Territories-Baikalia and Pre-Baikalia, Little Khingan range, Maritime province, Okhotsk block, Hwangho basin, Kogendo limestone plateau, Yangtze basin and Burma-Malayan geosyncline.
IV. The Ural mountains and Western Siberia-Novaya Zemlya, Ural, Caucasus, Iran, Turkey and Dead Sea.
V. Cambrian Biota of Asia.
VI. Concluding Notes.
Seven correlation tables and a figure showing the variation of the thickness of the Cambrian system in Eastern Asia are annexed to these descriptions.
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