Recently some attempts on the automatic color matching have been tried with the remarkable development of spectrophotometer. A few years ago, a commercial color mixture computer appeared in the U. S. A.. In this computer, however, human operations of trial and error are still necessary to obtain the concentration results.
This paper introduces a convenient equipment by which the color matching is automatically accomplished by the use of the learning machine technique. In this equipment, values of weighting elements in the learning machine indicate the concentration of each pigment. An input pattern of the learning machine is composed of the reflectances of pigments in a fixed sampled wavelength. The desired output of the pattern is composed of the reflectance of the standard color in the same sampled wavelength. Thus, the equipment is considered to be a special learning machine which has
N input patterns and
N analog desired outputs, where
N is the number of sampling points in the spectrophotometric curves. The desired concentrations of pigments are given by the final values of weighting elements which the learnig machine indicates after finishing the learning process.
The equipmentis simple in mechanisms and low in cost The trial equipment has shown considerably good results.