Online ISSN : 1881-1000
Print ISSN : 0022-815X
ISSN-L : 0022-815X
Volume 59, Issue 9
Displaying 1-16 of 16 articles from this issue
Topics & Information
  • Toshikazu Miura
    2005 Volume 59 Issue 9 Pages 1269-1275
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: August 25, 2006
    The society switches over resources sustainable circulation system so as to recycle the all things come to an end in the view of environmental improvement. In recent year, the amount of functional papers has been increased rapidly by means of the progress of productivity, the revolution of transportation system and the investigation for convenience. And these functional papers have hard wet strength properties.
    In the try to be re-pulped with functional papers for utilization into recycling papers, these materials were disposed to land reclamation or to burn it to ashes in view point of consideration for cost balances by reason of the conventional pulpers were required with much more electric energy and extra machinery and equipments. But the degree of reutilization for recycled fibers was increased gradually in worldwide. And then it becomes to make problems of the lack of stock-supply. S 0 the needs of re-utilizing waste functional papers were took up sharply in the field.
    In the background for the above, we developed with MJ pulper of the new concepts. The MJ pulper realized the energy saving and also one unit of MJ pulper has been operated favorably in the field. In the below, we will explain the construction and the effect of saving energy of MJ pulper.
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  • —Presentation of “Spanol N-3250”—
    Yoshihiro Ando
    2005 Volume 59 Issue 9 Pages 1276-1283
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: August 25, 2006
    Deposit problems in papermaking tend to increase more and more in recent years. So we have developed a new nonionic chemical, “Spanol N-3250” which is sprayed directly to wire, felt, and roll parts in wet-end sections of papermaking. Functional mechanisms of “Spanol N-3250” are “Detackification” of deposits and “Passivation” of wire, felt, roll, etc. “Spanol N-3250” has excellent effects not only on deposit control but also on drainage improvements in wet-end sections, whether deposit problems are found or not. We propose new solutions with “Spanol N-3250” to provide improved performance in papermaking.
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  • —Promising Items by Improvement in Quality with BTF System—
    Junichi Yano
    2005 Volume 59 Issue 9 Pages 1284-1288
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: August 25, 2006
    We have issued the result of the BTF retrofit to the existing headbox, improvement in not only CD-dry weight profile but also fiber orientation, at every occasion.
    This paper will discuss the actual improvement and benefit result from the quality improvement with BTF dilution profiling.
    The main concept of the BTF retrofit dilution system is to replace the Tapered Header feed to the existing headbox and install a BTF Central Distributor with Automatic Dilution Profiling. Because stock distribution by conventional Tapered Header is the principal source of problems related to the control of basis weight, for all modern headboxes. And the solution to this problem is the BTF central distributor.
    Regardless of the flow conditions through distributor, with its symmetrical design, creates a uniform pressure loss from one edge of the headbox to the other, and the stock passed through flexible hoses, each of identical length, and is delivered to the headbox tube bank.
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  • Joachim Nittke
    2005 Volume 59 Issue 9 Pages 1289-1292
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: August 25, 2006
    Unpredicted bearing damages often result in paper machine standstills and production losses, which cause huge cost loss in paper industry. Recently Online monitoring systems are focussed as a countermeasure to reduce the unexpected standstills due to the bearing damages. But this will not be the permanent solution for the bearing damage. To reduce the bearing damages it is much more important to focus on the application and to adopt appropriate solutions for the particular application.
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  • Shigeki Watanabe, Mitsunao Ariji, Kazuo Kobayashi
    2005 Volume 59 Issue 9 Pages 1293-1301
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: August 25, 2006
    The rubber-covered roll used for paper machine becomes multilayer structure where the polyurethane rubber or FRP etc. is used. The peel might be caused between layers of this roll by long-term use. The thickness of paper becomes not uniform by the occurrence of the peel, and it is serious problem in this production process.
    The conventional inspection method to detect the peel was only hammering test, tactile impression or visual inspection. The peel of an initial stage is difficult to detect because only a distinctive peel can be detected by these inspection methods. Therefore, the ultrasonic examination technique to detect the peel of initial stage in quantitatively was developed.
    In this development, it paid attention to the phenomenon of the ultrasonic reflection wave on the boundary layer of the rubber. The reversal phenomenon of the phase by the peel was observed, and a device to extract its phase was developed. Now, this developed system is used to inspect actual rubber-covered roll, and quantitative evaluation is obtained.
    This paper reports the principle of inspection, a content of system development, and an actual inspection result.
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  • Hisashi Matsui, Nobuhiro Matsuda, Ryuki Hashitani, Yoshiaki Zama
    2005 Volume 59 Issue 9 Pages 1302-1310
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: August 25, 2006
    Since the quantitative analysis method using chromatoscanner (Shimazu Chromatoscanner CS-930) was proposed by Fujiwara et al., it has been widely used to obtain the information on styrene-butadiene latex (SB-latex) concentration near the surface of coated paper. chromatoscanner is a reflection-absorption spectrophotometer and it can provide ultraviolet absorbance of the styrene units in SB-latex. The absorbance has been used as a measure of SB-latex concentration.
    However, chromatoscanner couldn't measure the whole of the reflection, so that there may be a few ambiguities in the interpretation of the experimental results. In this report, we studied on the technique for evaluating the SB-latex concentration near the surface of coated paper with using the integration ball type UV spectrophotometer that was able to measure the absolute value of reflectivity.
    Then the relation between the average density of the latex that existed in the area of depth of which everything given from the surface of the coating layer and the absolute value of reflectivity was examined by solving the Kubelka-Munk equation, which described the light-absorption in optically inhomogeneous systems. As a result, we found that it was derived to be able to decide the average density of the latex that existed in the area from the surface of the coating layer to depth about 1-1.5μm level.
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  • Kenji Sakai, Kazuyuki Hirata
    2005 Volume 59 Issue 9 Pages 1311-1320
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: August 25, 2006
    The Improved Dual Polymer System (HYMO Twins system) of retention aid for the high speed paper machines consists of addition of the water soluble cationic polymer and anionic polymer those obtained by the micro precipitation polymerization in the salt containing aqueous media.
    The anionic aqueous polymer dispersion (FA-230) for the system shows excellent performance for the ash retention and the homogeneous web formation because of it's micro particle behavior of the polymer.
    We discovered the improvement of the micro particle characteristic of the anionic polymer result in small and strong floc suitable for web formation at high shear conditions.
    The floc formation behavior, the ash retention and the drainage performance of the extended FA-series polymer were analyzed by the Flocky-tester, the Britt Dynamic Jar Tester (DDJ) and the Dynamic Drainage Analyzer (DDA).
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  • Yoshikazu Sonehara, Nobuaki Imaizumi
    2005 Volume 59 Issue 9 Pages 1321-1327
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: August 25, 2006
    Compozil system is a multifunctional wet-end chemical system developed by Eka Chemicals AB in Sweden, and this system has been well accepted for all of the paper including liner and board.
    In this paper, the application of Compozil system into a Japanese liner machine is discussed.
    The liner machine has the problems of lower retention and drainage, higher dosage of the chemicals, and spot on the product due to the neutralized pH caused by more waste paper as the feedstock. To dissolve these problems the introduction of Compozil system was studied. During the test run and the usual operation after the introduction of Compozil system since March 2003, following improvements have been proved.
    1) Better retention and drainage, less dosage of the chemicals, and the reduction of the spot were accomplished
    2) The increase of 2-3% average machine speed was realized
    3) Around 1% increase of the finishing yield under stable operation
    4) Around 6% increase of averaged production rate per day
    5) Significant saving of electric power consumption
    6) Around 2.3% up of relative machine operation efficiency
    7) Less frequency of the paper break (no paper break operation for 7 months was scored)
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  • Naruhiko Sone, Teruyuki Matsushima, Masaaki Kawamura
    2005 Volume 59 Issue 9 Pages 1328-1336
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: August 25, 2006
    Recently, low-density or light-weight paper has been required, especially for book paper and printing and writing paper grades. Books with the use of the light-weight paper with low paper density have been published and have made the best-seller lists. Various grades of light-weight paper with low density have been recently on the market in Japan. Thus, demand of light-weight paper with low density will be increased from various aspects including environmental issues such as resource saving.
    Addition of paper chemicals to pulp slurries at the wet end is one of the methods to increase paper caliper. We have developed this type of paper chemicals called “paper caliper increaser, PT series,” which increase paper caliper, sizing degree, and moreover allow less foaming.
    We summarize here the characteristics of paper caliper increasers available in Japan and make a working hypothesis for the mechanism of increase in paper caliper from the results for evaluation of various caliper increaser samples with different properties. Some examples of application are also given.
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  • Takashi Sasaki
    2005 Volume 59 Issue 9 Pages 1337-1345
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: August 25, 2006
    In this paper, we introduce two newly developed cross direction control technologies in QCS. One is finite response CLP CD control that uses finite settling response method in sampled-data control theory. In a machine where it was applied, the convergence time after sheet pass was decreased by 50% compared with the conventional sampled PI control. The other is CD adaptive control.
    In consistency control for basis weight profile, the actuator intervals become narrower than those in slice bolt control and that makes the allowance of accuracy of position correspondence more severe. And wide width machines have more possibility of variation of position correspondence. So the automatic identification of position correspondence during CD control has been strongly demanded.
    We have succeeded to develop this challenging technology named as CD adaptive control and applied it to an actual machine. It can substitute the conventional identification method by step response test and the continuous running of this CD adaptive control makes the 2 sigma of basis weight profile smaller than operation when this control is not running.
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  • Masashi Shibaki
    2005 Volume 59 Issue 9 Pages 1346-1352
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: August 25, 2006
    RCS has been dedicated to develop their know-how, initiatives, idea, and sprit for innovations for decades. The demands for roll wrapping and handling are becoming hard and diversified, not only for the protection against humidity, tear up, grease, but for low cost optical attractiveness, ecological benefit. This paper introduces the latest technologies of RCS to meet the all expectations.
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Research Report (Original Paper)
  • Yu Wang, Wiwin Suwinarti, Shinji Fujiwara, Kazuhiko Sameshima, Zhou Ch ...
    2005 Volume 59 Issue 9 Pages 1354-1366
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: August 25, 2006
    Kenaf bast fiber is composed of primary (P) and secondary (S) phloem fibers. The primary phloem is single layer but the secondary phloem comprised of multiple layers which decreased the number according to the height of the stem section. The higher the section, the lower the number of secondary phloem layers.
    Layer separation was made at the middle part of a stem and the fiber length, the weight, the viscosity (copper ethylene diamine, CED) were measured. The average fiber length as length weighted fiber length was 2.65-3.00 mm (P) and 2.25-2.60 mm (S). The primary phloem fiber is obviously longer than the secondary phloem fiber. The weight ratio (P/S) was 0.073. CED viscosity was 76-96 cp (P) and 121-142 cp (S). The primary phloem had lower viscosity.
    The five sample paper sheets [ A) only secondary phloem, B) no separation, C) and D) increased P/S ratio, and E) only primary phloem] pulps were prepared from the lower part of a stem and subjected to paper strength tests. It was shown that with the increase of the primary phloem pulp ratio give inferior strength properties than the only secondary phloem pulp. It might mainly be explained by the lower CED viscosity of primary phloem. The production possibility of higher quality kenaf bast paper by using the higher stem part which has more primary phloem than the lower stem part should be examined more in detail.
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  • Hironobu Hirano, Takao Kobayashi, Isao Kodaka
    2005 Volume 59 Issue 9 Pages 1367-1375
    Published: 2005
    Released on J-STAGE: August 25, 2006
    In order to optimize structural design of cartons such as corrugated boxes, it is necessary to understand their behavior when they are subjected to compressive loads. Since cartons have a complicated structure that is composed of multiple panels combined with each other, and the compression of cartons gives rise to a phenomenon involving plastic material behavior and buckling, it is difficult to analyze the behavior from the theoretical point of view. Therefore, numerical simulations using the nonlinear finite element method were performed to predict the compressive behavior of cartons.
    Cartons were modeled as simplified configurations, tubes, which consist of four side panels. The material was assumed to be elastic-plastic with the properties of the paperboard. The carton model was divided equally into 3-D quadrilateral shell elements. The bottom edge was fully constrained as the boundary condition, and the compressive displacements in the vertical direction were applied for all nodes on the top edge as the loading condition. Considering material and geometrical nonlinearities, finite element analysis was carried out by the Newton-Raphson iterative method. All computations were performed using the commercial finite element program NISA (ver. 11.0).
    Compressive behavior of a carton was able to be simulated as follows. As the carton was compressed, the load applied on the top edge increased, and four side panels of the carton buckled into some sinusoidal waves. However, the load never fell because the vertical edges remained straight in spite of the buckling of the side panels. Eventually, buckling of a vertical edge induced the collapse of the carton, when the load reached its maximum point, and then decreased rapidly. The load value of this point corresponds to the compressive strength. This computation was able to be performed until four side panels folded up regularly towards inside of the carton. Simulation results showed that load-displacement relationships and deformation behavior were influenced significantly by material properties and structural geometry.
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Pulp and Paper Mills in Japan (50)
Coffee break