Online ISSN : 1881-0136
Print ISSN : 0021-8588
ISSN-L : 0021-8588
59 巻, 2 号
  • Kuan-Chong TING, David H. FLEISHER, Luis F. RODRIGUEZ
    原稿種別: Others
    専門分野: Others
    2003 年 59 巻 2 号 p. 93-101
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2004/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Plant based engineering systems range from plant production and phytoremediation under plastic culture to biomass production units used as part of advanced life support systems for long term human exploration of space. Phytomation engineering encompasses theories and applications of plant-based engineering components and systems. The knowledge bases and expertise needed for delivering successful phytomation engineering programs are in the areas of automation, culture, environment, and systems (i.e. the concept of ACESYS). It is important to integrate the information and knowledge from the focused research activities on automation, culture, and environment to enable the understanding and delivery of functional systems that integrate various components. A series of activities in systems studies have been conducted in recent years. The ultimate goal is to develop and sustain an information system and computational platform, namely Concurrent Science and Engineering (CS&E), for phytomation systems. This article reviews several key research activities leading towards the development of CS&E for phytomation systems, as well as its extended application for advanced life support systems.
  • 浜本 浩, 島地 英夫, 東出 忠桐
    原稿種別: その他
    専門分野: その他
    2003 年 59 巻 2 号 p. 103-110
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2004/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    長日植物のゴデチア、ペチュニア、ホウレンソウ、短日植物のシソ、コスモス、キバナコスモス、ジニア、アサガオについて、青、緑、黄、橙、赤、遠赤色(それぞれピーク波長475, 530, 576, 594, 655, 745 nm)の発光ダイオード(LED)による深夜2時間の暗期中断の出蕾や抽だいに対する効果を検討した。赤色および橙色の光は本試験で供試した長日植物の花成促進、短日植物の花成抑制にもっとも効果的であった。黄色、緑色光を用いた場合も赤、橙色光に近い効果が得られた。遠赤色光はホウレンソウの1品種において花成促進に働いたが、他の植物には安定した効果はみられなかった。青色光処理にはシソにおいてのみ、花穂出現を抑制した場合があったが、その他の場合にはさほど効果がなかった。
短 報(英文)
  • 後藤 英司, 大塚 逸平, 蔵田 憲次
    原稿種別: その他
    専門分野: その他
    2003 年 59 巻 2 号 p. 111-115
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2004/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    WWW(World Wide Web)上で動作する植物生育モデルの実行システムを開発し, 複数の生育モデルを用いてそのシステムを評価した。既存の多くの生育モデルのシミュレーションプログラムは, 高級言語またはシミュレーション言語で記述されている。各々のモデルは独自の計算アルゴリズムと複雑なサブルーチンを持つため, モデルのソースプログラムを別の言語に変換するのは難しい。そこで本システムでは, 開発された言語でシミュレーションを実行する方法を考案した。WWWサーバ上でクライアントとシミュレーションプログラム間のユーザインタフェースを構築し, 中間的な入出力ファイルを生成·管理するCGI(Common Gateway Interface)プログラムをC言語で記述した。そしてシミュレーションプログラムを, CGIプログラムが生成する入力ファイルからデータを読み込み, 結果を出力ファイルへ出力するように修正した。この作業は簡単であり, シミュレーションプログラムの入出力ルーチンの修正にはソースプログラムを全部理解する必要がない。事例としてC言語で記述された露地レタス, Pascalによる水耕レタス, FortranとCSMPによる6作物の生育モデルのシミュレーションプログラムを対象に検討した。各プログラムの修正行数は20∼30行であり, 修正は容易だった。修正したプログラムをコンパイル後に本システムに実装し, WWW上で正常に動作することを確認した。
資 料(英文)
  • 横沢 正幸, 後藤 慎吉, 林 陽生, 清野 豁
    原稿種別: その他
    専門分野: その他
    2003 年 59 巻 2 号 p. 117-130
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2004/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    大気中のCO2濃度上昇に伴う気候変化の予測には, 地球の気候をシミュレートする大気·海洋循環結合モデル(A-O GCM)が用いられている.しかしながら, 現在稼働しているモデルの空気分解能は緯度·経度方向ともに3°から6°程度と粗く, 温暖化が農業および自然生態系へ及ぼす影響の評価には, A-O GCMが出力する大スケールの気候状態を小スケールの気候状態へ還元したデータが必要である.我々は, 距離の逆数で重み付けした線形内挿法を, 最新のA-O GCMによる温暖化シナリオに適用して, 日本付近の気候変化を表すメッシュデータ(気候変化メッシュデータ)を作成した.使用した温暖化シナリオは, ECHAM4/OPYC3(ドイツ), CGCM1(カナダ), CSIRO-Mk2(オーストラリア), CCSR/NIES(日本)のA-O GCMによるものである.気候変化メッシュデータは, 経度方向7.5′, 緯度方向5′(約10km四方)の空間分解能で, 将来100年間における10年ごとの平均的な気候変化を表している.本文では, 気候変化メッシュデータの作成方法とその内容について述べ, その特徴を示すために, 主要作物の栽培期間に相当する5月から9月までの積算気温, 積算降水量, および平均日射量の空間分布の過渡的変化を図示した.
  • 王 秀峰, 武田 知己
    原稿種別: その他
    専門分野: その他
    2003 年 59 巻 2 号 p. 131-140
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2004/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Basic studies on the estimation of normals for decade air temperature at unit cell were performed using daily mean air temperature derived from satellite IR data. Analyses were taken with the assumption that “the difference between a daily mean air temperature and normals for decade air temperature is approximate among areas sharing similar climates”. Items and procedures for analyses are as follows.(1)Characteristic for mean decade air temperature and frequency for decade air temperature. (2)Classification for AMeDAS observation sites in Hokkaido to make some groups of areas sharing similar climates. (3) Characteristic of difference between a daily mean air temperature and normals for decade air temperature, and proof of the assumption. (4) Estimation of daily mean air temperature derived from satellite IR data. (5) Estimation of quasi-normals for decade air temperature using satellite IR data. The results for analyses are as follows. (1) The assumption that the difference between a daily mean air temperature and normals for decade air temperature is approximate among areas sharing similar climates was proved. Therefore, it is possible to estimate quasi-normals for decade air temperature using daily mean air temperature derived from satellite IR data. (2) There was a significance level of 1% between daily mean air temperature of AMeDAS data and surface temperature for 960m cell derived from Landsat TM data on July 8, 1993 in Ishikari Plain. And quasi-normals for decade air temperature in early July could be estimated to 0.1°C accuracy, except for data from Eniwa-Shimamatsu AMeDAS observation site.
  • 間野 正美, 原薗 芳信, 宮田 明, Rommel C. ZULUETA, Walter C. OECHEL
    原稿種別: その他
    専門分野: その他
    2003 年 59 巻 2 号 p. 141-154
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2004/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    The CO2 flux of a wet sedge tundra ecosystem in the Arctic, at Barrow, Alaska, was measured applying an eddy correlation method. The seasonal change of CO2 uptake by the vegetation and the net CO2 budget through the growing period were examined for the 2000 growing season. Tundra CO2 budget analysis model(TCBM) was applied to examine the vegetation responses to the environmental variables. Photosynthesis of the vegetation was well parameterized as functions of measured solar radiation, Rsd and air temperature, Ta, and ecosystem respiration was determined as a function of soil temperature at 0.01 m depth, Ts. Estimated CO2 flux by TCBM with measured Rsd and Ta was verified by comparison with observed CO2 flux, and then was used for gap-filling of data missing or eliminated data during the quality control. Parameters of TCBM functions were in accordance with previous studies; temperature dependence of the ecosystem respiration Q10 was 2.6, peak levels of photosynthesis-light response curve ranged 0.12-2.43gCO2m-2h-1 with optimum air temperature of 0.5-14.0°C, with high levels in late July, and the initial slope of the curve ranged 0.002-0.067 gCO2 W-1h-1. Daily CO2 flux was almost 0gCO2 m-2d-1 while the snow covered the ground. Then that changed to a source of up to 1.6gCO2m-2d-1 for about a week after snowmelt. After mid June, CO2 flux was a sink until mid September; those levels showed clear seasonal trends with a maximum of −17.8gCO2 m-2d-1 occurring on August 2. The Tundra ecosystem at Barrow accumulated −335gCO2 m-2 during 122 days of growing season in 2000. Photosynthesis and ecosystem respiration calculated by TCBM were −490gCO2 m-2 and 156 gCO2m-2, respectively. The larger photosynthesis and lower respiration were brought about because of the high water level condition, with standing water completely submerging the base of the wet sedge tundra. These conditions provided high photosynthetic activity and less gases-exchange between rhizosphere and atmosphere.
  • 中井 太郎, 浦野 慎一, 佐藤 隆光, 平野 高司
    原稿種別: その他
    専門分野: その他
    2003 年 59 巻 2 号 p. 155-164
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2004/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Sensible heat advection from a 3-m-tall cornfield to a short grassland with a height of 0.3m was evaluated by wind speed and turbulent diffusivity, which were numerically calculated with a standard k-ε model including the effect of plant-atmosphere interaction, together with measured air temperature. The calculated wind speed agreed with the measurements. Air temperature was interpolated at each grid point by a bicubic spline method; the grid dataset of air temperature was used as a boundary condition to solve the advection-diffusion equation.At noon on a sunny day in late summer, air temperature showed a horizontally-decreasing distribution from the cornfield to the grassland and a vertical lapse over the grassland. Horizontal wind accelerated between the cornfield and grassland, and downward wind existed over the grassland. Under these conditions, the horizontal advection increased the vertical gradient of sensible heat flux ∂H/∂z, while the vertical advection decreased it. Since the horizontal advection was predominant, ∂H/∂z was generally positive. The effect of the vertical advection was significant near the leading edge. However, the effect decreased with downwind distance from the edge and was negligible near the grassland surface.
  • 青野 靖之, 守屋 千晶
    原稿種別: その他
    専門分野: その他
    2003 年 59 巻 2 号 p. 165-177
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2004/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    The generalization of model to estimate flowering dates for cherry trees (Prunus yedoensis) is attempted, considering processes both of endodormancy completion and development. As the basis of estimation, an accumulation model using an exponential function of daily mean temperature, called DTS (the number of days transformed to standard temperature) method, is used for expressing development of flower buds. The flowering date is estimated as the date on which the DTS, accumulated since a suitable starting date, reaches a predetermined DTS value. In this study, three models with different procedures to determine suitable starting data and DTS accumulations for flowering are constructed and verified, using data from meteorological stations in the warm region of Japan. The model A requires the complex procedure with analysis of previous temperature and phenological data to determine suitable starting date and DTS accumulations in each station, although this model gives accurate estimations. The generalized model B, without consideration of endodormancy completion process, includes the simplified procedure for determination of starting date and the constant DTS accumulations for flowering for all stations in Japan. However, in the warm region of Japan, interannual variation in advancement of the endodormancy completion process, which was influenced by winter temperature conditions, causes the change in the DTS accumulation required until the actual flowering date, and is attributed to the reduction in accuracy of estimations from models A and B. In generalized model C with consideration of endodormancy completion process, the suitable starting date is determined for each station, applying the equation, which includes some climatic and topographic factors, and the DTS accumulations for flowering are deduced as a function of the chill-unit accumulations, which represents the degree of endodormancy completion advancement in each year. On Hachijojima island, near the warm-side boundary for growing, model C reduced RMSE of estimates to 3.1 days from 6.4 days of that from model A. In the model verification using data from the warm region, the averages of RMSEs in estimations from models A, B and C were 2.7, 3.0 and 2.8 days, respectively. It means that the consideration of endodormancy completion process in model C compensated the decrease in model accuracy, which is attributed to introducing some simplified procedures into the model.
  • 岡田 周平, 川本 珠生, 神近 牧男
    原稿種別: その他
    専門分野: その他
    2003 年 59 巻 2 号 p. 179-187
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2004/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to evaluate the use of paper as a mulch for plant production, this research investigated the optical characteristics of two recycled papers (Emboss and Eco, beige 120 g/m2, and dark brown 55 g/m2, respectively) and a silver-polyethylene film (Silver, containing aluminum powder). We measured transmittance and reflectance of these materials as mulches under light controlled and open field (Tottori Sand Dune) conditions. Reflectance was defined as a ratio of reflective radiance of the mulch surface to that of the reflection standard surface.Used as mulches, all three materials would inhibit weed growth as they prevented the penetration of light at 660 nm, which stimulates weed germination. Mean transmittance at 400-700 nm for all three was less than 1%. The reflectance of Emboss and Eco was low for ultraviolet (350-400 nm). but high for visible (400-700 nm) and near infrared rays (700-2, 500 nm). The opposite was found with Silver. The radiances of the three mulches on fair and cloudy days were compared. The radiance of the three mulches on the cloudy day were high for ultraviolet but low for visible and near infrared rays. The light scattering property of each material was measured hemispherically at 5 angles: 30°, 60°, 90°, 120° and 150°. Silver reflected light more strongly in the direction against the angle of the sun. In contrast, Emboss generally reflected more light than Eco in all directions, both had no significant differences among the directions. Because Emboss reflects photosynthetically active radiation (400-700nm) at a wider angle than Silver, it may be better for plant photosynthesis.
  • 鳥谷 均, 石郷岡 康史
    原稿種別: その他
    専門分野: その他
    2003 年 59 巻 2 号 p. 189-198
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2004/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    We studied the relationship between climatic conditions, such as temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation, and net primary production (NPP) estimated using the Miami model for Japan, China, and other regions in Asia. In the Miami model, NPP is constrained by either air temperature or precipitation. Our analysis showed that, in Japan, NPP is predominantly constrained by temperature, whereas precipitation is the major constraint factor in some portions of China, such as the region in the south of the Huang He River and in northwestern China. We also clarified that in the period when the average temperature was 5 degrees Celsius or more and precipitation was 50% or more of potential evapotranspiration, NPP is mostly proportional to solar radiation. In the present study, we defined the amount of solar radiation under these conditions as production effective solar radiation (PESR). This factor indicated available solar radiation for NPP. We further calculated the conversion coefficient with which PESR is converted into the NPP of natural vegetation. The conversion coefficient was 0.35 to 0.37 gMJ-1 and in general agreement with the values derived from radiation use efficiency (RUE) presented by Monteith (1977). A comparison of annual solar radiation (ASR) and PESR showed that PESR was up to 20% smaller in Japan, and up to 40% smaller than ASR in China. It showed that up to 40% of ASR does not contribute to NPP in some parts of Japan due to the constraint of air temperature, and that up to 20% of ASR is not utilized for NPP in the south of Huang He River due to the constraint of precipitation. The fraction of ASR that is not used by NPP was higher in India and Pakistan, where 20 to 60% of ASR does not play a role in the production of biomass due to the constraint of precipitation. These results showed the possibility of estimating the NPP using PESR under climatic constraints in various types of vegetation.
  • 伊藤 健吾, 江塚 友康, 大槻 恭一, 神近 牧男
    原稿種別: その他
    専門分野: その他
    2003 年 59 巻 2 号 p. 199-204
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2004/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, we tried to diagnose the stress that was brought by water shortage and salinization by spectral reflectance. The concentration of chlorophyll and leaf water content with raw leaf of grass was changed by these stresses. Spectral reflectance was influenced by the stresses too. But the pattern of spectral curve changes was not the same for water shortage and salinization. The concentration of chlorophyll was decreased similarly by both stresses. On the other hands, the leaf water content was extremely decreased by water shortage compared to salinization. We couldn’t learn the cause of stress using the concentration of chlorophyll as the only index of stress. It is necessary for diagnosis of stress that both concentration of chlorophyll and leaf water content be applied as the indexes of stress. The concentration of chlorophyll and leaf water content could be measured by spectral reflectance not concerned with the kind of stress. The concentration of chlorophyll was estimated by R800 nm/R680 nm. The leaf water content was estimated by R1200 nm/R1500 nm. Application of these indexes makes possible the diagnosis of water shortage and salinization stress by remote sensing.